1. The senses will have to be subdued in vast numbers of people before peace is possible on earth. And such a thing can never be for the very diversity of life betrays us into conflicting modes of thought and consequential conflicting action. War will, thus, persist despite peace talks and summit meets and our tallest protestations from pulpits and podiums.
2. The historical process is such a dreadful war of attrition between opposing camps fighting for privilege and rights respectively. Slowly and how very painfully the proletariat are winning their way to equality of rights and the cessation of privilege, authorised and camouflaged.
3. Order in society stems from its psychological flow. Once that is upset, anarchy reigns. It is here that sustenance in civilisation is sought through political education and subjugation of opposing forces that tend to disrupt the existing social order. Revolution attempts the overhauling of the existing order and its supplanting by a new order radically different.
4. Gandhi did not understand the international situation as well as Netaji or Nehru. His idealism fell short of comprehension of the complexities of a fast-changing world ruled by the rise of political forces in Europe like the world had never witnessed before. The consequence was his inability to handle the India situation when it mattered most and the loss was of the motherland with her consequential dismemberment and weakened political state post-independence.
5. No government that has hundreds of millions living below the poverty line ought to celebrate success in terms of implementation of people's programmes. These are eye-washes which the people should reject and demand for more so that the scourge of poverty is forever done away with.
6. A system changes with such bloodshed! Such wanton killing of innocent lives to bring about societal transformation, a revolution in the existing order. An order builds up over centuries and gets so deeply entrenched that to uproot it overnight calls for the sweeping off of an entire class of people holding the reins of exploitation of the masses. And the masses suffer too as the revolutionaries gain control of the system to unleash a new terror, the terror of revolution. Primrose hopes of liberty and liberation from the old tyranny are supplanted by the despair of tyranny of the Revolutionary Council or the Party or the dictator who usurps power in the wake of revolution. Thus, the masses suffer evermore and their misery never ends. It is only the slow awakening of power within the populace through education and the enlightenment thereof that democratises society and despite the ills of such distributed people's power, tyranny is checked and a humane form of governance evolved whereby maximum liberty and public welfare are ensured. Now exploitation hides its face but in secret carries on under the cover of law and carefully crafted economic modes and methods that allows capital to run riot looting the masses unto penury.
7. The Infinite is the Real. Individual and mass procession towards it is evolution.
8. The masses suffer the cost of civilisation. All culture is built on their blood. The road to freedom is littered with the bodies of the billions sacrificed at its altar. It is a death way, no less is civilisation.
9. There is so little time on earth to pursue and realise the Truth, yet, how woefully we waste the time available!
10. We ought to focus all our attention now on Kerala and save the situation there.
11. Democracy has empowered fanatical religions with high fertility rates to dominate the earth with numbers despite their inferior ethical values and spiritual and philosophical bankruptcy.
12. To overlook the danger to Hinduism from conversion to other faiths by force, fraud and inducement is to be foolhardy.
13. Cruelty practised against animals in the name of religion cannot be the seed of enlightenment.
14. Kill animals in a cruel fashion and you will be born as animals to pay for it. The Law of Karma will recoil on you.
15. Does God give special rights to man to kill animals after torturing them in a ritual manner?Is this the best instance of humanity?
16. Politics is good in so far as it is sincere and catering to public welfare. Beyond that it is pure poison.
17. The common man suffers from want of the basic means of survival. To preach philosophy to him is to distract attention from this.
18. What is the purpose of this world? May be none. Is there a design to it or is it simply an architecture in chaos?
19. Vedanta is the science of the soul. It states that Brahman is true, the world is false and sentient beings are Brahman in essence.
20. God is all that is and God is all that is not.
21. दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतत् दैवानुग्रहहेतुकम्
मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः
- विवेकचूडामणि
Three things are rare indeed and they come to be by the grace of the gods. They are a human birth, the desire to be free and the association of a great (liberated) soul....Vivekachudamani (Shankaracharya)
22. Is it right to assume that since there is no proof of Netaji's death, he is still alive at the age of 121 years? Your opinion please.
