Friday 11 October 2024



Sugata Bose @Dola : হৃদয়বতী, বুঝিয়া লও |

Sugata Bose @Dola : অনশনকারীদের বেরোতে হবে কেন সংকল্প হতে ? সরকারকে আত্মসংশোধন করতে হবে অবিলম্বেই | দায় কি ত্যাগস্থিত অনশনকারীদের ?

Sugata Bose @Swami Bhavatmananda : Maharaj, that is our high hope, our sole solace. The Ramakrishna Mission was founded by Swamiji to fulfil the grand purpose of Sanatan salvation and world regeneration. It is a tall order and may take centuries to fulfil but one feels despondent to witness a certain apathy of the Mission towards the fulfilment of Swamiji's great aspiration of Ramakrishna Mission being a great missionary organisation that would spread its wings rapidly across the world, an objective---despite a slow and almost inconsequential spread---that has sadly not been attempted much since several decades. This is a lengthy discussion that cannot be done here but despite individuals being committed to Thakur-Swamiji's ideals as best as they can, the Mission seems to have moved away from Swamiji's path. Its apathy towards the general global situation, national situation and the plight of the persecuted Hindus at the hands of Islamists requires much to be desired and cannot be covered up by their so-called apolitical status while taking full advantage of proximity to politicians in their philanthropic inaugural programmes and elsewhere of no doubt respectable affairs. The inability to call a spade a spade has much devalued the Mission's goodwill in the public eye and is progressively alienating them from the public which is not a healthy sign for the Mission's prospects. Hope the younger generation of monks turn on a new leaf and do the necessary course-correction to prevent the Mission's further alienation from the body politic of the nation. Where does the Mission in bold voice preach Thakur-Swamiji's message beyond meekly quoting certain cherry-picked passages? These are contentious issues that need addressing, issues which the average over-adulating devotee neither discerns nor discusses but which bold ones (forgiveness entreated for self-proclamation) like myself feel strongly about and unambiguously articulate. As a monk of the Order that is our crown-jewel and as one who is affable and courteous beyond bounds, I hope that you will forgive me for my communication thus and take the content of my message to heart and act in accordance as per the dictates of your discriminating conscience. Your own commitment to the cause is in line with the Mission's great tradition and inspires me to pen these words of disconsolate suppressed feelings. May Thakur keep you in health, happiness, high idealism and perfected practice! Shubha Bijoya, Maharaj! Pranam! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Indradeep Narayan Banerjee : Do not deflect the blame from the shoulders of the Trinamool government in the state to that of the BJP-led coalition government at the centre.

Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : I have mentioned the word 'superficial' which puts my point in perspective. Moreover, unless the spiritual eye opens, people, trapped as they are in Maya, interpret this world as purely material without realising its deeper spiritual basis in much the same way superstitious people mistake natural phenomena which are perfectly explicable by natural science as caused by astral agents.

Sugata Bose @Shankar Kumar Chatterjee : Yes, that is what Swamiji says and that agrees with natural law if we take thought as waves which therefore ought to follow wave theory. You have made a pertinent point, the thought element, and this will inspire me to campaign along dual lines hereon. Advance gratitude to you.

Sugata Bose @Ujjayaini Roy : পিশাচিনীর রক্তে আবার অতিমাত্রায় চিনি | যত চাপ, তত চিনি | কিন্তু তাঁকে আমরা চিনি কই ?

