Saturday 3 March 2018


Proximity of the genders is extremely harmful in the spiritual path. Hence, a monk must avoid association with woman at any cost. The opposite genders are contra-disposed in the cosmic mental ocean with affinity of opposites consuming their vitality. Hence, such a stricture of non-association of the opposite genders in the spiritual path. Indiscriminate association with women will sure bring about the ruination of monks and they have themselves to blame for it. Power builds up in the system on conserving the vital energy and power dissipated otherwise. Hence, purity is so stressed in spirituality as the sine qua non. Absence of absolute brahmacharya is the bane of spiritual orders of the day and is ultimately the cause of the loss of spiritual fire in them. A monk will lose the spiritual fire if he unduly associates even with women devotees for a sizeable period of time. His path is like the razor's edge, his vocation the most taxing of all human endeavours. ''Those with genuine renunciation keep a distance of 50 arm-lengths from women to prevent loss of spiritual mood,'' said Ramakrishna. During the stage of character-formation association with women is extremely harmful for monks. Even after God-realisation they have to keep a safe distance from women to set up before all the golden ideal of renunciation.

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