Saturday, 3 June 2023



1. The best business is to become Fraudguru. Talking 'spititual' gibberish you can milk the masses.

2. Take control of your self and build your life. It is futile allowing Nature (read: circumstance and tendencies of character) to dictate terms to you. Forget not what Swamiji said: "Remember, not the Soul for Nature but Nature for the Soul."

3. The world is in flames. It is for us to douse the fire by spraying the water of love and by using force to eliminate evil where necessary.

4. Unless Sanskrit is introduced across India in school curriculum and its study made compulsory right till university, Bharatvarsha will not return to her civilisational roots in truth.

5. Stop posting emojis by way of comment. Exert yourself a bit to write down a few words instead. Indolence is not solicited.

6. The Hindu conception of Ishvar (God) is radically different from the Abrahamic conception. Hence, it is puerile to say that all religions lead to the same God when they patently teach different conceptions of God.

7. মানুষ চেনা ভার | অন্তর্দৃষ্টি চাই | পবিত্রতাসহায়ে সাধনার দ্বারা চোখ ফোটে | তখন চেনা যায় | যেমন যেমন নিজেকে চেনা, তেমনই মানুষ চেনা | বাইরের জগৎ অন্তর্জগতের প্রতিবিম্ব | শেষে আত্মজ্ঞানে সর্বজ্ঞান লাভ হয় | তখন 'সবার মধ্যে নিজেকে আর নিজের মধ্যে সকলকে দেখে সমদর্শী হন যোগযুক্তজন |' (গীতা) সমদর্শনে সাধনার শেষ | এরপর লীলাবিলাস |

8. If one thought should ring through your system, it is this: I have confidence in myself. I will do it even if I fail umpteen times in the attempt. I will triumph after all despite it all.

9. Study Sanskrit; learn about Sanatan dharmic sanskriti.

10. J Sai Deepak is simply brilliant. Nothing more need I say.

11. হিন্দু মরল আর হেসে হেসে সে ব্যাপার নিয়ে কথা বলা | এই না হলে হালকা হিন্দু ! নিজের জাতির লাভক্ষতি পর্যন্ত বোঝে না | শুধু চাপল্য, লঘুচিত্ততা !

12. Islam itself is an intransigent, 'divinely' ordained, inviolable, radical ideology? What is radical Islam then, I wonder?

13. Defence of the Dharma is every Hindu's duty. Conversion by Muslim organisations and Christian missionaries alike are the dual threat that is undermining our position by the hour.

14. যেখানে দেনা পাওনার শেষ, সেখানে আধ্যাত্মিকতার শুরু |

15. Do read 'Lectures from Colombo to Almora', the series of lectures delivered by Swami Vivekananda across the subcontinent. Inspiring.

16. Be careful. This conversion virus is eating into our vitals. Hindus, strengthen yourselves. Do your regular spiritual practices. Defend the Dharma.

17. লিঙ্গভেদ দূর হলে প্রকৃত আধ্যাত্মিকতার সূচনা হয় |

18. Let us aspire to be sages. The Sanatan Dharma needs a million more modern sages. That will secure her present and future position. 🕉

19. Sanatanis, be brave. Be dutiful in the discharge of your dharma. Defend the Sanatan Dharma against perversion from proselytising cults. 🕉

20. Be careful of the Islamic Dawa or the invitation to convert to Islam. Remain devout Hindus and study the Dharma. 🕉

21. Study the Sanatan Dharma with me. Follow my posts. 🕉

22. Read Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup if you wish to defend the Sanatan Dharma against the marauding of proselytising cults.

