Hinduism is vast and varied but its centrepiece is collectively the law of karma, transmigration of the soul and the essential unity of existence. Behind the multiplicity of the phenomenal universe lies a deep underlying unity which is termed Brahman. The phenomenal universe is the manifestation (mind you, not 'creation') of Brahman with Ishwara (God/the Universal Soul) as the governing primal principle and jeevas (the individual souls) the governed beings, the twain providing the field of the play of personality. God is both with and without form, as and how He/She is viewed.
There are different schools of Hinduism, six different philosophical systems and countless sects having different perspectives on dharma but a common allegiance to the Vedas, although, with their respective interpretations of the same. These sects have all been harmonised by Sri Ramakrishna and the message of the Master bears the essence of all sects of Hinduism. It is thus essential to be thoroughly acquainted with the life and works of the Avatar of Dakshineshwar in order to know what Hinduism truly is.
To make his message easy and accessible to the world at large, Sri Ramakrishna trained his disciple, Swami Vivekananda, in a manner that he became a fit recipient and propagator of his teachings. Swamiji's teachings are essentially his spiritual master's and they are for all of mankind.
By going through the works of Swamiji we will be able to appreciate the essential principles of Hinduism and this will in turn enable us to spread the message of our ancestors far and wide which is the crying call of the hour when the world is increasingly threatened by the proliferation of fanatical religions. The Vedanta preached by Swamiji seems to be the way out of this theocratic mess created by these Semitic religions. In this modern age science and Vedanta must go hand in hand to save civilisation. Else, there will be the advent of the dark ages again with medieval tribalism ruling the roost. Such a thing must never be allowed to be a reality. Hence, civilised souls must take it upon themselves to study Hinduism and spread its universal teachings across the wide world and the onus lies on Hindus themselves most of all to do this.
Hari Om Tat Sat!
Written by Sugata Bose
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