Thursday, 1 June 2023



However many mosques and churches you may build in India, India itself will forever remain a vast temple embodying the eternal principles of the Vedas. All these mosques and churches will in time become the places of worship of the future Hindus when the whole of the subcontinent will have returned to the Eternal Mother's arms whose utterances through the lips of Rishis are enshrined in our Vedas.

Swamiji had prophesied that through the clash and conflict of the times New India would arise with Vedanta brain and Islam body. He had evidently meant that the spiritual philosophy and civilisational ethos of future India would be the Vedanta and the body politic of the nation would find solidarity in a feeling fraternity where dharma in its original essence would find practicality, free of divisive social considerations. 'Islam body' in no way must be misconstrued as indicative of future India being complete converted to Islam for it will go against the grain of the preceding thought, that of 'Vedanta brain'. Thus, in principle and in practice future India will abide as the home of the highest philosophical truths and as the field of dharma where social equality will reign that will admit natural distinctions but never enforce man-made ones nor forcibly attempt grinding all to a dull sameness, all such natural variations progressing along the evolutionary train towards eventual oneness of the soul. India shall be the nucleus of the spititual regeneration of the world with its Vedic message going out of the subcontinent and inundating the rest of the world. Such a spiritual India or Bharatvarsha will have fulfilled its age-old mission, that of leading all of sentience towards Self-realisation, and will truly stand up luminous in the comity of nations as the spiritual Guru of the world.

Written by Sugata Bose

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