23. The average Hindu is mighty confused about the essential principles of the Sanatan Dharma. Follow my posts on Swami Vivekananda where I will share passages from his Complete Works and analyse them with due reference to the past and present historical reality of the Hindus. But all surface comments of adoration such as 'Jai Swamiji' and the posting of emojis in relation to these important posts will be deleted. 🕉 

24. বাঙালী হিন্দুর আজ এই অবস্থা কেন ? কাপুরুষ, লঘুচিত্ত, স্বার্থপর বলে |

25. পড়ব না, জানব না, বুঝব না, শুধু প্রশ্ন করে যাব | কে উত্তর দেয় বাবা নিষ্ঠাহীনকে ? আগে বছরখানেক অন্ততঃ পড়ো তো দেখি | তারপর কথা হবে |

26. Practise a bit of magnanimity please. When you read a post and comment on it, do press the 'like' button as well unless, of course, you do not like the post. A bit of brotherly charity will not harm you. It will expand your heart and it will keep the movement going. However, if you are averse to doing so, do not worry. Your non-cooperation notwithstanding, the movement will gain momentum. Only you shall not be party to it.

27. আত্মা কাকে বলে ? ভগবান ও ভক্তের নিশ্চিহ্ন মিলনস্থল |

28. 🕉 Sanatani!

29. Ideology, if it is toxic, can make a devil out of an angel.

30. A vast conversion trap has been laid for Hindus. Beware! Hindus, do not embrace Islam or Christianity. The security of our Sanatan civilisation is at stake. Study Swami Vivekananda and remain staunch Sanatanis (Hindus).

31. If a religion's primary objective is to politically dominate the world through increase in its numbers at any cost, then something is deeply irreligious about it.

32. Hindus, read Swami Vivekananda and get to know your Sanatan Dharma. Ignorance about one's own dharma is suicidal.

33. কল্পনাকে ঈশ্বরজ্ঞান আর পরিদৃশ্যমান ঈশ্বরকে মানুষজ্ঞান, তাও আবার ঈশ্বরবিশ্বাসী ও নরাধম কাফিরে বিভাজন | হায়রে ভগবদ্বুদ্ধি !

34. Let men be scientifically alive, logical, rational, deeply philosophical and not guided by irrational absolutist ideologies with a violent intent and a pernicious political content carefully camouflaged in the guise of religion.

35. ভবিষ্যৎ হল কল্পনা, অতীত স্মৃতি, বর্তমান অনুভব |

36. There comes a moment when all life becomes dissolved in love. Such a moment is newly born every year.

37. Love is an ascending emotion. If it descends, it is infatuation and not love. Most of human love is the latter, the descending type. The former, the ascending one, leads to liberation. The latter leads to bondage.

38. What is spirituality? Spirituality is the conquest of fear and the passage to peace. Purity is its precondition. 

39. Reconversion from Islam to the Sanatan Dharma is the only way to secure peace in India.

40. Many friends have wished me this birthday of mine. I feel brotherly love for all of them. It is but natural that you felt inclined to sending me your good wishes yet again and I feel naturally touched by your gesture. This familial relation, this sense of kinship, this kindred spirit, may it consolidate us in affirmative action for the nation. Jai Jind! Vande Mataram!

41. Muslims are happiest here in India because of the great freedom they enjoy here which is denied them even in Islamic states.

42. If Israel be the land of the Jews where Jews from across the world may find sanctuary, it is but natural that all persecuted Hindus be offered easy refuge and citizenship in Bharatvarsha, the birthplace of Hinduism and the largest habitat of the world's Hindus.

43. Wish others well if you wish to remove the विष (poison) within.

44. Do not believe in hellfire. Does a loving father (God) burn his beloved children in fire even if they be disobedient?

45. The subcontinent's Muslims are overwhelmingly converts from the Sanatan Dharma. They should remember their dharmic roots, civilisation and culture and do everything to integrate once more into the body politic of their ancestral faith. 🕉

46. Who is a Guru? One who refuses to be one.

47. We should be careful that in tackling Islamic supremacist attitudes we, Hindus, in turn do not turn into supremacists. The supremacist is morally and spiritually a weak person although he may be physically and vitally strong. We must assiduously avoid this ethical pitfall. 🕉

48. A supremacist is an arrogant egotist. We should be humble achievers and strong in knowledge and character, and, above all, strong in self-defence. 