23. The way Netaji has been betrayed by all --- tell me, who has not? --- is a tragedy for which we must all pay with our suffering.
24. Stop quoting the Geeta if you have yet attached yourself to the fruits of action.
25. If one is fiercely independent, one will not subscribe to slavery. Cast off the colonial hangover.
26. Time ticks away steadily unto the hour of death and yet I remain a bound soul. This 'I' is the enemy and must be eliminated.
27. Monk or householder, both must practise truthfulness. It is the bedrock of ethical living and spiritual living too.
28. How little does language speak! It is smiles and tears that express so much more.
29. A country where talent goes abegging has not reached maturity of civilisation.
30. Where are we headed? Our leaders are not worth being followers for even that requires merit to qualify for.
31. Where are we headed? Our leaders are not worth being followers for even that requires merit to qualify for.
32. Is this secular India where the Hindu has to convert to marry a Muslim by religious requirement?
2. The historical process is such a dreadful war of attrition between opposing camps fighting for privilege and rights respectively. Slowly and how very painfully the proletariat are winning their way to equality of rights and the cessation of privilege, authorised and camouflaged.
3. Order in society stems from its psychological flow. Once that is upset, anarchy reigns. It is here that sustenance in civilisation is sought through political education and subjugation of opposing forces that tend to disrupt the existing social order. Revolution attempts the overhauling of the existing order and its supplanting by a new order radically different.
4. Gandhi did not understand the international situation as well as Netaji or Nehru. His idealism fell short of comprehension of the complexities of a fast-changing world ruled by the rise of political forces in Europe like the world had never witnessed before. The consequence was his inability to handle the India situation when it mattered most and the loss was of the motherland with her consequential dismemberment and weakened political state post-independence.
5. No government that has hundreds of millions living below the poverty line ought to celebrate success in terms of implementation of people's programmes. These are eye-washes which the people should reject and demand for more so that the scourge of poverty is forever done away with.
6. A system changes with such bloodshed! Such wanton killing of innocent lives to bring about societal transformation, a revolution in the existing order. An order builds up over centuries and gets so deeply entrenched that to uproot it overnight calls for the sweeping off of an entire class of people holding the reins of exploitation of the masses. And the masses suffer too as the revolutionaries gain control of the system to unleash a new terror, the terror of revolution. Primrose hopes of liberty and liberation from the old tyranny are supplanted by the despair of tyranny of the Revolutionary Council or the Party or the dictator who usurps power in the wake of revolution. Thus, the masses suffer evermore and their misery never ends. It is only the slow awakening of power within the populace through education and the enlightenment thereof that democratises society and despite the ills of such distributed people's power, tyranny is checked and a humane form of governance evolved whereby maximum liberty and public welfare are ensured. Now exploitation hides its face but in secret carries on under the cover of law and carefully crafted economic modes and methods that allows capital to run riot looting the masses unto penury.
7. The Infinite is the Real. Individual and mass procession towards it is evolution.
8. The masses suffer the cost of civilisation. All culture is built on their blood. The road to freedom is littered with the bodies of the billions sacrificed at its altar. It is a death way, no less is civilisation.
9. There is so little time on earth to pursue and realise the Truth, yet, how woefully we waste the time available!
10. We ought to focus all our attention now on Kerala and save the situation there.
11. Democracy has empowered fanatical religions with high fertility rates to dominate the earth with numbers despite their inferior ethical values and spiritual and philosophical bankruptcy.
12. To overlook the danger to Hinduism from conversion to other faiths by force, fraud and inducement is to be foolhardy.
13. Cruelty practised against animals in the name of religion cannot be the seed of enlightenment.
14. Kill animals in a cruel fashion and you will be born as animals to pay for it. The Law of Karma will recoil on you.
15. Does God give special rights to man to kill animals after torturing them in a ritual manner?Is this the best instance of humanity?
16. Politics is good in so far as it is sincere and catering to public welfare. Beyond that it is pure poison.
17. The common man suffers from want of the basic means of survival. To preach philosophy to him is to distract attention from this.
