Saturday, 31 March 2018


Partition was the greatest evil perpetrated on the motherland by perfidious politicians for self-interest and for strategic gains of the Anglo-Americans post World War II. A terrible suffering has been endured by the people of undivided India on account of the transfer of population and the suffering continues till date. And all of this because of the deep sense of segregation the Muslims harboured on account of their different religious affiliation which was masterfully and mischievously manipulated by the Machiavellian British in order to permanently impair India post independence. The leadership of the day proved inadequate to the task of keeping the country united as divisions within the Congress and the general division within the polity that had been skilfully brought into existence by the British proved eventually too strong a force to successfully combat and the country broke up. Netaji's absence from the country in the hour of reckoning and Gandhiji's indecisiveness led the triumvirate of Nehru, Jinnah and Mountbatten to dismember the motherland, a villainous act which future India will never forgive as the poison of Partition spreads through the subcontinent to precipitate a pernicious stet of things.

However, Partition is not the ultimate chapter in India's history neither is it a settled fact for good. The causes that had brought it about were weak and the effect thereof must be weak too. There was no robust reason why India should have been partitioned except for the fact that an unarmed India under the Congress was not equipped to tackle the perfidious forces of the day trying to disrupt the solidarity of the motherland. The INA under Netaji had been defeated and the World war had been won by the Allies that included Great Britain as a principal member. Thus, while the British were potent enough through victory to precipitate Partition, Netaji's army was not there to resist it anymore in an organised manner, especially with the Gandhi-Nehru brigade playing truant all the way and Nehru taking care to expedite with Jinnah the political process under Mountbatten to partition the landmass. Gandhi, despite his characteristic tall protestations and falsifiable vows that verbally resisted the division of the country, eventually, meekly gave in to the pressure of the situation that had been orchestrated to such a feverish pitch by Jinnah and Suhrawardy for obvious political gains. Gandhi was sidelined by Nehru and Mountbatten as they, along with Jinnah, deliberated to divide India for respective gains. Had Netaji been around, the situation would have been different for sure but, alas, he was no more available in person to resist the evil-doers and save the motherland from dismemberment. Nonetheless, whatever may have been the real reasons for Partition, the causes were weak and their effect in historical terms will not be long-lasting and India will once more be united as she reabsorbs her severed parts and become whole again. Such a day will dawn sooner than later as Bangladesh and Pakistan will realise their folly of staying separate from the main landmass and undivided India will come into existence again.

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