Saturday 10 March 2018


Aseshanandaji was the last surviving disciple of the Holy Mother. An erudite scholar and a speaker with a unique charm of hesitant eloquence, Aseshanandaji spoke with a voice, deep and resonant, that seemed at times to be coming from the depths of the sea. His strange magnetism of voice coupled with a quiet certitude of diction, born seemingly out of direct spiritual realisation, made him an irresistible speaker who held his audience in thrall for as long as he spoke, never quite allowing the attention of his listeners to wane. Motherly in affection which he showered on the devotees in abundance, Aseshanandaji carried himself with superb aplomb and a singular charm that endeared him to every devotee who came to know him well enough. His frugal habits, austere renunciation even in the land of plenty and easy identification with the American spirit while holding on to his Indian spiritual roots made him quite a remarkable personality, much revered and much loved, a la shadow of the Mother whose child he was. 

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