Sugata Bose @Sumit Chattopadhyay : রসিক বটে মশাই আপনি |

Sugata Bose @Ujjayaini Roy : 

উদাশিনী বেশে পিশাচিনী এসে

খেয়ে গেল যা ছিল অভুক্ত |

রুধিরলালসায় মত্ত পিপাসায়

পান করে শোণিত করযুক্ত ||

Sugata Bose @Swapan Bhose : The very word 'mystery' is distasteful and Swamiji never liked to use such words. It could be better written as 'inscrutable'. "Inscrutable are the ways of the Lord," as the saying goes. The word 'mystery' shrouds Truth in a manner that causes in the common mind further delusion than ought to be merited otherwise. "Truth is as clear as daylight," Swamiji said, and this sort of diction, as Sri Aurobindo is wont to using, would make it seem esoteric. As it stands, the workings of Maya are indeed inscrutable (Anirvachaniya Maya). They are not within the grasp of even sincere aspirants with a high degree of organic refinement that otherwise enables them to apprehend subtle spiritual truths. They are beyond the scope of human comprehension, limited as it is by the finite instrument of the brain, the subtlety simply eluding even the most blessed nervous organisation. There is much in Sri Aurobindo that suggests that he is seeking self-glory as is evident in the book 'Sri Aurobindo on Himself' and this is in sharp contrast to the self-effacement one witnesses in genuine spiritual seekers and realised souls. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Bobby Hakim : Noted everything but cannot fathom exactly what you intend to state. What is your position exactly? Also, your identity is concealed behind a name which I guess is probably not yours really, neither is there any profile photograph to identify you otherwise. In such a case of obscure identity conversation cannot be carried on.

Sugata Bose @Bobby Hakim : Of course it is which is why it is needed in all documents. One cannot converse with a phantom. Identity disclosure is basic civility and we are in a civil conversation.

Sugata Bose @Dola : আমার মতামত জানার আগে নিজের মতামত প্রকাশ্যে বলুন | আমার মতামত তো আমার প্রভূত প্রতিবেদনে দিবালোকের ন্যায় প্রকাশিত | সেগুলো পড়ে বুঝে নিন | দুর্বৃত্তের, দুষ্টের, দানবের সমর্থক আমি নই |

Sugata Bose @Bobby Hakim : But Swamiji showed his form even when he stated it.

Sugata Bose @Bobby Hakim : Agreed but still I feel more comfortable speaking to someone I can see rather than with a 'voice without a form'. Anyhow, you can continue as I decipher you as a person respectful of Swamiji and well-versed in his literature. One has to be careful about caustic commentators but you are genuine in your intent. So, conversation can continue.

Sugata Bose @Nilmoni Mondal : But suggest what they (RKM) can perhaps do to redeem themselves.

Sugata Bose @Dola : আপনার মতামত কিন্তু জানালেন না | শুধু আমারটা জানতে চাইলেন | রাজ্য প্রশাসনিক দুর্নীতি সম্বন্ধে আপনার অভিমত কি ?

Sugata Bose @Tarasankar Chatterjee : Unless a great man attains to Brahmajnāna, he cannot be deemed a Muktajeeva. Great men like Rāmmohun, Vidyāsāgar, Bankimchandra, Rabindranāth, Gāndhiji, Netaji and the like are deemed Mahāpurushes but they were not Muktajeevas. They were Mumukshujeevas atmost. Hence. Others of greatness but of lower denominations are/were bound souls, hence, Baddhajeevas. Unless a person attempts in all seriousness and perfect purity to attain spiritual liberation, he, however great, cannot even be deemed an aspirant for liberation or a Mumukshujeeva. He remains, despite his prodigious talents, a body-bound soul or a Baddhajeeva. We ascribe greatness/Mahāpurushhood to individuals of seminal greatness in terms of their talents, achievements and contributions to human society. But our ascription does not technically and truly qualify them in scriptural terms to be deemed Muktajeeva (liberated soul), although, to all intents and purposes, to our infatuated vision they may seem to be so. But really, not quite. Hence, you see.

