Vivekananda is not being preached correctly by his followers. He was a warrior monk and a great defender of the Sanatan Dharma. But undue softening of his message, cherry-picking passages from his works and laying inordinate cowardly emphasis on an impossible harmony of religions with faiths hell-bent upon the destruction of Hinduism (refer to Ghazwa-e-Hind for instance along with the Islamic attitude towards the polytheist idolatrous Hindu kafir) has weakened the Hindu society and is weakening it by the day.
Swamiji wanted 'aggressive Hinduism' (a term recorded by Nivedita) but his message of virile nationalism and the assertion of Sanatan culture has unfortunately and deliberately been sidelined, and a strange concoction of ideological effeminacy in preaching and practice been afforded precedence over it.
The very followers of Swamiji have been letting him down for the past several decades and letting down the Hindus, especially when the Hindus look up to them for virile ideological leadership. And all this in the name of hypocritical hyper-adherence to Swamiji's dictat to them to stay clear of politics.
But politics they regularly do, the politics of staying in the good books of the government, the politics of seeking governmental protection to save a single member of the organisation from Islamic threat in Bangladesh while maintaining a studued silence when Hindus by the hordes are brutally persecuted in the subcontinent wherever Muslims are in overwhelming majority. Organisational interest allows them to establish close connections with the men in power but a general apathy is witnessed in them in regard to Muslim persecution of the Hindus everywhere.
Hindus today have been orphaned by Swamiji's followers but there are other Hindu organisations which are more virile and committed to protecting Hindu interests.
What is the use of preaching the Vedanta, about the soul, the Atman et al when in practice cowardice prevails, a vice which Swamiji detested in men?
Today, the Hindus have Swamiji as their General and they need no more to protect themselves from alien toxic influence intent on destroying them. Let each courageous---I say, courageous and not cowardly---Hindu study Swamiji and implement his civilisation-saving message in his/her life. That will be enough to lend solidarity to the Hindus and inspire them unto defence of the Dharma, both ideologically and in practice.
Sri Ramakrishna had said "Naren will teach the common run of humanity." We believe in his divine words. Let us pledge to become warriors of the Spirit unto defence of the Dharma. We need no more help from compromised followers of Swamiji when Swamiji himself in all glory shines luminous right before us as our hero, our guide, our General and our leading light. 🕉
Written by Sugata Bose
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