Tuesday, 1 October 2024



Sugata Bose @Debkanti Moitra :  অবাঙমনোসগোচর বলেই তো তিনি স্বতন্ত্র | আবার অশুদ্ধ গুণসম্পন্ন মনের গোচর না হলেও বিশুদ্ধ গুণাতীত মনের গোচর, অর্থাৎ, আত্মগোচর, Self-perceived. তাকেই তো অপরোক্ষানুভূতি বলে | The Self brooding on the Self in Its own singular domain, transcendent, Self-reflexive, so Self-conscious and integrally so. তাই স্বতন্ত্র |

Sugata Bose @Disciple : I want a beautiful disciple, face shining like the midday sun or like the fullmoon Kojāgari, purity in every pore speaking out the Veda like the Brahmavādinis of yore, death conquered, divine delight overflowing the bounds of the body, surpassing limitations of the mind, the heart immersed in Thakur, form stationed blissfully at his lotus feet at Dakshineshwar, listening to his nectarine words in rapture, tears trickling down the edges of those gelatinous bluish eyes with bliss rising in an ascending current of boundless joy. Such a one I wish you to become on this hallowed first night of the fortnight of the merciful Mother. Bless you ever and ever!

Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Maity : How can you prove logically anything exists unless you presuppose your own existence without furnishing proof for it in the first place, for who will prove when he himself has not been pre-proved and who will be proved unless he has been assumed to exist without proof of such?

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : In a capitalist world, though, the latter rules and occupies central position on the front page while the latter is relegated to the pages of history in oblivion, shelved from human memory for good. In a declining culture of commercial prominence this is the case in corrupt concurrence with valour playing second fiddle to vice that rules.

Sugata Bose @Manish Bhattacharjee : Correct. Hammered home the point. Salutations to your pinpointed observation! True it is, as you succinctly put it, that Durgā Pujā is not a Bengali festival as such but specifically a Hindu festival. Were it merely a Bengali festival, Bangladeshi Muslim Bengalis would not have severed connections with it nor attempted to thwart its celebration or observance.

Sugata Bose @Disciple : I will never leave you to your fate but shall guard over you always. But give me the due respect, the reverence that is due, which cannot be by constant neglect that kills association or wittingly or unwittingly weakens bond. Relations are malleable entities and must be constantly nurtured for their fullest fruition. Undue neglect over a protracted period of time despite being cautioned against it does not bespeak good about intent or otherwise. Work and circumstance may never aid but one overrides them to communicate if one's priorities are duly set in that direction. Else, one does as one desires and comes to relational grief which has not been thus far nor will it be. But that should not prompt one to set a relation to disadvantage and test its truth. The veracity of my statement is in its very philosophical and scientific foundation, energy depleting following the inverse square law of time and distance, implying here the frequency, intent and content of communication. 🕉

P.S. Remember I am a man of unshakeable resolve. If I once make up my mind on something, it is well nigh impossible to deflect me from the path unless my soft heart melting in accommodating erring ones, shifts stance. The word kept manifests power and truth preserved develops a gigantic will. Such a will acts on impressionable minds and casts them into their best forms. Such is the way of the Avatar. We, lesser humans, tend to change as per changing situations and circumstances, and thus we tend to weaken our wills. Character, though, is to maintain truthfulness and the word of honour. The word kept raises one spiritually, word broken lowers social prestige, self-esteem and power of personality. Of what avail then is to break resolve every now and then when its preservation is of such inestimable value?

Disciples are a special responsibility and they can never be forsaken for good, even if to teach a good lesson a mock separation is effected for a while. Constant disobedience by a solitary disciple is a thorn in my arm and I shall relinquish myself from keeping in communication with her hereon. To insult a Guru is not desirable but that is exactly what is happening in this case. The liss shall not be mine as I will break contact from now on. Yhe loss shall be hers. So shall it be. So let it be. In peaceful separation I shall abide with head held high. If others have work, do do I, but I never show it. Do have I become dispensable. No more. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Tapash Banerjee : ওটা ঠাকুরের 'ব্রহ্ম শুদ্ধ মনের গোচর' কথাটাকেই আর এক ভাবে বলার প্রয়াসমাত্র | আপনার সাথে এ বিষয়ে সহমত | কিন্তু ঠাকুরের কথাটা ধরেই বলেছি | ভাষার প্রয়োগমাত্র | নইলে সেভাবে বলতে গেলে তো ব্রহ্মকে ব্রহ্মও বলা যায় না, সচ্চিদানন্দও বলা যায় না, গুণময়ও বলা যায় না, গুণাতীতও বলা যায় না, সগুণও বলা যায় না, নির্গুণও বলা যায় না, অস্তিমাত্রমও বলা যায়, নাস্তিমাত্রমও বলা যায় না, অর্থাৎ, কিছুই বলা যায় না আবার কিছু না বলাও যায় না | ব্রহ্মজ্ঞ অথবা ব্রহ্মজ্ঞানী, ব্রহ্মজ্ঞান, কিছুই বলা যায় না |

