Sunday 26 August 2018



Are the texts of the three purported speeches of Netaji on 26 December, 1945, 1 February, 1946 and the last one whose date has gone unmentioned barring that it was delivered in February, 1946 as well, available in the public domain? If so, kindly either post them in print for public viewing or present them in a special show for all to hear. I remain in expectant mode from now on.

We merely hear from diverse sources that the speeches were made by Netaji post his disappearance on 18 August, 1945 but till date have not had the good fortune to read the texts. I only hope the texts are, after all, available in which case they ought to be presented before the world as conclusive evidence of Netaji's survival beyond the date of his alleged air-crash. Or, is it mere hearsay and cannot be categorically proved with documentary evidence that stands the test of law. After all, one cannot cite the absence of documentary evidence to debunk the air-crash and the marriage theories related to Netaji and in the same vein propagate Netaji's post-disappearance movements in India and elsewhere without bothering to substantiate such claims on the basis of legally tenable documentary evidence. The principle holds true for all claims made by all parties and there cannot be exceptions made to suit convenience. All claims must be substantiated by credible evidence, and if it needs be, by such evidence presented before the law court, and accepted as true if, and only if, the judiciary in its wisdom holds them to be true.  

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