1. Nothing stays, nor this body nor this mind. All things formed must dissolve. I am but a fleeting fancy of the Divine.
2. Music! Oh, that much abused art that dies a thousand deaths every day by the profane touch of the pretentious!
3. Irreparable losses that take place in life are all reparable in God-realisation. It heals, I say, it heals.
4. Is there a cosmic will that determines the course of human life or is it all a human determination after all?
5. A bubble on the ocean am I but a bubble significant, for the part composes the whole and lends meaning to it.
6. Is there a means to separate me from the rest of my brethren save that of my little understanding of the cosmic mechanism?
7. He bites and the poison passes to the brain. Then there is no escape. And he holds the heart too. The master musician, he enthrals.
8. The piper blows his pipe, the flock follows to drown. But the ocean swells in pride as collective ego dissolves.
9. Life is so tragic. The freshest flowers wither away in the bright beam of midday and their fragrance spreads to flavour spring.
10. She wrote her epitaph and it read : 'Alone I travelled in search of love till love came and deserted me.'
11. A sorrow that will live on beyond this birth and brew in the womb of the morrow the bliss of union.
12. The fragrant do not last long in the sunshine of life. Theirs is the lunar light to melt into, dissolve in the darkness unheeded.
13. There is a tragedy to it all, this life, this love, this dream, et al.
14. As the bus detoured along its mountain track, life blossomed in the winds.
15. Charity enhances health, wealth and happiness which is why it is an integral part of dharma.
16. The path of life is tortuous for the one who moves without the grace of the Guru but straightens into the royal avenue of God once the Guru graces.
17. Waltzing on water requires levitation skills. So must the gravity of earthly desire be countered by divine aspiration.
18. You see the things so rough and coarse, but for me the moments linger on, on moods felt in lunar light.
19. All of life is surface-scratching while the depth remains unfathomed.
20. It is a shame that we are ignorant of our parent language, Sanskrit, and yet aspire to forge ahead into advanced westernisation.
21. Not a bit of life overall changes. It is just taking a brick out of there and laying it here.
22. Till disenchantment comes with this life of the senses, the spiritual world does not open up. Rare indeed is the monk of merit.
23. The body is strong, the mind's vigorous. Now is the time to call on God, lest the hour slips by.
24. Self-interest is eating into the vitals of the race and reducing a billion Indians to a state servile.
25. Who will inherit the legacy of Thakur? The one who is devoid of self-interest and works only for the world oblivious of self.
26. Till disenchantment comes with this life of the senses, the spiritual world does not open up. Rare indeed is the monk of merit.
27. Who will save me, which God, if I do not save myself?
28. One must try and struggle to exert one's will for the good of all, fail and then submit to Mother. Passive piety must be shunned.
29. Poetry is one, practice quite another. So long as words seem to suffice and deeds are reduced to nought, one has missed the mark in devotion.
30. We must not be disheartened at the apathy of any in our bid to serve Mother for men are bound in their daily struggle for survival.
31. The integrated personality of Thakur-Ma is our ideal. But devotion must be in deed as well, not merely in tearful isolation.
32. Swamiji had lamented the lack of general sympathy among Indians then for charitable causes. Alas, it is the same even today!
33. Who loves Thakur? Who loves Ma? They suffer in a myriad garb and we celebrate their suffering. Ah, what devotion!
34. The rich exploit the poor. The middle classes merely rationalise. And the poor mutely suffer. Alas, how friendless the poor are!
35. When the chips are down, serve the Mother, and when the going is good, serve Her too.
36. Men suffer so much, still they cannot give up attachment to this world, this temporary habitat where everything is false.
37. Sense-living is like catching water by closing the palm, and the palm closes and the water escapes too.
38. When the deeds are done and it is time to depart, let me, O Lord, lament not a bit that life was ill-spent. So help me live.
39. O Lord, help me extend my familial bounds to include the whole of humanity, for everywhere you reside in the heart enthroned.