18. What is the purpose of this world? May be none. Is there a design to it or is it simply an architecture in chaos?
19. Vedanta is the science of the soul. It states that Brahman is true, the world is false and sentient beings are Brahman in essence.
20. God is all that is and God is all that is not.
21. दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतत् दैवानुग्रहहेतुकम्
मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः
- विवेकचूडामणि
Three things are rare indeed and they come to be by the grace of the gods. They are a human birth, the desire to be free and the association of a great (liberated) soul....Vivekachudamani (Shankaracharya)
22. Is it right to assume that since there is no proof of Netaji's death, he is still alive at the age of 121 years? Your opinion please.
23. The way Netaji has been betrayed by all --- tell me, who has not? --- is a tragedy for which we must all pay with our suffering.
24. Stop quoting the Geeta if you have yet attached yourself to the fruits of action.
25. If one is fiercely independent, one will not subscribe to slavery. Cast off the colonial hangover.
26. Time ticks away steadily unto the hour of death and yet I remain a bound soul. This 'I' is the enemy and must be eliminated.
27. Monk or householder, both must practise truthfulness. It is the bedrock of ethical living and spiritual living too.
28. How little does language speak! It is smiles and tears that express so much more.
29. A country where talent goes abegging has not reached maturity of civilisation.
30. Where are we headed? Our leaders are not worth being followers for even that requires merit to qualify for.
31. Where are we headed? Our leaders are not worth being followers for even that requires merit to qualify for.
32. Is this secular India where the Hindu has to convert to marry a Muslim by religious requirement?
33. It stuns me to see the unreason in so many regarding the possibility of Netaji being alive at the age of 121 and more.
34. We hear that Netaji had delivered three radio speeches from Russia post 18 Aug, 1945. Are the texts available of the speeches?
35. Leaders are rational but followers are not. They cling to unrealistic hopes, reject reason and their leader, in a sense, with it.
36. Objectivity and reason are worth more than fanatical faith based on unrealistic hopes and expectations. That is the way of truth.
37. Is it devotion to be fanatical and fantastic in conception? Must not intellectual honesty prevail over ignorant affirmations?
38. It is a mean conception of yoga that calls for physical survival in the full fitness of youth way past a century.
39. Leaders are many but 'the leader' is but one, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
...Brigadier R.S.Chikara (Netaji Subhas Bose INA Trust)
40. Is there a dream that Vivekananda did not smash? And, yet, he dreamt the dream of humanity consciously for a while.
41. Those who are the creators and propagators of the myth of Netaji's air-crash death are the worst enemies of the nation.
42. Do not make business out of a man whose only business was to free his motherland from colonial bondage. Enough of patriotic trade!
43. Few are qualified to be disciples worth the call. Worldliness must entirely be absent in the aspirant to discipleship.
44. The Guru takes upon himself the sins of the disciple. It is the disciple's devotion that ensures that too much harm does not come upon the Guru.
45. The larger the conception of life, the nearer you are to realisation of the Self. And yet, it must be an introspective enlargement of vision that will lead to the final fruition.
46. Was Hitler the Devil as is commonly the epithet thrust on him? How many devils have there been then in the history of the world and how many of them have been British and American devils, too? It seems that the Anglo-Americans have a monopoly in labelling others the way they do but desist from self-denunciation thus.
47. Experience spreads through the forest of my soul like a conflagration burning up the dross of desire.
48. Duty is devotion.
49. Beauty is bliss.
50. Cowardice is sin. Spirituality or patriotism can have nothing to do with it. The brave alone are my friends. I hate cowardice.
51. The untruths propagated by perfidious parties about Netaji's death/disappearance/marriage cannot be countered by confirmed cowards. Bravery is the call of the hour.
52. They back-stabbed Netaji then and they back-stab Netaji now. Only now the pretence of love and devotion for him is even greater.
53. Can Netaji have anything to do with cowardice? His followers must all be brave. Else, they are not worthy to be considered so.
