Tuesday, 21 August 2018



Nationalism is the call of the hour as our country today faces grave threats from both within and without. Hinduism is under threat as conversions carry on in a rampant manner to Islam and Christianity with no resistance being offered by Hindus in ideological terms. Hooliganism is not the answer to such attacks on the mother-faith. Rather, the battle must be fought in the ideological plane and the average Hindu educated sufficiently in the principles of the dharma he ought to defend. Overall, civility must prevail and strength must manifest in spiritual terms and never in a vile violent manner that bespeaks of weakness.

The planned manner in which Hinduism is being targeted by internal and external agencies is shameful and calls for concerted effort on the part of Hindus to unite and defend their religion from such subversion. The lofty principles of Hinduism must be practised by Hindus themselves in order to fortify themselves against aggression from Semitic cults.

Of the three Semitic religions only Judaism does not proselytise. The other two faiths, Islam and Christianity are both fundamentally proselytising religions and live by the growth in their numbers. Hinduism must be aware of its dangers from these two religions whose business it is to constantly convert members of other faiths to sustain their own existence as the preeminent political force in the world in the name of apparent spirituality. These are but political movements in the name of religion as there is nothing spiritual about conversion. Hindus do not convert others, neither must they allow others to convert them to their fold.

India is one and indivisible. Partition is a temporary phase in India's history and is not a settled fact. India will once more unite in the long run and the course of the spiritual evolution of the land initiated by the Arya rishis, which has for a thousand years been severely affected for the worse by Islamic invasion and later by European colonisation and conversion to Christianity, will once more continue unabated.

Once Buddhism had converted two-thirds of the Hindu population of India to its fold but after a thousand years all of them were reconverted to the mother-faith and Buddhism banished from the land of its birth. So also a vast number of Hindus have been by force, fraud and inducement converted to Islam over the past thousand years and another lot converted to Christianity over the last five centuries by the invading European nations. But this also will meet with the same fate as the Buddhists and all of these converts from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity will be reabsorbed into the mother-faith in the coming centuries.

Why this will happen is easy to understand. These Semitic religions are philosophically bankrupt and will not be able to withstand the force of philosophy presented to future scientifically enlightened generations of their fold by Hinduism. The Upanishads will triumph and the war will finally be won by the dharma that derives its authority from the eternal Vedas. Once more Hinduism by absorbing the best principles of these religions will stand invigorated and the body politic of the mother-faith will be rendered whole.

But that day is a far cry yet and Hindus must prepare the defence of their dharma in the rightful manner as is enshrined in their scriptures. For this the study of Sanskrit must be made compulsory for all Hindus in educational institutions and no coercion must be there to make adherents of other faiths to study the same. Over a billion strong Hindus well-versed in Sanskrit will change the course of evolution of this great land of Bharatvarsha and usher in a golden age of truth and enlightenment. We all look forward to such a day when renascent Hinduism will shine in all its splendour.

Hari Om Tat Sat!

Written by Sugata Bose

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