40. We speak so much, feel so little. Our words must flow from the depth of feeling. Else, shallow whirlpools will we be.
41. The procession of words continues, dauntless, unabated. Who will lend feeling to them? Who will infuse life into dead words?
42. Life is not a lucky draw. We reap here the effects of past actions and produce fresh ones to draw from the substance of the future.
43. As I breathe life into the bud, fresh flows the sap that blossoms it.
44. Memories keep flooding as the flowers of yesteryears keep blossoming in the garden of my maturity.
45. The dark deep night is wedded to the dawn. It is the moment of confluence, the 'sandhikshan'.
46. The karmic bonds are severed, the boat is afloat, the tide is set and it is the vesper hour, fit to sail. Tarry no more, my soul.
47. So many years have elapsed, yet, they who cared have not forgotten, not forsaken too.
48. My blessings I shower on a long-lost one who shall yet affirm the power of the word and fulfil the dream the word entails.
49. There is a joy in living when you see yourself come alive suddenly in a fresher form, in a newer aspiration.
50. The forces conspire to deal a death-blow to the aspirations of the young one but undeterred the soul advances to conquer.
51. Duty or desire? How shall we define our deliberations? How determine the course of life?
52. Life cyclically revolves to bring back old associations. There is a law of love that holds all life.
53. Mother, grant me a thorny life but end it with a beautiful death.
54. Open up the divine channel, Mother. This slavery to time, this bondage to bonds, this dated decay no more inspires.
55. Character-formation is the prerequisite for service to the motherland and purity the bedrock of it.
56. The forces of Maya align to destroy the aspirant's blossoming dreams of freedom by making allowances meagre.
57. I owe no one allegiance, I seek the allegiance of none. I am a lone pilgrim on the face of this earth.
58. My allegiance is to Truth. May the God of Truth guide my steps as I wander the face of this earth!
59. This world is brutal, the systems are geared to exploit the weak. It is a devil's handiwork and this devil is man.
60. Capitalism is cruel and capitalists are brutal in the way they suck the lifeblood of the masses. How can a rich man have respite?
61. Create poverty first, then donate to absolve the sin. This is the philosophy and practice of the capitalist.
62. The baby is born with a fund of experience and is not a blank sheet. Hence, the divergences observed in children's behaviour.
63. Women must solve their own problems, so said Swamiji. Men are not to interfere for that would lead to mischief.
64. The moment you feel weak, call on the Holy Mother. She will protect you.
65. The Guru is one who seeks nothing but the spiritual well-being of the disciple. His impersonal nature makes him selfless.
66. A disciple is one who veritably worships the Guru and does everything to please him. Such a one makes the mark.
67. A million follies, a million foibles, a hundred hurdles may beset you, yet, hold hard onto the ideal without fail.
68. Practise purity, cultivate character, resist evil.
69. Fame is abhorrent to a man of renunciation, yet, how often we see he falls for it. And this is Maya.
70. It is a delight to see someone take the name of Thakur lovingly and, so, progress in the spiritual path steadily.
71. Multiple marriages are not conducive to the manifestation of good character. Hence, such acts must be abhorred and abstained from.
72. A legend is born and a legend dies. In between they span the gamut of the creative spirit.
73. The apathy of people to the genuine study of Netaji and his life and mission is painful to witness. Time to step up campaign.
74. Introspection is spirituality.
75. If you are truly devoted to Netaji, try to be spiritually illumined. Read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' and 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda', both of which were so dear to him.
76. Is spiritual initiation necessary? What is your view on it, and, why so?
77. Let us gear ourselves to serve the Mother by rooting out selfishness from our system and so equip ourselves to receive the grace of the Mother.
78. Through the turbulence of life, O Mother, lead me Thou to the serenity of the beyond.
79. Those who wish to serve the motherland beyond professional commitment, let them practise unselfishness and charity first. Jai Hind!
