1. There's nothing in philosophy, nothing in religion, everything in music. It is the soul of all that is beautiful.
2. The sublimity of the soul best expresses itself in love whose finest fruition is music. And rapturous sings the soul.
3. Your laziness increases my labour.
4. Lata, ah, sheer perfection of a voice, sheer sublimity of rendition!
5. Love issues from the fourth centre of consciousness, that of the heart, the 'anahata chakra'. So long as the mind does not rise to this plane, real love is not possible to feel. The mind ordinarily dwells in the lowest three centres of consciousness which keep one bound to the physical plane. Here genuine love is not possible to feel, although, shades of the real love do cast their impress upon the sensitive mind but not the full flow of it. Purity and devotion to the ideal of love raises the mind to the fourth plane when in a luminous glow all around love floods the being with bliss percolating through every pore of the body. The body is transcended for the while as the soul soars in an ethereal plane where the compounded sensation of knowledge and bliss alters the vision and man is rendered divine. The 'kulakundalini shakti' having eased its way to the 'anahata' after passing through the three lower centres, the mind is in a free zone somewhat, unfettered as if by the bonds of the body. This rise of the mind, though temporary --- for the mind reverts to the body after some time ---, it has a permanent impact on the personality which is thus transformed into a semi-open system where the call of both worlds, that of the Spirit and that of Matter, are heard and the soul responds to such as per its 'sanskaras' (tendencies).
6. Simplicity is the hallmark of greatness and humility its very soul.
7. Such humbling humility as Rafi Sahab had is a gift from God which neither knowledge nor ignorance can buy.
8. Smaller the man, bigger the ego. Humility adorns the great.
9. Life is about to end soon. Now, tarry no more, my soul. Pack up for the voyage ahead. It is a tranquil sea of silence.
10. I came alone, have lived alone, now, shall go alone into the vast unknown that beckons me. None, my friend to be with me.
11. As life lifts its mysteries galore and death befriends to set me afloat, I drift through the sea of sorrow into the peace ahead.
12. Now none to love, no one to hate but all to bid adieu. For the hour comes and the wind is right and the tide is set to carry me far.
13. A stranger have I been to this world, met you all but could befriend none. As the shadows lengthen, 'tis time to go. Salaam!
14. The fire that lights is the fire that ignites and burns all dross to release the soul, pure and free, unto everlasting life.
15. "Kya kamaal hai?" Chupke se... "Chori ka--maal hai. Chuup!"
16. I have inherited a language, am holding it, and shall pass it on to posterity for its meandering flow and evolution.
17. As soon as death comes, I shall shift focus to another body. The sea of humanity even millenia hence is mine, for I will come again and again to be one with my own, springing from the yesterbud to the future bloom, held in love and life undulating through unnumbered seasons of softening spring and brightening summers, till the last and the least of my brethren go home in peace. Then shall liberation be from the ephemeral to the everlasting, to the reality that ever shone beneath monsoon clouds that rained love and loss over and over again.
18. The moment is all that you have. Savour the senses or suppress if you can but yield not to profanity to spoil the show.
19. The moment is all that you have. The past is memory, the future imagination, the present is all of it --- perception.
20. The moment is all that you have. It is the pulsating life, the breath, the feel of all that is, that was or ever can be.
21. The moment is all that you have, my friend. Waste not it in futile fear, in fruitless frenzy while the moment flits by.
22. The moment is all that you have. It is your living life, your loving life that seeks no more.
23. But for a moment of a mood of love, but for a rush into the moonlit night when heaven and earth are one.
24. The unspelt love, the unworded song, the unremembered dream --- O, these are the buds that blossomed unseen to freshen the world.
25. So much of all that is, is but the relic of a shattered dream, of a poem that lost its way in its first faltering footsteps.
26. My life to me a dream it seems where I am not, yet, struggle to be.
27. We struggle in vain for that which is not ours and search for everything but ourselves.
28. The dewdrops of dawn die to give birth to the blossoms of the day.
29. Output is ever less than input for dissipation of energy is inevitable. Hence, hard work is an imperative for proficiency and competitive success.
