1. Sanskrit must be forthwith made compulsory in the curriculum if our children are to imbibe the national culture right from childhood. What a waste of a heritage right now!
2. The Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) is the only spiritual system that can withstand the rational onslaughts of science. All other religions will crumble.
3. The heart of our national problem now is economic and we have to address it wholesale without any further delay. Else, chaos will reign.
4. We hardly see any individual, however great by universal acceptance, who identifies problems in their core content and offers solutions accordingly.
5. Life on earth may be temporary but it does not give anyone the licence to end someone else's brief sojourn here in the name of divine decree.
6. Natural law itself is divine. Come, be scientific without being a materialist.
6. Natural law itself is divine. Come, be scientific without being a materialist.
7. This world is a terrible place where affections are auctioned and self-interest rules relations. A mart indeed!
8. Fools, they rush in to where death seizes them. Yet, their death-game must go on.
9. The struggle for wealth and fame are essentially violent for they have competition for their basis in a world of limited means.
10. We are millions of Ramakrishna-devotees. Why can we not combine for the common good? Selfishness roots out such an impulse.
11. Let us no more build memorial statues for we do not know how to honour the memory of our great ones enshrined there.
12. Hinduism has the Vedas for its basis. Thus, the Vedas must be taught extensively to Hindus to apprise them of their roots.
13. Our life on earth is limited. Time flows by and death draws near. Tarry no more, my friend, move on.
14. Who will serve the motherland? These self-oblivious sons of hers who have no notion of their heritage?
15. India can be a world-beater in everything if only she will revive her spiritual culture in the right earnest.
16. Study to be steady.
17. We should develop greater self-respect and not be servile in our manners. That is not being reverent to the ones we seek to please.
18. The herd instinct is good when it comes to fruitful living in society but detrimental when it leads to a stifling of individuality.
19. He who is a devotee will first shun being a flatterer to the cause and will dedicate himself to the advancement of the cause.
20. Through the trackless forest of Maya, the little Buddha travels. (On beholding an ant crawl across the table-top in my room.)
21. Even if you are self-duped, do not be a self-duper, for the former condition may be undone but the latter is beyond repair.
22. Karma spelt out cannot be undone. Only knowledge destroys the seeds that impel one to karmic bonds.
23. I may be an insignificant entity but the Lord within me surely is illimitable. How can I in humility deny Him all the time?
24. In the absence of sympathy our old people suffer. Are our aged garbage that may be disposed off at will? Is this seva dharma?
25. Forget not them who gave you birth or gave birth to the ones you love. If you do, you are no more to be called human, I dare say.
26. Hindus must know their heritage if this nation is to remain strong and integrated.
27. This superficial statement that all religions have essentially the same core values is a lie and a gross violation of truth at that.
28. India has been partitioned once. Now beware that we do not break up again.
29. A nation with a glorious spiritual heritage running into several millenia cannot find a foothold in values today. What an irony!
30. Truth must be practised by both monastics and the laity. This is the dharma of the age. Truth empowers like nothing else.
31. To see spiritual bodies make common cause with political powerhouses is distressing and does not augur well for the nation.
32. Once more a tidal wave of spirituality will be rising centred on yet another descent of the divine. Ramakrishna will reincarnate.
33. Hinduism is invincible in the long run for the Avatar ever incarnates to save it from harm. But in the short run?
34. Unless Hindus awake to their daily spiritual practices in real earnest, the power of this community will keep on waning. Awake!
35. The culture of continence must be widespread in our countrymen if we are to emerge as a spiritual powerhouse in the world.
36. China and Pakistan may be enemies but the deadlier enemy is within. Beware!
37. Empower our women and the masses if the nation is to rise. This was Vivekananda's parting dictum to us.
38. Consider your country your home and love it accordingly. Then will service to the nation spontaneously follow.
39. Mahamaya is up to a myriad tricks. Her master plan aims at the weak who perish to Her delight. So, be strong for self-survival.
40. Why demean yourself all the time by falling at the feet of monks? Can you not yet arise with head held straight and renounce?
