Wednesday, 28 March 2018


The momentum is picking up and the effort must not be allowed to slacken. Those that have already come forward have set us the precedent for the rest of us to follow. And we will follow suit for sure, that is the hope, that is what Mother will dispense if our intent is noble and effort sincere.

We as a race, Swamiji had once lamented, have not the capacity to combine, and, hence, our national maladies where evil runs riot, the wicked rule the roost and the solitary good man ever faces the uphill struggle and has to battle against heavy odds to make good his welfare work for the common weal. Over a century has passed since that day when Swamiji's oceanic heart, bleeding at the plight of his countrymen had given utterance to this profound insight into the psychology of his fellow beings. Have we not changed a bit in all this time? Have we not studied Swamiji and discovered for ourselves this trait in us that has been the cause of our downfall and continues to plague our polity even today? Then we must make amends and make good too Swamiji's prophetic words about the future of our motherland. He had said the past of India was grand and great but the future of India shall outshine all past glory and our motherland, enthroned in all her majesty, shall be the spiritual preceptor of the world. Swamiji had also said that we are the children of Hrishis (Rishis) and that 5000 years of historical India are watching us as we embark on our task of nation-building. Shall we fail the seer that Swamiji was, then, waiting for some others to do the yeoman's service necessary to usher in the prophesied golden age, the Satya Yuga, as Swamiji had foreseen? No, we shall not. We shall muster strength by combining our collective resources, by uniting our fragmented wills and by daily dedication to the cause, and so shall we serve Mother in the manner She dispenses out of Her bounty.

I solicit all again and again to join in this holy venture and do Mother proud, for which mother will not feel so when she witnesses her children sacrifice their pleasures to bring about the collective good of all? Jai Ma!

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