Friday, 24 August 2018



Preaching Ramakrishna-Vivekananda fractionally to suit organisation or self is a travesty of truth and not conducive to human well-being in its fullest sense. The spiritual masters were wise enough to make their pronouncements on the human condition, on the historical imperatives and give directions to society thereof that need to be accessible to all intheir entirety so that they may be implemented in fulfilment of their true intent.

Editing out Vivekananda to suit political considerations of the day allows us in no way to know what the master had thought in totality about the contentious issues and problems that faced human society then and would do so in the future. In an age when the right to free information is fundamental, why is such editing done in the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda? We wish to access each and every word of his in the original but cannot do so for there are too many blank spaces left in his Complete Works that frustrate the reader thirsting for the entire unedited version.

One can understand the reasons for such omissions but cannot quite comprehend how it may be in harmony with the truth Ramakrishna-Vivekananda represent and uphold as the prime principle of ethical and spiritual living? One hopes earnestly that more courage of conviction will be shown in the future and the unedited Works will be laid bare for all to access and profit by. Till then we must chew upon this hope and grudgingly keep ourselves limited to rumination on the Incomplete Works of Swami Vivekananda.

Written by Sugata Bose

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