30. Nothing stays, no one stays save myself, save my Self.
31. Beauty is ephemeral even as the trembling droplet on the lotus leaf.
32. Beauty holds us like poetry in form, like music suffused with love, like love careering through the soul.
33. Do not destroy the finer sensibilities in profanity of living or in the pursuit of supposed spirituality.
34. I have never thought, I have ever been. Thoughts flow around me like the playful water, like the scented breeze, free, ever free.
35. When life begins, all is well. When life matures, confused you dwell. And when life ebbs out, the sea doth swell.
36. Spirituality is the transformation of life, not the deadening of sensitivity or the desecration of sensibility.
37. Music, like love, is the longing of the soul of man but must never degenerate into abject craving for the pleasures that bind.
38. The love that holds is the love that binds. For love to be, love, bound and free, in love's merry tide.
39. Be grateful to your teachers, mentors, preceptors but give up that abject servility of yours, that utter loss of self-dignity.
40. Is there a God beyond yourself that in vain you seek for Him high in the heavens?
41. What goes in the name of the spiritual is so fraught with superstition that one needs sincere scepticism to arrive at the truth.
42. Rare comes the soul who, though steeped in tradition, yet embarks upon a voyage of self-discovery in the ocean of the unknown.
43. Music that uplifts, that ennobles, that illumines the consciousness even for the while is of the very essence of the Spirit.
44. The tendencies of the mind are driven so deep through past action that they hold the soul of man to ransom.
45. Effective adjustments are to be made under the guidance of the Guru to gradually get past the hold of sanskaras and be free.
46. Devotion to the Guru is of paramount importance for the efflorescence of spirituality in the disciple.
47. Illumination comes through the grace of the Guru who is the Spirit made flesh, the embodiment of divinity descended to free you.
48. The personal merged in the impersonal subdues selfishness. This is the seed of spirituality and all altruism.
49. A bit of life manifests through every being, a bit of bit through it.
50. How suffocating is this injunction that every man must renounce! What a reversal it is of the free flow of life!
51. Better enjoyment, suffering and death than enforced renunciation that degenerates. But be thinkers.
52. Give up fear and start living. Only do not injure any for even they are you in a different guise.
53. Is this devotion that dwells on worldliness while putting up the pretence of immersion in the thought of the divine?
54. Why fear thou death, my friend, when thy Self rules all of life?
55. Children must from birth be trained to be fearless souls, valorous and pure, totally devoid of superstition.
56. Why teach your child to bend before imaginary gods and goddesses while the God within goes unattended?
57. Humanity is one but it will take aeons for all to apprehend this truth in spirit, for the variations of culture are myriad and the dissensions thereof.
58. Peace is the precondition to progress but peace can never be when darkness covers consciousness.
59. There is a thin line that demarcates the ephemeral from the real. This line must not be transgressed.
60. The mind naturally gravitates to gross desires. The object must be to elevate it. This is the austerity for all.
61. The exquisite poetry of the soul is not opposed to spirituality if purity be maintained.
62. Art so often degenerates into abysmal physicality that it taints its own reputation. Sublimity is the soul of art.
63. India must learn to honour her heroes, her men of genius. Talent must prevail and mediocrity not allowed to rule the roost.
64. The river never reflects, the river simply flows.
65. Beauty lies in the beholding as much as it lies in the beheld. The form and the vision interplay to enthral.
66. Is there a place where God is not? If He is everywhere, then where are you, my friend? And, who are you, too?
67. It takes a high degree of human evolution before Nature starts betraying the soul at every turn. Then She releases Her hold on it.
68. Is it easy to be spiritual? Most that don the robe of the renunciate are enslaved to organisation and lose their allegiance to truth.
69. He alone who dares throw the challenge to Nature and pursues his path, sincere and unswerving, pure and simple, sees the light.
