2. How ought we to serve God? Only in words or in deeds as well? Your views are solicited. Be specific please.
3. Ought we to feel responsible for our fellowmen and try to alleviate their misery as far as we can or ought we not to?
4. Are we predestined to a fixed fate or are we the architects of our own fate? What is your view, my friend?
5. What is the difference between Self-realisation and God-realisation?
6. Can a married man realise God? What do you say?
7. Is life literally a waste if we fail to realise God? What is your considered opinion?
8. Why was the Bose family snooped on? Who ordered it and to what effect? Eventually, who stopped the snooping and why?
9. Netaji :
(a) Death by air-crash?
(b) Death in a Russian prison?
(c) Return to India and reclusive life as a monk?
What do you say?
10. Did Nehru actually write a letter to Attlee calling Netaji 'Your war criminal', or, is it a fake letter? Respond please.
11. How exactly did Nehru harm Netaji?
12. Had Vivekananda lived on, would he have endorsed Gandhi?
13. Who founded the Indian National Army?
(a) Netaji
(b) Rash Behari Bose
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