41. Was Ramakrishna a monk? Or, was he a householder? What do you say, my friend?
42. Selective preaching of Vivekananda is detrimental to the world. What is needed is a wholesale articulation of his message, unedited.
43. It will take a far greater sense of responsibility and identification with the masses to be able to truly feel for them before one sets out to alleviating their misery.
44. Life for the aged is a veritable hell when in their infirmity they are at last exposed to the true colour of their near and dear ones.
45. Ignorance of the truth of the Self is the cause of divisiveness among men which again is the root of all social evils.
46. This life will pass at any rate for time will inexorably draw it to its end. The interim period is what constitutes quality.
47. The limitations of life are self-imposed as much as they are imposed by Nature. The task is to transcend them and be free.
48. The easiest way to reach God is to serve His body in visible humanity.
49. How can you plead for the mercy of the Mother if you are not touched at all by Her suffering form in visible humanity?
50. Passive piety springs from tamas. What we need is dynamic devotion that translates itself into living action.
51. Women must be honoured for they are the embodiment of the Divine Mother. But they must remember this latter identity too.
52. We must help the Ramakrishna Mission bring to fruition fast its multifarious welfare projects for in it lies genuine human good.
53. When life is, misspend it. When death stalks, lament.
54. Every night dawns on me like veritable death,
My life withers away.
Having attained to human birth
Of what avail was it?
55. Thakur-Ma and their disciples were desperately poor. If we are to serve them, we must serve them in suffering humanity.
56. This apathy of the people to welfare activity in terms of hearty participation stems from a certain diffidence
57. We must not fling/drop a piece of bread onto a poor man's plate for it is an insult to his dignity as an individual. Reform.
58. The plight of poverty is not merely in its material stress but in the human indignity heaped on the individual on its account.
59. He who honours himself is honoured everywhere.
60. The selfless work of the millions remains unregistered in the annals of history as the leader takes it all, but theirs is the labour of love that builds civilisation.
61. Holy Mother remains the ultimate ideal for woman as she resurfaces from her age-old servitude to historical forces.
62. There is a higher force, a deeper impulse that impels man unto his earthly deeds even as the elements work to natural commandment.
63. It takes great disruption of the human order, yet a high harmony of circumstance for the Divine to manifest in earthly apparel.
64. The care of the old must outweigh our concern for gold.
65. This life is an ever-vanishing dream only held together by persistence of primordial ignorance. Smash it to break free.
66. Duty is not limited to one's family alone. There is a duty to the world as well. And there is love for humanity as a whole.
67. Swamiji was 'Condensed India'. His followers must, therefore, develop an all-India attitude and not a narrow provincial outlook.
68. The depth of the great one few can fathom. All merely interpret greatness through the prism of their myopic mind.
69. A star passes into the stars. Stephen Hawking is no more.
70. He left behind a scientific legacy but more so the legacy of the triumph of mind over matter. Stephen Hawking passes away.
71. As memories keep flooding of a lonesome traveller's star trek, one bows down to the triumphant spirit whom disease could not defeat. Hawking passes into silence.
72. Hawking passes into silence.
73. As the disease progressed, so did research into ultimate causes of the cosmos as Hawking peered into space from his wheelchair.
74. Now the brief history of human time must have Hawking as a singular event in its annals.
75. In another era he would have died young, unknown. Thanks to modern science, he survived to conquer. Then he drifted into the stars.
76. How much more must I mercenary be before I feel unfit to be devotee of that pure soul, Ramakrishna?
77. Why can we not combine to make good a welfare project that will do enormous good to the multitude? Why then, why even now?\
78. How is it that we rest content with glorified words of piety even as we refuse to contribute a wee bit for a social cause?
79. Mothers, live pure and guide your children along the path of brahmacharya (continence) for their effective character-formation.
80. Rare comes the daughter who wishes to wholeheartedly devote herself to study. Mother, do not distract her with co-curricular stuff.