80. To be born a human being is no joke and to then squander the opportunity to attain to higher consciousness, ah, what a calamity!
81. The form deflects but the soul does not, the personality shines through the image bearing the stamp of the being.
82. Music that flows from the heart bears a truth that frees even as the melody binds one to the world of forms and dreams.
83. Appeasement and antagonisation are both pernicious evils that leave the polity perilously polarised.
84. How strange it is that men make the same mistake over and over again without any sincere attempt to rectify stance!
85. When there's relative ease in life, we must advance spiritually, and when we are buffeted by the four winds, we must hang on to Mother.
86. There is so much suffering on earth, so little solace. Mother, grace Thy children, where else may we go?
87. Such apathy for the misery of the masses, so much of passive piety, such unconcern for others must be met forthwith.
88. The inability to maintain commitment to a cause, to give a word and then fail to honour it, is symptomatic of tamas.
89. Slavery to God is the bane of spirituality and the great degeneration of the freedom of the spirit.
90. The glory of religion is where it frees man and not where it debases him through the imposition of bondage.
91. Expect nothing for good deed done, for your expectation at any rate in most of the cases will be belied.
92. Sincerity is the primary attribute to success in any field of human endeavour. Insincerity reaps a cipher.
93. Ever so near, ever so far, this is God in me.
94. This universe is the problem and God is its solution.
95. There is a way to solve this puzzle of life and that is to seek God within.
96. When youth is bounding and springtime green, it is best to direct one's energy to seeking God within, for when life fails and energy ebbs, it is a futile effort to do so.
97. If words are enough to move the Holy Mother and deeds are unnecessary, may I plunge into the Ganga to purify myself!
98. Let us help the Ramakrishna Mission conduct its multifarious welfare projects by contributing our resources for the same.
99. Can we sit pretty when a cinema hall has caught fire and people are being burnt to death? How then do we mutely witness millions burning in poverty, ignorance and abysmally low life-conditions?
100. Betrayal is a common element that led to our motherland's downfall in the past and continues till date to debilitate her. Awake!
2. Music! Oh, that much abused art that dies a thousand deaths every day by the profane touch of the pretentious!
3. Irreparable losses that take place in life are all reparable in God-realisation. It heals, I say, it heals.
4. Is there a cosmic will that determines the course of human life or is it all a human determination after all?
5. A bubble on the ocean am I but a bubble significant, for the part composes the whole and lends meaning to it.
6. Is there a means to separate me from the rest of my brethren save that of my little understanding of the cosmic mechanism?
7. He bites and the poison passes to the brain. Then there is no escape. And he holds the heart too. The master musician, he enthrals.
8. The piper blows his pipe, the flock follows to drown. But the ocean swells in pride as collective ego dissolves.
9. Life is so tragic. The freshest flowers wither away in the bright beam of midday and their fragrance spreads to flavour spring.
10. She wrote her epitaph and it read : 'Alone I travelled in search of love till love came and deserted me.'
11. A sorrow that will live on beyond this birth and brew in the womb of the morrow the bliss of union.
12. The fragrant do not last long in the sunshine of life. Theirs is the lunar light to melt into, dissolve in the darkness unheeded.
13. There is a tragedy to it all, this life, this love, this dream, et al.
14. As the bus detoured along its mountain track, life blossomed in the winds.
15. Charity enhances health, wealth and happiness which is why it is an integral part of dharma.
16. The path of life is tortuous for the one who moves without the grace of the Guru but straightens into the royal avenue of God once the Guru graces.
17. Waltzing on water requires levitation skills. So must the gravity of earthly desire be countered by divine aspiration.
18. You see the things so rough and coarse, but for me the moments linger on, on moods felt in lunar light.
19. All of life is surface-scratching while the depth remains unfathomed.
20. It is a shame that we are ignorant of our parent language, Sanskrit, and yet aspire to forge ahead into advanced westernisation.
