Thursday 29 March 2018


Words, words, words, frothy words without substance or soul! Will words alter conditions? Will prayers change the state of the fallen? No, words may at best inspire but deeds are necessary, deeds that will direct resources to where need is most, where gods and goddesses lie in wait for millenia seeking succour, seeking solace in this uneven battle of life. They who are our sisters and brothers must be saved from destitution and death, from starvation and ill-health, from illiteracy and ignorance that have covered up the world like a nor'wester cloud stretching from end to end of the sky that hangs the same for all overhead. It is one earth, one sky, one humanity. If God is to be worshipped, let us worship the living God, the God immanent in every being and residing in the midst of the heart. The God in Nature will come next and then the God transcendent. But till the living God has been well appeased, our only worship must be of Him, must be of Her as humanity is deified and raised to where it truly belongs. This man is the highest creature and this woman is his mother. Glory unto man! Glory unto woman! Glory unto humanity!

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