70. Who cares for life when love is gone? Who cares to love anymore?
71. Love is the brief slumber of youth which makes life worth living.
72. In planning we miss the pulse of life, for life is sheer spontaneity.
73. Q. Are you a virtuous man?
A. No, I am a virtual man.
74. Humanity is one and a day will come in the not too distant future, hopefully, that this truth will be evident to all.
75. Music and art transcend national barriers, barriers of belief and unite humanity in a common bond of fraternal feeling.
76. Who can contain the flowing love of the heart that knows no law but to seek fulfilment in union or in separation that unites?
77. India has been partitioned but cannot remain so forever. We will unite despite the perfidies that are perpetrated to prevent it.
78. Cultural exchanges are necessary for better appreciation of human diversity and the underlying unity that binds humanity.
79. Religions of the world through their contrary affiliations continue to divide humanity into conflicting segments. Time to be human.
80. As we delve in history we realise that India is one and indivisible and, despite Partition, remains so. We are people, not three.
81. The culture of India is one and beyond partition, although, the geographical terrain has undergone this unfortunate dismemberment. Hence, the hope of a future reunion.
82. Did Swamiji preview the Partition? He spoke of eternal India, integrated and whole, and certainly not this dismembered mass.
83. India will rise from the ruins of Partition and absorb her dismembered limbs. Partition is irrational, unethical and will not last.
84. You have divided our land. Pray, how will you divide our culture, our music, our art and architecture, and the common heart of our people?
85. India's strength will eventually unite the subcontinent as her severed parts realise their folly and reunite with the mainland.
86. If Partition was a vicious, villainous deed that was perpetrated to debilitate India, we ought to in spirit at least now unite.
87. You name a part of me 'not me' but 'someone else'. What blasphemy is this and under what religious law? India partitioned?
88. We do not deserve much of what is offered us on a silver platter. Hence, we fight, deny each other and suffer in consequence.
89. Love is that bond which breaks not when it seems to break. External power has no domain over it.
90. Rafi Sahab was an unpretentious person, said Dilip Kumar. About how many public personalities can this be honestly said?
91. We often speak of the spreading of love as the panacea for all of the world's ills but to do so one must first possess that exquisite emotion called love. It is not an ordinary affection that one feels for one's own but a deep and overspreading consciousness that fails to contain itself within narrow bounds even when felt for a single soul. Such a love is an exalted emotion that springs from the depths of the heart and not from its surface reaches, that calls for a courage of conviction that quails not in the face of universal opposition to it and that which is the outflow of the distilled purity of the being, sweeping the mind and the physical form in an inundation that knows no containment save that of allowance to reach its destiny. How often do we behold such a supernal soul that spells the doom of desires and sublimates feeling into ethereal empathy for all that knows no bounds save that of the ever-enlarging circle of kinship, of the ever-shifting horizon of holiness? It is not uncommon even among the common mass of humanity to feel such a pulsating sense of the sublimity of love when all who we behold seem dear to our selves and a current of bliss suffuses consciousness but the ambit of such love does not extend often beyond our immediate associations and the duration of such emotion is fleeting.
92. Avidya Maya wins Round 1. People flout all rules of the Geeta. Attachment to result is the norm everywhere.
93. When insincerity abounds in comrades-in-arms, it is frustrating to work, for self-respect in profession is hard to maintain thus.
94. Ah! The child is insincere, the parent protects. Now where do we proceed from here? Imperfection has become the norm of the day.
95. A thousand deaths of a thousand heroes will yet raise this land from the mire of materialism to the heights of pristine purity.
96. This life withers away at any rate. So, let me die game on the battlefield labouring for the redemption of the motherland.
97. People are so irresponsible that they laze around in luxury while the masses toil to keep them in comfort. Is this divine justice?
98. Man suffers a million afflictions, yet, he clings to his puny ego that causes it all. Now, who to blame for his benighted state?
99. The Geeta is the only solution to the current mess we find ourselves in. Constant detached performance of work is the way.
100. Detached action is superior to attached action. Thus did Arjun tilt the balance in favour of the Pandavas in Kurukshetra.
