Wednesday, 21 June 2023



Cowardice, avarice and niggardliness---these three attributes, rather vices, characterise the current crop of my contemporaries which much disheartens me. I am averse to these three vices which are vitiating our national life, if my microcosmic experience tells the truth about the larger picture of the polity as well, that is. At any rate, my immediate online environ is much molested by this vicious trinity which makes me vent my displeasure.

Absence of sympathy for seminal achievement has been the bane of our fallen polity since the past two centuries. No wonder ignorance has enveloped our race as we stand today a truncated nation, dismembered in the arms and the crown, a mass of disunited people broken at every bend.

The individual is mean, hence the polity suffers from meanness. The aggregate represents what is true of the unit. It is distressing to behold such savage selfishness masquerading as high-flown civilisation, true in words only but not in deeds. It is the age of individual aggrandisement at any cost, an apathetic attitude towards anything that may chance to be the achievement of another, a frog-in-a-well consciousness that is the characteristic of a slave race despite outer independence. Meanness as if has entered into the bloodstream of the race and made toxic the free-flowing largeness of spirit of yore.

The inability to recognise merit or talent, the lowly cringing before authority political or spiritual, the pathetic prostration before high office for personal gain or out of dead habit, the acrimonious attitude towards well-meaning compatriots that makes cooperative action impossible, and, above all, the lowly jealousy that makes indifference to others' achievement staple to the collective consciousness---all these characterise our people today as we pretend to rise in the comity of nations. As I said earlier, these are my experiential gleanings and may or may not hold true for the overall body of our nation, but they are distressing, nonetheless, when they come en masse from associates befriended online. But that, alas, is the way it is! The sooner it is redressed, the better for us all. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

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