Thursday 30 August 2018


The whole world is in ignorance. It is a bondage universal. The shackles here are yet to be broken. A few links have been severed but there are a million others that hold. And yet, all of it is in a dream, a vast ignorance of a vaster reality that is the substance of the Self. It must be smashed, but how? The very instrument of aggression holds, the very analysis keeps a tinge of itself behind whence sprouts the whole of cosmic phenomena again. The means are Maya, the mind is Maya, from the alpha to the omega of this unreal experience is Maya. How to negate Maya with Maya? It seems a mission impossible on the face of it and, yet, men have traversed this path to perfection in the past. An infinite series of causal links holds apparently the captive soul and there is no hope of liberation through karma for its fruit will hold yet again. But there is hope in one sense and it is this

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