Dear Parnika,
Blessed one, be great. It is good to correspond and correspond often, for in the frequency of communication lies the affirmation of the bond that hold individuals together and society in consequence as well.
The human species is gregarious by nature and has thus overtime formed societies which have learned to live together in peace and in war, but live they do, nonetheless, if even to fight each other out of existence, following primeval propensities arising out of Darwinian compulsions.
As evolution in the spiritual plane makes its mark, harmonious coexistence is coming about, slowly but surely, and man is learning to love and live in more peaceful terms. Terms, I say, because as yet that bargaining, that selfish deal between individuals and between groups whose largest conglomerate seems to be the nation and even a confederacy of nations, holds its sway over human affairs. But the dawn at last is breaking on the eastern horizon and the early streaks of light streaming through bear tidings of a sunnier morn before the high noon of civilisation raises man unto a higher spiritual altitude en masse whose radiance in collective glory will put to shame all those Abrahamic religions of tribal origin that have taught man the animal way of eliminating each other en route to a postmortem heaven of eternal bliss. Such a heaven on earth it shall be here on earth when the utterances of the Vedic sages will be vindicated and in integrated, cooperative, loving coexistence at not a compromised level of tolerance but at the depth and height of inward spiritual insight humans will bide terrestrial time as glorious gods and goddesses before they in cyclical fulfilment of earthly life return to the realm of freedom whence they in Mayic bondage had appeared.
All these developments have the fundamental gregarious element of man working through and through as the subterranean current of life with communication in cooperative mode as its essential factor. Isolated, man perishes in an unduly harsh natural environment. But the moment he combines, his victorious march over Nature begins, at first in terminal terms---for Nature destroys man the moment he rebels against it---but later, with greater understanding of the workings of this unconscious giant mechanism, his victory is sealed with soul-force winning its wars over dead material brutality.
So in the world of his own self, in individual and collective terms, animality gives way to humanity and humanity makes way for divinity to emerge. Through this long march of man, he forms kinship with fellow men and forms an army of warriors wedded to death to triumph over Nature and win for posterity a field where flowers shall bloom and vegetation grow after his own heart that cater to his earthly survival, both in physical and in cultural terms.
As wealth generates, man turns upon himself now, as if in delayed predatorial vengeful action, fighting each other in groups and clans, tribes and nations, confederacies of such, till the earth, green and menacing, has altered hue to become grey and dangerous. We have arrived at a critical period of terrestrial evolution when either we perish wholesale and seek our exit through the 'cosmic drain' (courtesy, Marie Lousie Burke) or we bend upwards at this asymptote and start a fresh phase of divine living.
If cooperation be comprehensive and comprehension of life truly catholic, we will bend upwards this time, for the energy emanating from eternal India seems to have crossed the critical mark whereby such an upward motion will be possible against the cumulative gravitating forces of the dark (tamas).
To that end then let us work, and what better way may it be than to communicate ideas, mutual messages that affirm and strengthen bonds, lend solidarity to a humanity much fractured along age-old faultlines that need mending and, if not, then rising above them unto more wholesome planes where they do not exist.
This has been my small message of much significance. Read well and read deep lest the meaning even in part be lost.
Yours ever in Thakur-Ma-Swamiji,
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