So far as my analysis and inference goes, I have followed the scriptures in my understanding, leave aside my personal spiritual attainments about which you are sarcastically sceptical. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Swami Shuddhidananda : Why did the Ramakrishna Mission itself not adequately protest against the evil forces when gun-wielding goons attacked its Siliguri Ashram in April, 2024, kidnapping monks and ransacking the Ashram premises? Was strength lacking? Why did the General Secretary of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Swami Suvirananda, meekly cower before the ruling dispensation even as he made his Press statements, even to the extent of praising the Chief Minister for her help in Ramakrishna Mission projects when the latter had openly attacked the Ramakrishna Mission, Asansol for allegedly secretly aligning itself with the Bharatiya Janata Party leadership in New Delhi, apparently against the interests of the Trinamool Congress? 🕉 

Sugata Bose @Swami Shuddhidananda : "You have to resist evil," you say it to us, Maharaj? Then resist the indiscriminate fund-raising by the Ramakrishna Mission, the virtual selling of prasad coupons while covering it up as spontaneous donation-giving by the lined-up devotees who are denied prasad otherwise. I understand your logic but the manner in which it is conducted bespeaks a commercial craving and a spiritual degeneration. These go against the very spirit of Sri Ramakrishna, and Swami Premananda in particular regarding prasad, and against the long tradition in renunciation of the Mission itself. Do not lower Swamiji's ideals and try to rationalise such lowering in the name of 'immense practicality', forgetting in the process Swamiji's prefix of 'immense idealism'. Above all, do not do so right in front of Thakur's temple at Belur Math. There are offences more, grievances galore which I have no time or scope to write about here but which you, Maharaj, noble and upright as you are, nonetheless know about and yet cannot muster the courage to confront your General Secretary and root out the wrong practices about which Swami Nityaswarupanandaji was the one to point out decades back in the 1980s but whose voice was stifled and the situation allowed to progressively worsen till the Mission has lost its original character that was steeped in austere renunciation and hence has become uninspiring for us who were used to those halcyon days of the Mission's spiritual glory. Shubha Bijoya, Maharaj! Pranam. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Surajit Kundu : This song and dance culture even in monasteries will spell the doom of an effeminate race which has frustrated the hopes of such a seminal sage as Swami Vivekananda who had exhorted his fellow Bengalis to shun effeminacy and manifest manhood. But if from the very heart-centre of Swamiji's earthly habitat such song and dance culture emanates while Hindus are being persecuted everywhere for their lack of unity and strength, then it is a sad betrayal of Swamiji's said ideal and a careless capitulation into effeminate pastimes. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Kapil Patil : You are apparently a Hindu as well. Help us transform this 'useless' endeavour into a useful one.

Sugara Bose @Kapil Patil : Help the useful ones.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : And I could see it coming in 2009 itself from residence in close quarters. We feel the heat in geoproximity and yet dare to protest, risking repression. Mocking from afar is easier. Nonetheless, appreciate your constant campaign against the sorry state of affairs. Do not mistake my observation to be criticism of your rightfully conducted campaign but to set the record straight for readers who may harbour such notions of the density of local brains and the inordinate peeceptiveness of the ones located afar. It is always more difficult to fight the fire from within the cauldron than to spit fire from without, but heroism lies evidently in the former. Please continue to write and I will continue to read so that we achieve our common objective of seeking riddance of our perfidious political position which is veritably an imposition now. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : But protesting from home turf is tougher, riskier and braver than from safe haven abroad.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : But protesting from home turf is tougher, riskier and braver than from safe haven abroad. Remaining in the thick of things and resisting calls for a courage that is of a different order than indulging in carping criticisms from a safe distance where even the long arms of the law can scarce reach. Come home and join in the protest using the same language if you can muster courage enough to do so. This I say not by way of challenging your stance or by way of opposing it but by way of clarification of the point I had earlier made. I hope you understand. Meanwhile, carry on protesting your way and may our collective might bring forth healthy changes in human society wherever ill-health has crept in to debilitate life. Vande Mataram!