54. Is this the way to propagate the truth about Netaji by hiding behind the screen and pushing others to the fore to do the job?
55. The overseas Indians served Netaji better than his cowardly compatriots in the Congress who almost all betrayed him.
56. One man rose like a titan to destroy the citadels of colonial imperialism. Alas, when will another be like him?
57. In a world of petty men Netaji rose like a sun shedding lustre on the darkened hopes of a nation in bondage.
58. I never try to be popular, I try to be truthful. While popularity may elude me, truth ever abides with me as my close companion.
59. The inability of activists to conjointly work for the cause of Netaji is regrettable and augurs not well for its eventual success.
60. The desire for name and fame and selfish gain out of activism for Netaji is reprehensible for it is damaging to the very cause.
61. Did Netaji marry and have a daughter? The poll is on in the group NETAJI. Join in and cast your vote to help gauge public perception.
62. To educate people about the truths related to Netaji post his disappearance, boldly propagate them without seeking cowardly cover.
63. The movement to uncover the facts about Netaji post his disappearance is split into many rival groups with alternative claims.
64. If none will help, I will help myself. Netaji as the ideal will always be there to inspire me in my propagation of the truth.\
65. Did Netaji die in (a) Taihoku Airport? (b) the Soviet Union? (c) Faizabad? (d) Is he alive still? Now who will tell?
66. Conflicting theories about Netaji keep confusing people. Time for clarification and consensus. But vested interests thwart it.
67. Followers of Netaji must be democratic enough to accept dissent. Undue aggression against adversaries belittles the great man.
68. It is so strange that the eminent scholars on Netaji are so much at variance with the leader's attributes and temperament. Queer!
69. Self-claims of theories fabulous do not make a person a researcher on Netaji. One must be able to defend one's theses as well.
70. Bright minds must be drawn into the research on Netaji. Mediocrity is spoiling it all now. Who will combat the hired historians?
71. Shed fear if you wish to be spiritual. Cowards have no place in the world of men or God.
72. I will realise the truth --- this must be the resolve. But the effort and intelligence to accomplish must follow as well.
73. Hired historians who distort history to please their paymasters are intellectual hoodlums. They hold the nation's mind to ransom.
74. A drop of love for the Lord is an ocean of His blessings. It lifts the veil within and reveals His visage. Ah, the beauty of it and its bliss!
75. We are all so many mental whirlpools in the ocean of infinite consciousness.
76. Fame is the shadow of the famous. The personality ever walks ahead of it while fame follows in pursuit.
77. This individuality is a myth. It is the shadow of Reality floating through the mist of Maya.
78. The Guru is the living link to freedom.
79. It is not right to say that humanity is our common denominator for then animality may be even more so as it offers a bigger base of vigorous life. Divinity is our unitary essence of existence and there alone harmony and sameness lies.
80. It creates an impact to articulate dispassionately. Overmuch of emotional effusion distracts attention.
81. The whole world labours in ignorance. It is a bondage universal. The shackles here are yet to be broken. A few links have been severed but there are a million others that hold.
82. We are once more going to work vigorously to clarify people's minds regarding the mystery of the disappearance of Netaji.
83. Was Netaji executed in Soviet Russia as is claimed by Purabi Roy and Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi? Give your reasoned response.
84. May perfection in the acquisition of knowledge and its commuication thereof be the motto for all teachers! Happy Teacher's Day!
85. We have to get over this habitual slavery to Incarnations of God and come to real love for them in freedom.
86. Stop frightening children with the damnation of eternal hellfire awaiting them should they go wrong with their imposed faith.
87. Allow children to grow freely into the sunshine of life and do not indoctrinate them in archaic cult doctrines.
88. If fear of God is the beginning of the Semitic religions, let love of God be the end of it.
89. Nothing can justify the US detonation of atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They remain the worst crimes in human history.
90. When will the British own up to the crimes perpetrated by them against Indians? They are too many to detail here.
91. Should the PM and the CM not seek treatment in government hospitals with the worst facilities as is afforded to the poor farmer?
