Friday 23 March 2018


When the river swells and floods the farms,
When the moonbeams flood the meadows,
Then, come, my love, and flood my heart
With bliss surpassing free.
In such a spate when the waters be,
Let us merge in ecstasy.
Let rivers meet and currents course
Through meanders now in confluent force.
Like the silver streaks beaming through,
So be you, my love so true,
In full-moon night,
In the dark delight,
Flood me so, that I take to flight
In bliss sublime, in love serene,
In poesy pure, in meadows green
Where flowers blossom to fade no more,
Flows the brook from source to shore,
And end to end fullness is,
So be, my love, so full of bliss.
In such a spate flows the free
To dive, dissolve in the shoreless sea.  

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