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : I just made a point that it is easier to criticise from a safe distance abroad, far more difficult and daring to do so from close quarters within easy range of police persecution.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : I just made a point that it is easier to criticise from a safe distance abroad, far more difficult and daring to do so from close quarters within easy range of police persecution. You cannot be day in and day out harassed by the powers that be here. You cannot be arrested for no rhyme or reason or by fabricated charge by the local police which protestors are facing here. Hence, your job is easier and would have been more commendable had you done so while living in the heart of the troubled zone. Anyhow, do not misinterpret my statements to mean that I am demeaning your protest in any way. All such resistance from across the world add on to the cumulative pressure that is needed to dislodge the demonic forces from their stranglehold on our beloved motherland. Vande Mataram!

Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : You have greater character as a near-nonagenarian than almost all of your younger fellow citizens.

Sugata Bose @GC Dutta : Let us do so by reading 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' first. Then all else will follow. 'Get ye the kingdom of heaven and all other things shall be added unto thee.'

Sugata Bose @Narendra Singh : Don't shed tears. Fight.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Why not leave a comment, an observation, a few words instead of an emoji? That would be deemed a manifestation of intelligence rather than the dumb display of insentience in terms of foolish signs like 'waving thumbs up', 'namaste' etc. which are positively distasteful and emblematic of a degenerate social culture?

An observation of mine in regard to this post is as follows: 

The concept of ether has been rejected post the findings of the Michelson-Morley experiments, much to their own chagrin, though. Einsteinian Special Relativity rejected it altogether and established the invariance of the velocity of all electromagnetic radiation in empty space at approximately 3 × 10⁸ m/s, the ether being utterly unnecessary for the propagation of such. Had the ether existed as scientists during Swamiji's time speculated, the velocity of light in favour of the ether would have exceeded that against the ether. But twenty seven years of repeated experimentation by Michaelson and Morley proved otherwise. Light always held ground with its constancy of velocity irrespective of its direction of flow vis-a-vis that of the hypothetical ether. By way of final inference therefore and by the mathematical demonstration of the Special Theory of Relativity the existence of spatial ether was eventually rejected for good, although Michaelson and Morley just could not accept their own experimental deductions ever. Such is the conservative nature of the mind, its capacity for getting programmed in a certain way, thoughts running along predetermined paths and refusing to alter stance, yield to reason that would persuade it to budge therefrom on to fresher more fertile ground. Scientists, though, despite the odd one sticking out otherwise, are generally accepting of new discoveries which is why science has so rapidly progressed in the modern age much like the Sanatan Dharma did in ancient times. 

Swamjji in a newer incarnation will have much to learn afresh and readjust his rationalisation of the Vedanta along fresher lines. Had he lived a few years more, that is, beyond 1905, he would have scrapped much of the scientific explanatory content of his lectures and writings and would have had to begin afresh which would have undone his earlier work totally. Fortunate it was that way that he departed in 1902 and was spared the ordeal thus. But his writings from the standpoint of certain later scientific discoveries need editing which though has not been done. In his next incarnation he will have to do it himself. 🕉

P.S. Swamiji, however, well-versed as he was with the Vedic cyclical theory of cosmic manifestation, must have had some philosophical misgivings about Newtonian mechanics of absolute space and absolute time. When he chanced to be acquainted with electrician Nikola Tesla in 1894, he requested him to furnish him with an equivalence equation of matter and energy which the latter requesting a week's time for the job failed to produce. Young Albert (Einstein) was then probing the depths of space and time, mass and energy, and coming upon such a comprehensive theory which he published in 1905 by which time Swamiji had departed from this world. Swamiji had said that the equivalence of matter and energy, if proven mathematically, would place his Vedantic cosmology on the surest of foundations. Alas, it was not to be, for the gap in occurrence of two epochal events, that of Swamiji's demise in 1902 and Einstein's publication of his theory in 1905, and the non-acquaintance of the two geniuses prior to 1902---for Einstein was by then theoretically clear about his as yet unpublished theory---meant that Vedanta and physics would have to wait much longer for the solemnisation of their nuptial rights.

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