Thursday 29 March 2018


History takes its own course as the resolution of past human action. It is not the individual that alters it but the collective will of humanity. The leader arises who lends utterance to the muted hopes and aspirations of the masses and seems to shape the destiny of events but even he is impelled in his course by the overbearing historical trend, the force of the past coming unto him to shape future events. Even so in our individual lives, we are impelled by past karma to do what we do and our freedom is somewhat limited by such. It does not mean that everything is predestined, for there is neither 'pre' nor 'post' to Maya, it being the inscrutable order in chaos and chaos in order, obeying neither law nor lawlessness but is a curious admixture of the two. Hence, all our interpretations of history and its heresies and truths are flawed.

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