2. The sublimity of the soul best expresses itself in love whose finest fruition is music. And rapturous sings the soul.
3. Your laziness increases my labour.
4. Lata, ah, sheer perfection of a voice, sheer sublimity of rendition!
5. Love issues from the fourth centre of consciousness, that of the heart, the 'anahata chakra'. So long as the mind does not rise to this plane, real love is not possible to feel. The mind ordinarily dwells in the lowest three centres of consciousness which keep one bound to the physical plane. Here genuine love is not possible to feel, although, shades of the real love do cast their impress upon the sensitive mind but not the full flow of it. Purity and devotion to the ideal of love raises the mind to the fourth plane when in a luminous glow all around love floods the being with bliss percolating through every pore of the body. The body is transcended for the while as the soul soars in an ethereal plane where the compounded sensation of knowledge and bliss alters the vision and man is rendered divine. The 'kulakundalini shakti' having eased its way to the 'anahata' after passing through the three lower centres, the mind is in a free zone somewhat, unfettered as if by the bonds of the body. This rise of the mind, though temporary --- for the mind reverts to the body after some time ---, it has a permanent impact on the personality which is thus transformed into a semi-open system where the call of both worlds, that of the Spirit and that of Matter, are heard and the soul responds to such as per its 'sanskaras' (tendencies).
6. Simplicity is the hallmark of greatness and humility its very soul.
7. Such humbling humility as Rafi Sahab had is a gift from God which neither knowledge nor ignorance can buy.
8. Smaller the man, bigger the ego. Humility adorns the great.
9. Life is about to end soon. Now, tarry no more, my soul. Pack up for the voyage ahead. It is a tranquil sea of silence.
10. I came alone, have lived alone, now, shall go alone into the vast unknown that beckons me. None, my friend to be with me.
11. As life lifts its mysteries galore and death befriends to set me afloat, I drift through the sea of sorrow into the peace ahead.
12. Now none to love, no one to hate but all to bid adieu. For the hour comes and the wind is right and the tide is set to carry me far.
13. A stranger have I been to this world, met you all but could befriend none. As the shadows lengthen, 'tis time to go. Salaam!
14. The fire that lights is the fire that ignites and burns all dross to release the soul, pure and free, unto everlasting life.
15. "Kya kamaal hai?" Chupke se... "Chori ka--maal hai. Chuup!"
16. I have inherited a language, am holding it, and shall pass it on to posterity for its meandering flow and evolution.
17. As soon as death comes, I shall shift focus to another body. The sea of humanity even millenia hence is mine, for I will come again and again to be one with my own, springing from the yesterbud to the future bloom, held in love and life undulating through unnumbered seasons of softening spring and brightening summers, till the last and the least of my brethren go home in peace. Then shall liberation be from the ephemeral to the everlasting, to the reality that ever shone beneath monsoon clouds that rained love and loss over and over again.
18. The moment is all that you have. Savour the senses or suppress if you can but yield not to profanity to spoil the show.
19. The moment is all that you have. The past is memory, the future imagination, the present is all of it --- perception.
20. The moment is all that you have. It is the pulsating life, the breath, the feel of all that is, that was or ever can be.
21. The moment is all that you have, my friend. Waste not it in futile fear, in fruitless frenzy while the moment flits by.
22. The moment is all that you have. It is your living life, your loving life that seeks no more.
23. But for a moment of a mood of love, but for a rush into the moonlit night when heaven and earth are one.
24. The unspelt love, the unworded song, the unremembered dream --- O, these are the buds that blossomed unseen to freshen the world.
25. So much of all that is, is but the relic of a shattered dream, of a poem that lost its way in its first faltering footsteps.
26. My life to me a dream it seems where I am not, yet, struggle to be.
27. We struggle in vain for that which is not ours and search for everything but ourselves.
28. The dewdrops of dawn die to give birth to the blossoms of the day.
29. Output is ever less than input for dissipation of energy is inevitable. Hence, hard work is an imperative for proficiency and competitive success.