81. Chanting continuously from dawn to dusk under the sun with four fires to give company on four sides, Holy Mother did the 'Panchatapa' with Jogin Ma and Golap Ma.
82. Was woken from my sleep (actual, not metaphorical) by the loudspeaker sending out the 'azaan'.
83. Have not heard the loud chanting of the name of a Hindu God for some time. Am kept busy hearing the Islamic call to worship.
84. Hindus must practise their faith more affirmatively for Hinduism to make a significant impact at the world level.
85. India is in danger of yet another break-up. The design is set, the forces are at work and the decimation is at hand. Must we sleep?
86. In the name of devotion keep watching the desecration of your country, your culture and your religion by fraudulent foreign forces.
87. The territory of the Hindus has ever decreased historically thanks to the practice of passive piety by its followers. Awake!
88. The courage to speak out what is right without injuring the sentiments of others is what constitutes the core of devotion.
89. It is an eternal life punctuated by brief interludes of terrestrial life and death. It is an eternal day of which there is no night.
90. Spiritual life begins when one has seen the vanity of earthly desires. Even the ochre-clad may be leading a material life.
91. Lust for the layman and fame for the renunciate. The bonds of Maya are many, inextricable Her web of work.
92. We somehow carry the colonial baggage still and value the West more than they value themselves.
93. Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj) was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Do you/do you not agree with it, my friend?
94. Rare is seen the man who is principled enough to place truth above organisational allegiance.
95. Show me the man who is in truth and you will have seen the one who has had the vision of God.
96. A devotee is a very high order of being. His/her mind ever flows unto the Divine alone and unto none else.
97. The contours of this world are so complex that historical heresies inevitably line up as events unfold in conflicting patterns.
98. The human mind is a flawed apparatus for the apprehension of the absolute truth. How can the part ever comprehend the whole? One has to go beyond mental limits to realise that which transcends the sensory plane. But this presupposes that one is distinct from the mind, else, how may one possibly go beyond the realm of the mind, and who goes after all? So, there seems to be a third entity other than the body and the mind and this is in common parlance called the soul. But in essence it is the refined mind itself and is not to be confused with the absolute Self. The mind in its variously factorised state is composed of fractions which are layered and interlocked, the fragments integrating to bind the seeming personality in the progressive phase of evolution and separating to release it in its retrogressive phase. The mind lends a seeming sense of personality to the impersonal being and it is this unreal self that is the subject matter of spiritual evolution, that is seen to rise through the successive phases of the mind before it breaks free in union with the real Self, that is, the unreal self dissolves in the final act of the dissolution of the mind and the Self remains resplendent in its own majesty, self-existent, self-conscious, perfect, spherical, brooding on itself through eternity, the one undivided being whose shadow are countless universes. It is this Self that is to be reached, to be realised, and this is the spiritual quest in essence. All others are mere attempts to attain this blessed state of oneness with oneself where there is no trace of duality, no shadow of doubt as to the truth of the being and no vestige of phenomenal dreams. This is the hallowed state, the state of absolute beatitude, the goal of evolution and the objective of all life. Having reached this state of supreme blessedness, man becomes God and he witnesses the shadowy universe as a panoramic spectacle of insubstantial forms and names, reflections of his mighty Self.
99. God is the indwelling Spirit and not an external being enthroned high up in an imaginary heaven.
100. We are all headed towards death. What is needed is a reversal of route to head towards immortality.
101. Principle liberates, personality enslaves.
102. Faiths are divergent. Hence, the faithful will never unite on a doctrinaire basis but may do so on a universal philosophical one as the Vedanta affords.
103. Multifarious are the beginnings of religion but the end eventually is one.
104. Religion is politics to many, solace to the multitude and spiritual path for a handful.
105. The Hindu dharma traditions are realisation-bound whereas the Semitic religions are faith-bound.
106. It is the principle that must ever be upheld and never the personality, although, the principle shines through the personality in Maya. Emphasising the personality enslaves mankind, the principle liberates.
