Friday, 16 March 2018


The human mind is a flawed apparatus for the apprehension of the absolute truth. How can the part ever comprehend the whole? One has to go beyond mental limits to realise that which transcends the sensory plane. But this presupposes that one is distinct from the mind, else, how may one possibly go beyond the realm of the mind, and who goes after all? So, there seems to be a third entity other than the body and the mind and this is in common parlance called the soul. But in essence it is the refined mind itself and is not to be confused with the absolute Self. The mind in its variously factorised state is composed of fractions which are layered and interlocked, the fragments integrating to bind the seeming personality in the progressive phase of evolution and separating to release it in its retrogressive phase. The mind lends a seeming sense of personality to the impersonal being and it is this unreal self that is the subject matter of spiritual evolution, that is seen to rise through the successive phases of the mind before it breaks free in union with the real Self, that is, the unreal self dissolves in the final act of the dissolution of the mind and the Self remains resplendent in its own majesty, self-existent, self-conscious, perfect, spherical, brooding on itself through eternity, the one undivided being whose shadow are countless universes. It is this Self that is to be reached, to be realised, and this is the spiritual quest in essence. All others are mere attempts to attain this blessed state of oneness with oneself where there is no trace of duality, no shadow of doubt as to the truth of the being and no vestige of phenomenal dreams. This is the hallowed state, the state of absolute beatitude, the goal of evolution and the objective of all life. Having reached this state of supreme blessedness, man becomes God and he witnesses the shadowy universe as a panoramic spectacle of insubstantial forms and names, reflections of his mighty Self.

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