30. Nothing stays, no one stays save myself, save my Self.
31. Beauty is ephemeral even as the trembling droplet on the lotus leaf.
32. Beauty holds us like poetry in form, like music suffused with love, like love careering through the soul.
33. Do not destroy the finer sensibilities in profanity of living or in the pursuit of supposed spirituality.
34. I have never thought, I have ever been. Thoughts flow around me like the playful water, like the scented breeze, free, ever free.
35. When life begins, all is well. When life matures, confused you dwell. And when life ebbs out, the sea doth swell.
36. Spirituality is the transformation of life, not the deadening of sensitivity or the desecration of sensibility.
37. Music, like love, is the longing of the soul of man but must never degenerate into abject craving for the pleasures that bind.
38. The love that holds is the love that binds. For love to be, love, bound and free, in love's merry tide.
39. Be grateful to your teachers, mentors, preceptors but give up that abject servility of yours, that utter loss of self-dignity.
40. Is there a God beyond yourself that in vain you seek for Him high in the heavens?
41. What goes in the name of the spiritual is so fraught with superstition that one needs sincere scepticism to arrive at the truth.
42. Rare comes the soul who, though steeped in tradition, yet embarks upon a voyage of self-discovery in the ocean of the unknown.
43. Music that uplifts, that ennobles, that illumines the consciousness even for the while is of the very essence of the Spirit.
44. The tendencies of the mind are driven so deep through past action that they hold the soul of man to ransom.
45. Effective adjustments are to be made under the guidance of the Guru to gradually get past the hold of sanskaras and be free.
46. Devotion to the Guru is of paramount importance for the efflorescence of spirituality in the disciple.
47. Illumination comes through the grace of the Guru who is the Spirit made flesh, the embodiment of divinity descended to free you.
48. The personal merged in the impersonal subdues selfishness. This is the seed of spirituality and all altruism.
49. A bit of life manifests through every being, a bit of bit through it.
50. How suffocating is this injunction that every man must renounce! What a reversal it is of the free flow of life!
51. Better enjoyment, suffering and death than enforced renunciation that degenerates. But be thinkers.
52. Give up fear and start living. Only do not injure any for even they are you in a different guise.
53. Is this devotion that dwells on worldliness while putting up the pretence of immersion in the thought of the divine?
54. Why fear thou death, my friend, when thy Self rules all of life?
55. Children must from birth be trained to be fearless souls, valorous and pure, totally devoid of superstition.
56. Why teach your child to bend before imaginary gods and goddesses while the God within goes unattended?
57. Humanity is one but it will take aeons for all to apprehend this truth in spirit, for the variations of culture are myriad and the dissensions thereof.
58. Peace is the precondition to progress but peace can never be when darkness covers consciousness.
59. There is a thin line that demarcates the ephemeral from the real. This line must not be transgressed.
60. The mind naturally gravitates to gross desires. The object must be to elevate it. This is the austerity for all.
61. The exquisite poetry of the soul is not opposed to spirituality if purity be maintained.
62. Art so often degenerates into abysmal physicality that it taints its own reputation. Sublimity is the soul of art.
63. India must learn to honour her heroes, her men of genius. Talent must prevail and mediocrity not allowed to rule the roost.
64. The river never reflects, the river simply flows.
65. Beauty lies in the beholding as much as it lies in the beheld. The form and the vision interplay to enthral.
66. Is there a place where God is not? If He is everywhere, then where are you, my friend? And, who are you, too?
67. It takes a high degree of human evolution before Nature starts betraying the soul at every turn. Then She releases Her hold on it.
68. Is it easy to be spiritual? Most that don the robe of the renunciate are enslaved to organisation and lose their allegiance to truth.
69. He alone who dares throw the challenge to Nature and pursues his path, sincere and unswerving, pure and simple, sees the light.