107. The path is tortuous, the means are few, the end vast to attain. "Give up thy all," saith the Lord.
108. The whole face of Maya is false. It is deception all the way.
109. Love if the feeling of the heart for one totally free of lust.
110. There must be sublimity in love, a heavenly feeling removed from aught of earth.
111. The ideal enunciated in the beloved's form, beauty is beheld in the inner eye. Then all is bliss.
112. In the din of life the finer feelings are so often suppressed till in a moment opportune the soul flows out in ecstasy.
8. Fools, they rush in to where death seizes them. Yet, their death-game must go on.
9. The struggle for wealth and fame are essentially violent for they have competition for their basis in a world of limited means.
10. We are millions of Ramakrishna-devotees. Why can we not combine for the common good? Selfishness roots out such an impulse.
11. Let us no more build memorial statues for we do not know how to honour the memory of our great ones enshrined there.
12. Hinduism has the Vedas for its basis. Thus, the Vedas must be taught extensively to Hindus to apprise them of their roots.
13. Our life on earth is limited. Time flows by and death draws near. Tarry no more, my friend, move on.
14. Who will serve the motherland? These self-oblivious sons of hers who have no notion of their heritage?
15. India can be a world-beater in everything if only she will revive her spiritual culture in the right earnest.
16. Study to be steady.
17. We should develop greater self-respect and not be servile in our manners. That is not being reverent to the ones we seek to please.
18. The herd instinct is good when it comes to fruitful living in society but detrimental when it leads to a stifling of individuality.
19. He who is a devotee will first shun being a flatterer to the cause and will dedicate himself to the advancement of the cause.
20. Through the trackless forest of Maya, the little Buddha travels. (On beholding an ant crawl across the table-top in my room.)
21. Even if you are self-duped, do not be a self-duper, for the former condition may be undone but the latter is beyond repair.
22. Karma spelt out cannot be undone. Only knowledge destroys the seeds that impel one to karmic bonds.
23. I may be an insignificant entity but the Lord within me surely is illimitable. How can I in humility deny Him all the time?
24. In the absence of sympathy our old people suffer. Are our aged garbage that may be disposed off at will? Is this seva dharma?
25. Forget not them who gave you birth or gave birth to the ones you love. If you do, you are no more to be called human, I dare say.
26. Hindus must know their heritage if this nation is to remain strong and integrated.
27. This superficial statement that all religions have essentially the same core values is a lie and a gross violation of truth at that.
28. India has been partitioned once. Now beware that we do not break up again.
29. A nation with a glorious spiritual heritage running into several millenia cannot find a foothold in values today. What an irony!
30. Truth must be practised by both monastics and the laity. This is the dharma of the age. Truth empowers like nothing else.
31. To see spiritual bodies make common cause with political powerhouses is distressing and does not augur well for the nation.
32. Once more a tidal wave of spirituality will be rising centred on yet another descent of the divine. Ramakrishna will reincarnate.
33. Hinduism is invincible in the long run for the Avatar ever incarnates to save it from harm. But in the short run?
34. Unless Hindus awake to their daily spiritual practices in real earnest, the power of this community will keep on waning. Awake!
35. The culture of continence must be widespread in our countrymen if we are to emerge as a spiritual powerhouse in the world.
36. China and Pakistan may be enemies but the deadlier enemy is within. Beware!
37. Empower our women and the masses if the nation is to rise. This was Vivekananda's parting dictum to us.
38. Consider your country your home and love it accordingly. Then will service to the nation spontaneously follow.
39. Mahamaya is up to a myriad tricks. Her master plan aims at the weak who perish to Her delight. So, be strong for self-survival.
40. Why demean yourself all the time by falling at the feet of monks? Can you not yet arise with head held straight and renounce?
41. Was Ramakrishna a monk? Or, was he a householder? What do you say, my friend?
42. Selective preaching of Vivekananda is detrimental to the world. What is needed is a wholesale articulation of his message, unedited.
43. It will take a far greater sense of responsibility and identification with the masses to be able to truly feel for them before one sets out to alleviating their misery.
