Saturday, 18 August 2018


1. Gandhi was a politician and no saint. He needs to be studied and analysed and not blindly adored or denounced.
2. Give up the notions of heaven and hell and be not afraid. You are the greatest God that ever was or ever can be.
3. Ignorance must not be allowed to proliferate in the name of nationalism. Let enlightenment come through study and rational discourse.
4. Why hold an entire population down by preaching archaic superstition in the form of religion?
5. Is this a religion that frightens people into submission by implanting fear of hell and holding out the cherry of heaven?
6. Man, how long must you subjugate your higher reason to base superstition? Awake and destroy your self no more.
7. Children must be spared the ordeal of religious indoctrination. Let science be taught instead.
8. Do not lower your self-dignity to an imaginary God. Be enlightened yourself to find out the Truth. It is your very own Self.
9. How man loves to be slave of authority! Reject authority and be free. Assert your independence in the light of higher reason.
10. Is this a life that is lived in fear of a tyrannical God who is merciless and intolerant? Reject a God that rewards and punishes.

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