92. Those that vouch for vernacular schools ought to send their own children and grandchildren to such before urging others to do so.
93. The people's mandate makes the PM and the CM the first servants of the citizenry and not their prime masters.
94. The gluttonous capitalist is ruining society and the corrupt politician is his comrade-in-arms. Together they loot at will.
95. Privilege must go, so must discrimination that is unconstitutional. Awareness of sameness is the key. Arise India!
98. Death strikes like a thunderbolt and catches us unawares. The symptoms are there but elude our reading even as the hour approaches.
99. The best way to stay in good health is to stay pure. Continence leads to all-round well-being. Purity, the very fragrance of life.
100. Dictators have a way with the people. They whip up passions that stun rationality and submission of the will follows in its wake.
34. We hear that Netaji had delivered three radio speeches from Russia post 18 Aug, 1945. Are the texts available of the speeches?
35. Leaders are rational but followers are not. They cling to unrealistic hopes, reject reason and their leader, in a sense, with it.
36. Objectivity and reason are worth more than fanatical faith based on unrealistic hopes and expectations. That is the way of truth.
37. Is it devotion to be fanatical and fantastic in conception? Must not intellectual honesty prevail over ignorant affirmations?
38. It is a mean conception of yoga that calls for physical survival in the full fitness of youth way past a century.
39. Leaders are many but 'the leader' is but one, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
...Brigadier R.S.Chikara (Netaji Subhas Bose INA Trust)
40. Is there a dream that Vivekananda did not smash? And, yet, he dreamt the dream of humanity consciously for a while.
41. Those who are the creators and propagators of the myth of Netaji's air-crash death are the worst enemies of the nation.
42. Do not make business out of a man whose only business was to free his motherland from colonial bondage. Enough of patriotic trade!
43. Few are qualified to be disciples worth the call. Worldliness must entirely be absent in the aspirant to discipleship.
44. The Guru takes upon himself the sins of the disciple. It is the disciple's devotion that ensures that too much harm does not come upon the Guru.
45. The larger the conception of life, the nearer you are to realisation of the Self. And yet, it must be an introspective enlargement of vision that will lead to the final fruition.
46. Was Hitler the Devil as is commonly the epithet thrust on him? How many devils have there been then in the history of the world and how many of them have been British and American devils, too? It seems that the Anglo-Americans have a monopoly in labelling others the way they do but desist from self-denunciation thus.
47. Experience spreads through the forest of my soul like a conflagration burning up the dross of desire.
48. Duty is devotion.
49. Beauty is bliss.
50. Cowardice is sin. Spirituality or patriotism can have nothing to do with it. The brave alone are my friends. I hate cowardice.
51. The untruths propagated by perfidious parties about Netaji's death/disappearance/marriage cannot be countered by confirmed cowards. Bravery is the call of the hour.
52. They back-stabbed Netaji then and they back-stab Netaji now. Only now the pretence of love and devotion for him is even greater.
53. Can Netaji have anything to do with cowardice? His followers must all be brave. Else, they are not worthy to be considered so.
54. Is this the way to propagate the truth about Netaji by hiding behind the screen and pushing others to the fore to do the job?
55. The overseas Indians served Netaji better than his cowardly compatriots in the Congress who almost all betrayed him.
56. One man rose like a titan to destroy the citadels of colonial imperialism. Alas, when will another be like him?
57. In a world of petty men Netaji rose like a sun shedding lustre on the darkened hopes of a nation in bondage.
58. I never try to be popular, I try to be truthful. While popularity may elude me, truth ever abides with me as my close companion.
59. The inability of activists to conjointly work for the cause of Netaji is regrettable and augurs not well for its eventual success.
60. The desire for name and fame and selfish gain out of activism for Netaji is reprehensible for it is damaging to the very cause.
61. Did Netaji marry and have a daughter? The poll is on in the group NETAJI. Join in and cast your vote to help gauge public perception.
62. To educate people about the truths related to Netaji post his disappearance, boldly propagate them without seeking cowardly cover.