21. Not a bit of life overall changes. It is just taking a brick out of there and laying it here.
22. Till disenchantment comes with this life of the senses, the spiritual world does not open up. Rare indeed is the monk of merit.
23. The body is strong, the mind's vigorous. Now is the time to call on God, lest the hour slips by.
24. Self-interest is eating into the vitals of the race and reducing a billion Indians to a state servile.
25. Who will inherit the legacy of Thakur? The one who is devoid of self-interest and works only for the world oblivious of self.
26. Till disenchantment comes with this life of the senses, the spiritual world does not open up. Rare indeed is the monk of merit.
27. Who will save me, which God, if I do not save myself?
28. One must try and struggle to exert one's will for the good of all, fail and then submit to Mother. Passive piety must be shunned.
29. Poetry is one, practice quite another. So long as words seem to suffice and deeds are reduced to nought, one has missed the mark in devotion.
30. We must not be disheartened at the apathy of any in our bid to serve Mother for men are bound in their daily struggle for survival.
31. The integrated personality of Thakur-Ma is our ideal. But devotion must be in deed as well, not merely in tearful isolation.
32. Swamiji had lamented the lack of general sympathy among Indians then for charitable causes. Alas, it is the same even today!
33. Who loves Thakur? Who loves Ma? They suffer in a myriad garb and we celebrate their suffering. Ah, what devotion!
34. The rich exploit the poor. The middle classes merely rationalise. And the poor mutely suffer. Alas, how friendless the poor are!
35. When the chips are down, serve the Mother, and when the going is good, serve Her too.
36. Men suffer so much, still they cannot give up attachment to this world, this temporary habitat where everything is false.
37. Sense-living is like catching water by closing the palm, and the palm closes and the water escapes too.
38. When the deeds are done and it is time to depart, let me, O Lord, lament not a bit that life was ill-spent. So help me live.
39. O Lord, help me extend my familial bounds to include the whole of humanity, for everywhere you reside in the heart enthroned.
40. We speak so much, feel so little. Our words must flow from the depth of feeling. Else, shallow whirlpools will we be.
41. The procession of words continues, dauntless, unabated. Who will lend feeling to them? Who will infuse life into dead words?
42. Life is not a lucky draw. We reap here the effects of past actions and produce fresh ones to draw from the substance of the future.
43. As I breathe life into the bud, fresh flows the sap that blossoms it.
44. Memories keep flooding as the flowers of yesteryears keep blossoming in the garden of my maturity.
45. The dark deep night is wedded to the dawn. It is the moment of confluence, the 'sandhikshan'.
46. The karmic bonds are severed, the boat is afloat, the tide is set and it is the vesper hour, fit to sail. Tarry no more, my soul.
47. So many years have elapsed, yet, they who cared have not forgotten, not forsaken too.
48. My blessings I shower on a long-lost one who shall yet affirm the power of the word and fulfil the dream the word entails.
49. There is a joy in living when you see yourself come alive suddenly in a fresher form, in a newer aspiration.
50. The forces conspire to deal a death-blow to the aspirations of the young one but undeterred the soul advances to conquer.
51. Duty or desire? How shall we define our deliberations? How determine the course of life?
52. Life cyclically revolves to bring back old associations. There is a law of love that holds all life.
53. Mother, grant me a thorny life but end it with a beautiful death.
54. Open up the divine channel, Mother. This slavery to time, this bondage to bonds, this dated decay no more inspires.
55. Character-formation is the prerequisite for service to the motherland and purity the bedrock of it.
56. The forces of Maya align to destroy the aspirant's blossoming dreams of freedom by making allowances meagre.
57. I owe no one allegiance, I seek the allegiance of none. I am a lone pilgrim on the face of this earth.
58. My allegiance is to Truth. May the God of Truth guide my steps as I wander the face of this earth!
59. This world is brutal, the systems are geared to exploit the weak. It is a devil's handiwork and this devil is man.
60. Capitalism is cruel and capitalists are brutal in the way they suck the lifeblood of the masses. How can a rich man have respite?