Sugata Bose @Abida Sultana : বাংলাদেশটাই (তৎকালীন পূর্ব পাকিস্তান) তো ১৯৪৭ সালে ভারতবর্ষ হতে হিন্দু গণনিধনের দ্বারা বলপ্রয়োগে ছিনিয়ে নেওয়া, অর্থাৎ, প্রকারান্তরে তা ভারতমাতারই দুষ্ট সন্তানকে মাতৃবিত্তদান | তাহলে কি বাংলাদেশটাও ভারতের পূর্ববর্তী অংশরূপে প্রত্যাখ্যান করবেন বলে স্থির করলেন? 🕉

Sugata Bose @Shyamacharan Pandey : That goes without saying. To start with, Hindus must study Vivekananda thoroughly. But few, alas, do it, fewer both Vivekananda and the Islamic trinity of scriptures for comparative conception. After all, so few, on account of this massive ignorance, are actually aware of the source of their civilisational danger, the threat of their annihilation as a race, their gory history of conversion, plunder, mass murder, molestation of women and their sale in the markets of Arbaia, the castration of their boys and mass enslavement, all buried beneath the desert sands of dead history owing to an utter loss of civilisational sense that has its genesis in multiple factors that are too complex for quick enumeration here. Hence, a beginning must be made with the dual and simultaneous study of the Sanatan Dharma and Islam as opposed to the delay in study of the latter after the former has been done, for the former course, too vast and complex and bewildering, will consume one's entire lifetime and leave no room for proper awareness of the tenets of the latter which is essential for the civilisational survival of the Hindus. Talk has been much and little follow-up study. So, onward with the latter! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Prakash Gupta : Yes, this is the injunction of the Qur'an, the divine mandate all true Muslims are bound to follow. Fraternising the kafir (infidel) is forbidden in Islam.

Sugata Bose @Reels : Music should be more manly. This sort of effeminate rendition does disservice to the cause of Hindu invigoration. The marching of the young women here is manifestly potent enough to deserve a more virile rendition of the background song. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Narayanan P D Namboodiri : This man (Zakir Naik) is a joker and his affirmations are jokes, albeit toxic ones. Islam is on the way out for all its pious pretensions. The world is modernising and soon will not subscribe to such perverted principles, such toxic tenets, such medieval messages that are worth a trifling. His brethren, despite his best efforts to the contrary, are wholesale going to apostasise soon, going by the way the Ex-Muslim Movement is picking up in the East and the West alike. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Bhupal Prasad Chakrabarti : These are precious children who are subjecting themselves to the rigours of hunger-strike and potentially damaging their sensitive systems to bring home their message to a deaf person of little sensitivity and malicious intent. I hope sanity prevails soon and brings about an amicable solution to this festering problem of demands made and not met. Meanwhile, may the junior doctors readress their line of action and modify it to bring in a relay system of fasting by different individuals, each for a bearable duration and not a health-impairing period of disastrous future consequence. The blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear and the heartless cannot feel. Why suffer permanent physical impairment to drive home a point to such worthless individuals who when they fast, though, draw curtains down to feast upon delicacies?

Sugata Bose @Umasankar Roy : We should rather learn from our friend, Israel. But ours is a much more complex problem. With a far heavier demographic presence the situation is the worst in India with respect to any other nation where Dar-ul-lslam has not yet been set up, and growing worse by the day. Of course I mean our part of partitioned India. And the most alarming feature of it is that the relative birth-rate of Hindus is falling by the day because of growing awareness of the benefits of family-planning but simultaneously awareness about Islam's tenets is not increasing owing to this menace of organisational untruth-telling following the principles of pseudosecularism. Now we must individually make efforts to create little whirlpools of awareness, of knowledge of the Islamic trinity of scriptures and their stated intent of Ghazwa-e-Hind. That done, Hindus will defend themselves suitably, for knowledge is power and ignorance the invitation to invasion and death. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Nath Prodyot : No. It is a decision taken to prevent any untoward event in view of the rising Islamic intolerance in Bangladesh right now. And this is true only of the Ramakrishna Mission, Dinajpur branch centre in Bangladesh. Elsewhere, even in Dhaka, the Kumari Puja is on.

Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : I know but that is the only way to oust a malfunctioning government democratically unless, of course, you mean the establishment of President's Rule as the means to doing it.

Sugata Bose @Umasankar Roy : And what will be the modus operandi for such fraternal help? How will Israel interfere in our internal affairs under international law, and how can a sovereign nation like India invite such an administrative invasion?

Sugata Bose @Prakash Gupta : Because Islam mandates the destruction of all non-believers who practise the unpardonable offence of 'shirk' (partnering God). And Hindus with their plethora of gods and goddesses who they deem to be divine in the highest sense invariably do that. Hence, they must by divine dictate be destroyed either through conversion or by eviction or worst by physical annihilation. This has been the recurring theme of Islamic history everywhere, no less in our much-molested motherland which is enduring a millennium-old occupation of an alien ideology intent upon transforming Dar-ul-Harb here unto Dar-ul-lslam, Ghazwa-e-Hind its explicit statement in this regard by way of final solution to establishing Islamic hegemony here. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Pranab Dev : These are not exclusive issues. They may be simultaneously done. This is the parallel scheme of things, the democratic process of mass democratisation of the Dharma.

Sugata Bose @Glorinda Milan Mathan : No, Zakir Naik is very much presenting here what is theologically mandated by Islam right from its original trinity of scriptures. If you find it obnoxious, you must question the textual origins, not merely the meandering currents thereafter.

Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : Even then with the massive minority vote bank and the dole bank at its disposal, it may be difficult to dislodge the ruling dispensation from power, especially as leftist concerns are rife about a certain unofficial electoral arrangement between the other two major parties to keep the left parties out of the electoral equation. 

Bengal responds but rather slowly to effecting change unlike Kerala where the ruling party changes almost invariably every five years. Contrast it with Bengal's voting Congress to power for nearly 20 years at a stretch, the Communists for a like 34 years and now the Trinamool for an unbroken 15 years. A lazy polity prefers slavery to change, its indolence possibly fearing the unknown devil more than the known one of gauged evil. 

But the evil that has of late unfolded before the public eye has been beyond its wildest conception and here lies hope for change, provided any opposition party of consolidated infrastructure has leadership worth the salt to galvanise the masses unto such a transformative change.

Sugata Bose @Diptendra Nath Chattopadhyay : Sri Ramakrishna and Swamiji both performed Kumāri Pūjā. It is the noblest and sublimest affirmation of the divinity of woman as opposed to it being a detestable practice as you say.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [The Galppsalpo] : Leon Lansberg and not Landmark  Please pronounce properly.

Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : Your abiding love moves me. I am well, very well, but it a wellspring of love that issues from your heart that is a wonder. Indeed, such constancy of love is consciousness itself and verily the way to God. Keep it ever afresh and brewing in the distillery of your being such that no aught of earth touches you with its defilement. May your soul be suffused thus with an all-chastening, all-sublimating, all-consuming love that knows neither logic nor law but is an outlaw in this world of deliberate deeds and determined dreams! Bless you ever and ever! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Raja Maverick : তাহলে তো তাঁদের নিজেদেরও গোল্লায় পাঠিয়েছেন তাঁরা আদিতেই | তাই না ? ব্যাপারটা বিসদৃশ লাগছে না কেমন একটু ? 

নাকি সব স্নেহান্ধ মাতাপিতা,

মার-কস মুনির চেলা ?

ছেলেপিলে ওধারে গেলেই

বলেন, "পালা ! পালা ! পালা !"

Sugata Bose @Suresh Jha : Please allow us to share this inspirational piece on the life and works of the departed divine, Swami Shashankanandaji Maharaj, who I had the good fortune to view from a distance at Belur Nath but not the occasion to interact. From reading your account a void has been created and a void filled. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : So can you win (the Nobel Prize) if your search is sincere and research refined.

