Monday 20 August 2018



Countries where the military reigns are still in the barbaric state in evolution. Where civilian democratic government prevails, there evolution has reached the civilised state. It is a marvel that civilians devoid of armed force can so ensure that power remains in their hands leaving the armed forces to merely defend the land from aggression. Here mass psychology plays its absolute role in maintaining order in society and keeping the forces from usurping power. Political education and awareness thereof and the manifestation of the popular will keep sovereignty in the hands of the people through their legislative representatives. Theocratic States are not yet up to this state of political evolution. There archaic religious texts with their medieval coded laws prevail and keep society in the 21st century bound to tribal times. Secular values are absent there and whole populations suffer thus. The Islamic State of Pakistan is one of the best illustrations in this mass ordeal.

End of Part 1
To be serialised...

Written by Sugata Bose

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