49. Do not convert to Islam or Christianity. Seek succour in the Sanatan Dharma. 🕉 

50. It is the bounden duty of every Muslim to draw you into the fold of Islam. This is called Dawah. Beware!

51. Fear of God is the sign of spiritual ignorance. You are God in your inmost self. Do you fear yourself? Then why fear God who is none but You? 🕉 

52. Hindus need to strengthen their will power. They must be unyielding when undue religious demands are made of them by their adversaries. 🕉 

53. The Geeta must be made active in every Hindu's life. Courage of conviction must show up in terms of valour before the drawn sword of the adversary and not in cowardly terms of quotation from scripture alone. 🕉 

54. People invariably call up on the phone with a motive. The selfless caller is rare. No wonder Sri Ramakrishna said that motiveless devotion is possible only with the Ishvarkoti and never so with the Jeevkoti.

55. Islam is alien to India. So is Christianity. Both have their roots in the Middle East. This Islamic cleric, in stating that Islam is indigenous to India, is fabricating facts. He is repeating stuff from his written notes and falsifying history with a dastardly motive in mind. Such clerics should be exposed with a vehemence and their hatched conspiracy against the nation revealed. It is our civilisational imperative that enemies of the nation who thus bear ulterior motives be thus exposed.

56. 🕉 Hinduism is more secular than secularism itself. Our acceptance is universal unlike any other denomination that dots the planet. 🕉

57. India ought to be declared a Hindu Rashtra. This is our civilisational ethos, the spiritual undercurrent that holds us. 🕉 

58. Study Vivekananda in-depth before uttering a word against the resurgence of the Sanatan Dharma which was the dream of Swamiji.

59. Unless Hindus are in a continuous overwhelming majority in India with population proportion ever increasing, our Sanatan civilisation will be finished at the hands of Abrahamic cultural invasion from outside and subversion from within. Demographic change is the other way, though, and alarmingly so.

60. Even one reconversion from Islam back to the Sanatan Dharma conduces to great national good. And so many Muslims are returning to the Mother Faith from where their ancestors had been forcefully perverted. Great news indeed! May the movement gather momentum! 🕉

61. Polygamy should be banned in India.

62. There is a steady flow of Muslims out of the Deen. There will be a flood before long. The Ex-Muslim Movement is gaining momentum in India and in the wide world.

63. Islam spread by the edge of the sword. It will diminish through exposure of its true tenets. Muslims en masse are leaving Islam on account of growing awareness of their scriptural content.

64. If you do not read Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup (Voice of India publications), you will not know about the civilisational dangers that Hindus face from proliferating Islam and Christianity in India. A third adversary of our Sanatan civilisation they identified, and it was Communism. Read these defenders of the Sanatan Dharma and awake to the sense of your own defence of the Dharma.

65. Indian civilisation is essentially Hindu in character and it must remain so. Hinduism is staple to India. All else are accessories in so far as they agree with the central theme of eternal India. Otherwise, they do not form a part of the civilisational fabric of Sanatan Bharatvarsha. 🕉 

66. The mind lingering clings to the past while life flits by. Oh, what a waste of life!

67. সমাজকে অতিক্রম করার নাম প্রেম, সমাজকে উল্লঙ্ঘন করা নয় |

68. If a God's mercy is conditional on man believing in Him or not, then it is no mercy. Neither is such a one God, leave alone being the God.

69. If a God expects His followers to fear Him, He is no God. Fear of God is the beginning of ignorance and ends in violence.

70. X claims that X is such and such but provides no proof to substantiate his claim. Are we to accept him as such and such?