Sugata Bose @Deshi : ধর্মই দায়ী | যেখানে যখনই এই বিশেষ ধর্মটি বলবতী হয়েছে, সেখানে তখনই সর্বনাশ সংঘটিত হয়েছে | এ তো ইতিহাস | একে অস্বীকার করলে হবে না | তথ্য, তত্ত্ব ও পরিসংখ্যান মানতেই হবে | নইলে দ্বিচারিতা হবে, মিথ্যাচার হবে | সত্যকে সত্যরূপে বলা চাই | তবেই দুষ্টের দমন সম্ভব যদিও তার আশা খুবই কম বাংলাদেশে কারণ তার জাতিয় ধর্মিয়করণ অতি বেশিমাত্রায় এযাবৎ হয়েই গেছে যা এই বিশেষ ধর্মটির মূল লক্ষ্য | এখন পরিস্থিতি ক্রমশঃ আরও খারাপের দিকে যাবে যা এই ধর্মের অভিপ্রেত | অতএব, লড়তে যদি হয়, তো মানুষকে মূর্খ বলে প্রসঙ্গান্তর না করে এই ধর্মটির তাত্ত্বিক বৈশিষ্টগুলি সোজাসুজি জনসমক্ষে তুলে ধরুন যেমন ধরেন তসলীমা নাসরীন | তবেই সভ্যতা যথাযথভাবে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হবে বাংলাদেশে | নচেৎ তার পতন অবশ্যম্ভাবী | কেউ এ অধোগতি রুখতে পারবে না |

Sugata Bose @Sri Aurobindo, The Great : Let high romance take place instead, that of Rādhā-Krishna, Sitā-Rām, Meerā-Krishna, Saradā-Rāmakrishna. That will be meet indeed, the meat of the matter, this self-obsession redirected the right way and not along puerile channels invariably implied by way of linguistic undercurrent, personal deification defying decency and truth, sublime in its sophisticated presentation but toxic in terms of implicit content, the eternal effort at fooling those deliberate ones who can choose to do no better than offer their insincere selves to such a psychological affront that is not even remotely spiritual, for it is a deliberate denial of truth behind pompous diction. 🕉 

Sugata Bose @Jayanti Rakshit : The pertinent point here is someone's French pronunciation of Rafāel, thuri, rafalā in words. There trās is tās and the rest is trash. The point here besides in another sense is a trifle subtle but significant in its import as there is a deep connection as well between trās (dread) and tās (cards---a house of cards).

Sugata Bose @Subhas Banerjee : দুর্গাপূজাকে দুর্গাপূজা বলবেন বইকি কিন্তু দুর্গোৎসবকে শারদোৎসব বললে দুর্গাপূজারূপ উৎসব, এ ভাবটি আবৃত হয়ে পড়ে তার উদযাপনের বার্ষিক সময়ের আড়ালে ঠিক যেমন ব্রহ্মোৎসবকে মাঘোৎসব বললে ব্রহ্মকে আবৃত করে মাঘ মাসকে, অর্থাৎ, তার উদযাপনের বার্ষিক সময়কে অধিক মাত্রা দেওয়া হয় | উৎসব তো মা দুর্গাকে নিয়েই, শরৎ ঋতুকে নিয়ে নয় তো | যদি অন্য সময়ে দুর্গাপূজা হত, যথা হেমন্তকালে, তাহলে কি একই ভাবে দুর্গোৎসবকে হেমন্তোৎসব বলতাম ? অর্থাৎ, প্রতি ক্ষেত্রেই পূজা গৌণ, সামাজিক আনন্দোৎসব মুখ্য ? এ সব চিন্তা মাথায় এলো তথাগত রায়ের কমিউনিস্টদের প্রতি কটাক্ষে এই নিরিখে | অবশ্য তৎপরবর্তি ভাববিস্তার এ বিষয়ে সম্পূর্ণ আমার ব্যক্তিগত বিশ্লেষণের সম্প্রসারণ | 🕉

Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : আছে | আমাদের প্রাণ, সাহস, প্রতিরোধ আর জনজীবনগঠন আত্মার আলোয় আত্মজীবন গঠনের দ্বারা | মূল সম্বল এখনও আছে আমাদের | তার নাম স্বামীজী কিন্তু সেখানেও তাঁর 'বাণী ও রচনা' পাঠের যে সম্মিলিত প্রচেষ্টা করছি তাতে রামকৃষ্ণ-বিবেকানন্দ ভক্তদের প্রবল অনীহা দেখতে পাচ্ছি | এই আশাটি, বিবেকানন্দদর্শন আজও বাংলায় অজ্ঞানমেঘপুঞ্জ দ্বারা আচ্ছাদিত মধ্যাহ্নসূর্যের ন্যায় আজও বিদ্যমান | চাই শুধু প্রচেষ্টা সেই অজ্ঞানমেঘ অপসারণের | তাহলেই দিনমণি দিকে দিকে কিরণবর্ষণ করবেন |

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