44. Life for the aged is a veritable hell when in their infirmity they are at last exposed to the true colour of their near and dear ones.
45. Ignorance of the truth of the Self is the cause of divisiveness among men which again is the root of all social evils.
46. This life will pass at any rate for time will inexorably draw it to its end. The interim period is what constitutes quality.
47. The limitations of life are self-imposed as much as they are imposed by Nature. The task is to transcend them and be free.
48. The easiest way to reach God is to serve His body in visible humanity.
49. How can you plead for the mercy of the Mother if you are not touched at all by Her suffering form in visible humanity?
50. Passive piety springs from tamas. What we need is dynamic devotion that translates itself into living action.
51. Women must be honoured for they are the embodiment of the Divine Mother. But they must remember this latter identity too.
52. We must help the Ramakrishna Mission bring to fruition fast its multifarious welfare projects for in it lies genuine human good.
53. When life is, misspend it. When death stalks, lament.
54. Every night dawns on me like veritable death,
My life withers away.
Having attained to human birth
Of what avail was it?
55. Thakur-Ma and their disciples were desperately poor. If we are to serve them, we must serve them in suffering humanity.
56. This apathy of the people to welfare activity in terms of hearty participation stems from a certain diffidence
57. We must not fling/drop a piece of bread onto a poor man's plate for it is an insult to his dignity as an individual. Reform.
58. The plight of poverty is not merely in its material stress but in the human indignity heaped on the individual on its account.
59. He who honours himself is honoured everywhere.
60. The selfless work of the millions remains unregistered in the annals of history as the leader takes it all, but theirs is the labour of love that builds civilisation.
61. Holy Mother remains the ultimate ideal for woman as she resurfaces from her age-old servitude to historical forces.
62. There is a higher force, a deeper impulse that impels man unto his earthly deeds even as the elements work to natural commandment.
63. It takes great disruption of the human order, yet a high harmony of circumstance for the Divine to manifest in earthly apparel.
64. The care of the old must outweigh our concern for gold.
65. This life is an ever-vanishing dream only held together by persistence of primordial ignorance. Smash it to break free.
66. Duty is not limited to one's family alone. There is a duty to the world as well. And there is love for humanity as a whole.
67. Swamiji was 'Condensed India'. His followers must, therefore, develop an all-India attitude and not a narrow provincial outlook.
68. The depth of the great one few can fathom. All merely interpret greatness through the prism of their myopic mind.
69. A star passes into the stars. Stephen Hawking is no more.
70. He left behind a scientific legacy but more so the legacy of the triumph of mind over matter. Stephen Hawking passes away.
71. As memories keep flooding of a lonesome traveller's star trek, one bows down to the triumphant spirit whom disease could not defeat. Hawking passes into silence.
72. Hawking passes into silence.
73. As the disease progressed, so did research into ultimate causes of the cosmos as Hawking peered into space from his wheelchair.
74. Now the brief history of human time must have Hawking as a singular event in its annals.
75. In another era he would have died young, unknown. Thanks to modern science, he survived to conquer. Then he drifted into the stars.
76. How much more must I mercenary be before I feel unfit to be devotee of that pure soul, Ramakrishna?
77. Why can we not combine to make good a welfare project that will do enormous good to the multitude? Why then, why even now?\
78. How is it that we rest content with glorified words of piety even as we refuse to contribute a wee bit for a social cause?
79. Mothers, live pure and guide your children along the path of brahmacharya (continence) for their effective character-formation.
80. Rare comes the daughter who wishes to wholeheartedly devote herself to study. Mother, do not distract her with co-curricular stuff.
81. Chanting continuously from dawn to dusk under the sun with four fires to give company on four sides, Holy Mother did the 'Panchatapa' with Jogin Ma and Golap Ma.
82. Was woken from my sleep (actual, not metaphorical) by the loudspeaker sending out the 'azaan'.
83. Have not heard the loud chanting of the name of a Hindu God for some time. Am kept busy hearing the Islamic call to worship.
