Wednesday 21 March 2018


1. Rafi Sahab, the jewel of India, remains only a Padma Shri?

2. His was the voice that sprang from the soil to reach the stars where his soul rested. Rafi Sahab, salaam!

3. For he was divine, simply a heavenly soul with a celestial voice that touched not aught of earth. Rafi Sahab, the melodic dream.

4. The fakir sang and the boy, Pheeko (Rafi), followed him to the outskirts of the village, captivated by his mellifluous voice.

5. Malika-e-Tarannum Noor Jehan sang and the atmosphere resonated to her voice. It is this quality that lends soul to music.

6. As I listen to the songs of Malika-e-Tarannum Noor Jehan, I cannot help feeling a bond of oneness with all of my motherland.

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