63. The movement to uncover the facts about Netaji post his disappearance is split into many rival groups with alternative claims.
64. If none will help, I will help myself. Netaji as the ideal will always be there to inspire me in my propagation of the truth.\
65. Did Netaji die in (a) Taihoku Airport? (b) the Soviet Union? (c) Faizabad? (d) Is he alive still? Now who will tell?
66. Conflicting theories about Netaji keep confusing people. Time for clarification and consensus. But vested interests thwart it.
67. Followers of Netaji must be democratic enough to accept dissent. Undue aggression against adversaries belittles the great man.
68. It is so strange that the eminent scholars on Netaji are so much at variance with the leader's attributes and temperament. Queer!
69. Self-claims of theories fabulous do not make a person a researcher on Netaji. One must be able to defend one's theses as well.
70. Bright minds must be drawn into the research on Netaji. Mediocrity is spoiling it all now. Who will combat the hired historians?
71. Shed fear if you wish to be spiritual. Cowards have no place in the world of men or God.
72. I will realise the truth --- this must be the resolve. But the effort and intelligence to accomplish must follow as well.
73. Hired historians who distort history to please their paymasters are intellectual hoodlums. They hold the nation's mind to ransom.
74. A drop of love for the Lord is an ocean of His blessings. It lifts the veil within and reveals His visage. Ah, the beauty of it and its bliss!
75. We are all so many mental whirlpools in the ocean of infinite consciousness.
76. Fame is the shadow of the famous. The personality ever walks ahead of it while fame follows in pursuit.
77. This individuality is a myth. It is the shadow of Reality floating through the mist of Maya.
78. The Guru is the living link to freedom.
79. It is not right to say that humanity is our common denominator for then animality may be even more so as it offers a bigger base of vigorous life. Divinity is our unitary essence of existence and there alone harmony and sameness lies.
80. It creates an impact to articulate dispassionately. Overmuch of emotional effusion distracts attention.
81. The whole world labours in ignorance. It is a bondage universal. The shackles here are yet to be broken. A few links have been severed but there are a million others that hold.
82. We are once more going to work vigorously to clarify people's minds regarding the mystery of the disappearance of Netaji.
83. Was Netaji executed in Soviet Russia as is claimed by Purabi Roy and Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi? Give your reasoned response.
84. May perfection in the acquisition of knowledge and its commuication thereof be the motto for all teachers! Happy Teacher's Day!
85. We have to get over this habitual slavery to Incarnations of God and come to real love for them in freedom.
86. Stop frightening children with the damnation of eternal hellfire awaiting them should they go wrong with their imposed faith.
87. Allow children to grow freely into the sunshine of life and do not indoctrinate them in archaic cult doctrines.
88. If fear of God is the beginning of the Semitic religions, let love of God be the end of it.
89. Nothing can justify the US detonation of atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They remain the worst crimes in human history.
90. When will the British own up to the crimes perpetrated by them against Indians? They are too many to detail here.
91. Should the PM and the CM not seek treatment in government hospitals with the worst facilities as is afforded to the poor farmer?
92. Those that vouch for vernacular schools ought to send their own children and grandchildren to such before urging others to do so.
93. The people's mandate makes the PM and the CM the first servants of the citizenry and not their prime masters.
94. The gluttonous capitalist is ruining society and the corrupt politician is his comrade-in-arms. Together they loot at will.
95. Privilege must go, so must discrimination that is unconstitutional. Awareness of sameness is the key. Arise India!
96. Women must take up their rightful position in society if this nation wants to move forward. Women represent Shakti, forget not.
97. Exploitation is the norm in this age of rapacious capitalism and everyone but the capitalist suffers for it.
98. Death strikes like a thunderbolt and catches us unawares. The symptoms are there but elude our reading even as the hour approaches.
99. The best way to stay in good health is to stay pure. Continence leads to all-round well-being. Purity, the very fragrance of life.
100. Dictators have a way with the people. They whip up passions that stun rationality and submission of the will follows in its wake.
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