Tuesday, 20 June 2023



But that's a shame. If this is afforded as an excuse that practice of principle is far more difficult than preaching of it and, so, cowardice in terms of avoiding battle in defence of the Dharma is justifiable, then the Geeta falls flat, shorn of its spiritual authority, Krishna lies low and Arjun in his cowardly aversion to war finds a way out of the battlefield into passive reclusiveness when the call of the hour is to fight the evil adversary to establish Dharma in Aryavarta.

Swamiji wanted heroes, not hordes of cowards. He said, "I hate cowardice." And even if he had not said so, the truth would nonetheless have been the same, for both absolute and relative truths are impersonal in a sense and independent of individual authority, however hallowed he may be, the principle predominating over personality.

It is our civilisational duty, our dharmic obligation, our eternal call and our imperative of the hour to rise up in defence of the Dharma. This is what Manu has enjoined upon the braahman to do and this is what Swamiji has, by way of extension, enjoined upon every Hindu to do. Those that will will be deemed heroes worthy of heaven if they fall on the battlefield or else will enjoy the fruits of the earth as its rightful lords. And those that will hide behind the facade of passive piety or the subterfuge of feigned spirituality will be maligned in history as betrayers of the cause of the Rishis who had initiated this glorious tradition of the Dharma in tangible and intangible terms. So said Vasudev in the thick of Aryavarta's conflict zone and so is it true even now, if even He, the Lord of all, had not given utterance to it.

To defend cowardice is despicable if even couched in quote from Thakur in altered significance. We must exhibit valour to drive the enemy back. Else there is no hope of our civilisational survival in the immediate and the not-so-far future.

And it suits the coward well for he can camouflage intent and like the fabled chameleon change colour (read, religion) whenever self-interest and the situation demands.

This is how we have been reduced to a mass of muddled morons who do not know their enemies or their destructive intent nor care to rise up in self-defence while yet there remains chance to do so. This is how we have been molested as a civilisation for over a millennium and continue to suffer persecution throughout the subcontinent while busying ourselves with futile quotes from the scriptures to opposite end as if to inadvertently justify cowardice when we should be heroes of the Mother who expects more from us.

Shame! Shame! Shame!

🕉 🕉 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

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