71. Psychological diseases are not to be deemed divine inspiration.

72. The Word-trap holds the bulk of humanity. One uses his brains to fool forever his following who are prevented from using their brains, though, by way of analytical judgement and rejection of doctrinaire imposition.

73. Hindus, exhibit character. Do not under any circumstance convert to Islam or Christianity. Defend your Dharma. 🕉

74. ডটে ডটে তো ভরিয়ে দিয়েছ 'স্বামীজীর বাণী ও রচনা' | এবার ডটগুলো বাপু ভরাও দেখি |

75. The Sikhs and the Hindus are one body, one soul.

76. জাতীয় জীবনে আজ পশ্চিমবঙ্গের কি অবদান ?

77. Arab culture cannot be allowed to proliferate in Bharatvarsha. Hindus, spread your Sanatan culture and reclaim lost ground.

78. Those of the political leadership who are appeasing the growing number of Muslims for votes need to read the book 'Indian Muslims---Who are they' by K.S. Lal (Voice of India).

79. How can modern man trained in scientific rationality believe in the Day of Judgement and Hellfire with an overseeing supposedly just Lord consigning unbelievers to the flames?

80. Are educated people fools that they entertain such false notions of Heaven and Hell, and that too on the authority of medieval texts devoid of reason and light?

81. Are you in your Faith because you are afraid of the Fire? Shed fear and Fire will vanish.

82. নিজের অনুগামী হোন | আর কারুর অনুগামী হবেন না | বেদান্ত আত্মশ্রদ্ধা, আত্মবিশ্বাস, আত্মজ্ঞান ও আত্মনিষ্ঠা শিক্ষা দেয় | নিজের গুরু, নিজের শিষ্য হোন |

83. Pakistan means 'The Pure Land'. True enough but not because it is the land of Islam (Dar-ul-Islam) but because it is the birthplace of our Vedic civilisation. 🕉

84. Madrassas must be converted to modern schools.

85. What is the point in seeking liberation when the wide world suffers?

86. What is your stance on the Uniform Civil Code?

87. Modern scientific education is dangerous for the survival of Islam. If believers start rationalising its tenets, we have had it.

88. Muslim girls will soon rise in open revolt against the Islamic practice of polygamy. After all they are becoming more aware through modern education. Who will hold them back now and how?

89. Learn about Islam from primary sources, namely, the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sirah.

90. Will the Uniform Civil Code come to be passed eventually? In a secular democracy equality before the law must be ensured for all. There cannot be any special treatment afforded to a very vast minority which far outstrips the population of most countries.

91. Demographic change taking place in India is dangerous for her future. Partition must never be forgotten. Reclamation of heritage the crying call of the hour. The conversion of Hindus must be stopped. Hindus must integrate and strengthen themselves.

92. Fear none. This is godliness.

93. If, by your own affirmation, you are the Atman and not the body, why on earth are you afraid to confront the devil when he challenges you threatening death?

94. If to evil mind you add evil doctrine, then you have a criminal cult in full flow. The mind is strangely susceptible to indoctrination which ideology utilises to the hilt.

95. I find it distressing to see that Hindus are so cowardly that they not only do not take up the defence of the Dharma actively but do not even passively support anyone who dares defend the Dharma. And these ones dare say, nonetheless, that they are followers of Swamiji. What sort of followers are you, my friends? Would Swamiji have brooked this cowardice?

96. Why call truthfulness a virtue if you will lie in the name of your God to promote the cause of your faith?

97. Which will you follow: your reason or your 'Revealed' Book which speaks of a host of unreasonable things?

98. Islam being highly patriarchal, is it suitable for a modern world of equal rights for the sexes?

99. It is not the so-called Hindutvavadi who introduced the talk of the thousand year slavery of the Hindus at Islamic hands. No, it was Swamiji who did it and he is the ideological leader of the Hindus. Dare you call him an Islamophobe?

100. Why does non-Muslim population decrease in Islamic countries while Muslim population increases in non-Islamic countries?

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