61. Create poverty first, then donate to absolve the sin. This is the philosophy and practice of the capitalist.
62. The baby is born with a fund of experience and is not a blank sheet. Hence, the divergences observed in children's behaviour.
63. Women must solve their own problems, so said Swamiji. Men are not to interfere for that would lead to mischief.
64. The moment you feel weak, call on the Holy Mother. She will protect you.
65. The Guru is one who seeks nothing but the spiritual well-being of the disciple. His impersonal nature makes him selfless.
66. A disciple is one who veritably worships the Guru and does everything to please him. Such a one makes the mark.
67. A million follies, a million foibles, a hundred hurdles may beset you, yet, hold hard onto the ideal without fail.
68. Practise purity, cultivate character, resist evil.
69. Fame is abhorrent to a man of renunciation, yet, how often we see he falls for it. And this is Maya.
70. It is a delight to see someone take the name of Thakur lovingly and, so, progress in the spiritual path steadily.
71. Multiple marriages are not conducive to the manifestation of good character. Hence, such acts must be abhorred and abstained from.
72. A legend is born and a legend dies. In between they span the gamut of the creative spirit.
73. The apathy of people to the genuine study of Netaji and his life and mission is painful to witness. Time to step up campaign.
74. Introspection is spirituality.
75. If you are truly devoted to Netaji, try to be spiritually illumined. Read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' and 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda', both of which were so dear to him.
76. Is spiritual initiation necessary? What is your view on it, and, why so?
77. Let us gear ourselves to serve the Mother by rooting out selfishness from our system and so equip ourselves to receive the grace of the Mother.
78. Through the turbulence of life, O Mother, lead me Thou to the serenity of the beyond.
79. Those who wish to serve the motherland beyond professional commitment, let them practise unselfishness and charity first. Jai Hind!
80. To be born a human being is no joke and to then squander the opportunity to attain to higher consciousness, ah, what a calamity!
81. The form deflects but the soul does not, the personality shines through the image bearing the stamp of the being.
82. Music that flows from the heart bears a truth that frees even as the melody binds one to the world of forms and dreams.
83. Appeasement and antagonisation are both pernicious evils that leave the polity perilously polarised.
84. How strange it is that men make the same mistake over and over again without any sincere attempt to rectify stance!
85. When there's relative ease in life, we must advance spiritually, and when we are buffeted by the four winds, we must hang on to Mother.
86. There is so much suffering on earth, so little solace. Mother, grace Thy children, where else may we go?
87. Such apathy for the misery of the masses, so much of passive piety, such unconcern for others must be met forthwith.
88. The inability to maintain commitment to a cause, to give a word and then fail to honour it, is symptomatic of tamas.
89. Slavery to God is the bane of spirituality and the great degeneration of the freedom of the spirit.
90. The glory of religion is where it frees man and not where it debases him through the imposition of bondage.
91. Expect nothing for good deed done, for your expectation at any rate in most of the cases will be belied.
92. Sincerity is the primary attribute to success in any field of human endeavour. Insincerity reaps a cipher.
93. Ever so near, ever so far, this is God in me.
94. This universe is the problem and God is its solution.
95. There is a way to solve this puzzle of life and that is to seek God within.
96. When youth is bounding and springtime green, it is best to direct one's energy to seeking God within, for when life fails and energy ebbs, it is a futile effort to do so.
97. If words are enough to move the Holy Mother and deeds are unnecessary, may I plunge into the Ganga to purify myself!
98. Let us help the Ramakrishna Mission conduct its multifarious welfare projects by contributing our resources for the same.
99. Can we sit pretty when a cinema hall has caught fire and people are being burnt to death? How then do we mutely witness millions burning in poverty, ignorance and abysmally low life-conditions?
100. Betrayal is a common element that led to our motherland's downfall in the past and continues till date to debilitate her. Awake!
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