84. Hindus must practise their faith more affirmatively for Hinduism to make a significant impact at the world level.
85. India is in danger of yet another break-up. The design is set, the forces are at work and the decimation is at hand. Must we sleep?
86. In the name of devotion keep watching the desecration of your country, your culture and your religion by fraudulent foreign forces.
87. The territory of the Hindus has ever decreased historically thanks to the practice of passive piety by its followers. Awake!
88. The courage to speak out what is right without injuring the sentiments of others is what constitutes the core of devotion.
89. It is an eternal life punctuated by brief interludes of terrestrial life and death. It is an eternal day of which there is no night.
90. Spiritual life begins when one has seen the vanity of earthly desires. Even the ochre-clad may be leading a material life.
91. Lust for the layman and fame for the renunciate. The bonds of Maya are many, inextricable Her web of work.
92. We somehow carry the colonial baggage still and value the West more than they value themselves.
93. Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj) was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Do you/do you not agree with it, my friend?
94. Rare is seen the man who is principled enough to place truth above organisational allegiance.
95. Show me the man who is in truth and you will have seen the one who has had the vision of God.
96. A devotee is a very high order of being. His/her mind ever flows unto the Divine alone and unto none else.
97. The contours of this world are so complex that historical heresies inevitably line up as events unfold in conflicting patterns.
98. The human mind is a flawed apparatus for the apprehension of the absolute truth. How can the part ever comprehend the whole? One has to go beyond mental limits to realise that which transcends the sensory plane. But this presupposes that one is distinct from the mind, else, how may one possibly go beyond the realm of the mind, and who goes after all? So, there seems to be a third entity other than the body and the mind and this is in common parlance called the soul. But in essence it is the refined mind itself and is not to be confused with the absolute Self. The mind in its variously factorised state is composed of fractions which are layered and interlocked, the fragments integrating to bind the seeming personality in the progressive phase of evolution and separating to release it in its retrogressive phase. The mind lends a seeming sense of personality to the impersonal being and it is this unreal self that is the subject matter of spiritual evolution, that is seen to rise through the successive phases of the mind before it breaks free in union with the real Self, that is, the unreal self dissolves in the final act of the dissolution of the mind and the Self remains resplendent in its own majesty, self-existent, self-conscious, perfect, spherical, brooding on itself through eternity, the one undivided being whose shadow are countless universes. It is this Self that is to be reached, to be realised, and this is the spiritual quest in essence. All others are mere attempts to attain this blessed state of oneness with oneself where there is no trace of duality, no shadow of doubt as to the truth of the being and no vestige of phenomenal dreams. This is the hallowed state, the state of absolute beatitude, the goal of evolution and the objective of all life. Having reached this state of supreme blessedness, man becomes God and he witnesses the shadowy universe as a panoramic spectacle of insubstantial forms and names, reflections of his mighty Self.
99. God is the indwelling Spirit and not an external being enthroned high up in an imaginary heaven.
100. We are all headed towards death. What is needed is a reversal of route to head towards immortality.
101. Principle liberates, personality enslaves.
102. Faiths are divergent. Hence, the faithful will never unite on a doctrinaire basis but may do so on a universal philosophical one as the Vedanta affords.
103. Multifarious are the beginnings of religion but the end eventually is one.
104. Religion is politics to many, solace to the multitude and spiritual path for a handful.
105. The Hindu dharma traditions are realisation-bound whereas the Semitic religions are faith-bound.
106. It is the principle that must ever be upheld and never the personality, although, the principle shines through the personality in Maya. Emphasising the personality enslaves mankind, the principle liberates.
107. The path is tortuous, the means are few, the end vast to attain. "Give up thy all," saith the Lord.
108. The whole face of Maya is false. It is deception all the way.
109. Love if the feeling of the heart for one totally free of lust.
110. There must be sublimity in love, a heavenly feeling removed from aught of earth.
111. The ideal enunciated in the beloved's form, beauty is beheld in the inner eye. Then all is bliss.
112. In the din of life the finer feelings are so often suppressed till in a moment opportune the soul flows out in ecstasy.
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