Wednesday, 30 October 2024



Vibration is life. Vibration transforms personality. Sāttvik vibrations are the core content of spirituality. They transform society. The fallen are lifted as God descends into human clay to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. This is the purpose of the descent, this the mission of the Divine. The Avatar in his boundless mercy becomes one of us to redeem us. His love is of pure sattva and is the solvent for our hardened crust-consciousness which dissolves at its benign touch. The resolution thus reached is the evolved spiritual current that directs humanity along the divine channel, plumbing spiritual depths hitherto forgotten, now rediscovered and traversed in. The Avatar's work is subtle and acts in the subliminal consciousness of man, effecting changes that are unseen, yet whose myriad manifestations in the diverse walks of life usher in a new age. And all this is vibrational transformation, the sattva acting on rajas and tamas to resolve the rise unto higher heights, deeper depths. Such is the path of 'Yugadharmasangsthāpan', the establishment of the spiritual-ethical code of the Age. It is vibration all the way. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo: This is a painting, I believe, by an artist post the passage of Paramahamsadev from the earthly plane, perhaps decades after. The prostrate form is of Bhakta Rasik, the scavenger devotee of Si Ramakrishna who lived near the precincts of the Dakshineshwar Kali Temple, at whose house in the depths of the nightly hour the young Ramakrishna, then borne on the high current of spiritual fervour, surreptitiously stole into to clean up the latrine and wipe off the water sprayed with his long matted hair to do away with the least vestige of spiritual pride born of higher birth as a brāhman. This went on night after night till the young aspirant, now shorn of unevenness of bearing, stood tall on the golden mean of life where all rise and fall have resolved unto perennial equilibrium, the origin of life where coordinates have sunk into nothingness. The Master had arrived but the 'myathor' (sweeper) had not been redeemed as yet. Rasik, sweeping the temple precincts, observed devotees, mendicant monks, pilgrims and people of diverse persuasions vist the Master and seek his blessings. But he, low-born as he was in those days of caste-ridden consciousness, lowly employed as he was in those days of socially stratified vocations, dared not to seek the Master's divine grace till it fell upon him one fateful day, when the environs were free of human traffic that could intervene, to dive at those hallowed feet when the divine one was returning from his haunt in Panchavati. Instantly the young Avatar passed into ecstacy and blessed Rasik with prospective spiritual vision in the final hours of his life, a prophecy which came to fulfil as Rasik ascended the heavenly stairs with the Master, then long gone from his earthly abode, but in the vesper hour of his life right beside his bed. The first meet was here at Panchavati with the devotee at the feet of the Divine. The next was in perennial union of the twain in the twilight of the sweeper's life when earthly aught had all been swept away in one final grace of the One who never leaves His devotee alone, never, never forsakes the one who has surrendered at His feet as Rasik has here done. This divine moment has been captured in the artist's imagination thus and portrayed before us all as 'a thing of beauty' which 'is a joy forever.' Jai Ramakrishna! Jai Bhakta Rasik! 🕉

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