70. Who cares for life when love is gone? Who cares to love anymore?
71. Love is the brief slumber of youth which makes life worth living.
72. In planning we miss the pulse of life, for life is sheer spontaneity.
73. Q. Are you a virtuous man?
A. No, I am a virtual man.
74. Humanity is one and a day will come in the not too distant future, hopefully, that this truth will be evident to all.
75. Music and art transcend national barriers, barriers of belief and unite humanity in a common bond of fraternal feeling.
76. Who can contain the flowing love of the heart that knows no law but to seek fulfilment in union or in separation that unites?
77. India has been partitioned but cannot remain so forever. We will unite despite the perfidies that are perpetrated to prevent it.
78. Cultural exchanges are necessary for better appreciation of human diversity and the underlying unity that binds humanity.
79. Religions of the world through their contrary affiliations continue to divide humanity into conflicting segments. Time to be human.
80. As we delve in history we realise that India is one and indivisible and, despite Partition, remains so. We are people, not three.
81. The culture of India is one and beyond partition, although, the geographical terrain has undergone this unfortunate dismemberment. Hence, the hope of a future reunion.
82. Did Swamiji preview the Partition? He spoke of eternal India, integrated and whole, and certainly not this dismembered mass.
83. India will rise from the ruins of Partition and absorb her dismembered limbs. Partition is irrational, unethical and will not last.
84. You have divided our land. Pray, how will you divide our culture, our music, our art and architecture, and the common heart of our people?
85. India's strength will eventually unite the subcontinent as her severed parts realise their folly and reunite with the mainland.
86. If Partition was a vicious, villainous deed that was perpetrated to debilitate India, we ought to in spirit at least now unite.
87. You name a part of me 'not me' but 'someone else'. What blasphemy is this and under what religious law? India partitioned?
88. We do not deserve much of what is offered us on a silver platter. Hence, we fight, deny each other and suffer in consequence.
89. Love is that bond which breaks not when it seems to break. External power has no domain over it.
90. Rafi Sahab was an unpretentious person, said Dilip Kumar. About how many public personalities can this be honestly said?
91. We often speak of the spreading of love as the panacea for all of the world's ills but to do so one must first possess that exquisite emotion called love. It is not an ordinary affection that one feels for one's own but a deep and overspreading consciousness that fails to contain itself within narrow bounds even when felt for a single soul. Such a love is an exalted emotion that springs from the depths of the heart and not from its surface reaches, that calls for a courage of conviction that quails not in the face of universal opposition to it and that which is the outflow of the distilled purity of the being, sweeping the mind and the physical form in an inundation that knows no containment save that of allowance to reach its destiny. How often do we behold such a supernal soul that spells the doom of desires and sublimates feeling into ethereal empathy for all that knows no bounds save that of the ever-enlarging circle of kinship, of the ever-shifting horizon of holiness? It is not uncommon even among the common mass of humanity to feel such a pulsating sense of the sublimity of love when all who we behold seem dear to our selves and a current of bliss suffuses consciousness but the ambit of such love does not extend often beyond our immediate associations and the duration of such emotion is fleeting.
92. Avidya Maya wins Round 1. People flout all rules of the Geeta. Attachment to result is the norm everywhere.
93. When insincerity abounds in comrades-in-arms, it is frustrating to work, for self-respect in profession is hard to maintain thus.
94. Ah! The child is insincere, the parent protects. Now where do we proceed from here? Imperfection has become the norm of the day.
95. A thousand deaths of a thousand heroes will yet raise this land from the mire of materialism to the heights of pristine purity.
96. This life withers away at any rate. So, let me die game on the battlefield labouring for the redemption of the motherland.
97. People are so irresponsible that they laze around in luxury while the masses toil to keep them in comfort. Is this divine justice?
98. Man suffers a million afflictions, yet, he clings to his puny ego that causes it all. Now, who to blame for his benighted state?
99. The Geeta is the only solution to the current mess we find ourselves in. Constant detached performance of work is the way.
100. Detached action is superior to attached action. Thus did Arjun tilt the balance in favour of the Pandavas in Kurukshetra.
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