Saturday 18 August 2018


1. The discourse on Hindutva in India is going the wrong way. Hooliganism cannot be Hindutva.

2.Today, lawlessness is being either mutely accepted or actively supported by people who lack the fundamental attributes of civic living.

3. It is a sad decline in our polity that we witness today, not only in the political arena but in the public arena of the citizenry as well. Proliferation of inadequate education has provided the common man with a fractured vision of truth and its consequential malefic execution.

4. So long as Pakistan remains a theocratic State with a malefic military at the helm of affairs, peace can only be maintained through the tough military approach. Pakistan does not dare China but has the temerity to challenge India. Now, follow why?

5. Appeasement politics has fractured the nation for far too long. Now leaders with integral vision are the call of the hour. Only then in unity shall we march ahead as a nation. Else, debilitated will we remain, a prey to internal disorder and external aggression.

6. It must be borne in mind that it is not 'Pakistan' but 'The Islamic State of Pakistan'. And that makes all the difference to its approach in international affairs.

7.  The Vedanta must be accepted by vast numbers of people on earth. Only then may peace be possible on a global scale. But that day is as yet a distant dream, yet, we must persist in ushering it in. In it lies our future well-being and on it depends the survival of civilisation.

8. Hindutva is not mere outrageous clamouring nor is it hooliganism of a vile order. It is subscription to the universal principles enshrined in the Vedas and the Upanishads and the pursuit in practise of such in one's daily life leading to eventual Self-realisation.

9. We are degenerating as a polity by the day and it is imperative that we listen to the voices of sanity rolling down the ages of our ancient civilisation that have sounded the message of universal amity and peace. Let the Vedanta lead us unto enlightenment once more. Om!

10. A strong will overcomes apparently insurmountable obstacles to arrive at the cherished goal. The path may be tortuous but the force of mind smooths it out to straighten course unto success. Of such an indomitable spirit full of the fire of austerity is the yogi of steely resolve.

11. Will science prevail or will it be one more round of religious cultural invasion taking the modern world to the Middle Ages?

12. Hindus, do not get converted to Islam or Christianity at any rate. Be loyal to your own religion and spread it globally.

13. Upon the spread of the Vedanta and of science depends the survival of the world.

14. Hindus must practise their religion/dharma sincerely. Only then will strength come to combat conversion to Islam and Christianity.

15. There is no better way to practise dharma than to serve the suffering and the needy.

16. Read 'The Letters of Swami Vivekananda' and be inspired to live for the nation.

17. We have to build up an intellectual culture with a heart that cares for the real well-being of the nation. Study Vivekananda.

18. Liberal fanatic, ha ha! A religion that has fundamentalism as its basis will produce liberals by the hordes, well said!

19. If there is impurity at the base of a religious movement, the fruits are sure to be pernicious. Beware of such!

20. Hinduism must be preached in as simple a way as possible for it to make a world appeal. This despite its tremendous complexities.

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