Tuesday, 27 June 2023



Sugata Bose @Shekhar Risbud : I am doing whatever I can to serve Hindu interests, defend the Dharma and arrest Abrahamic proselytisation. Is it not clear from my posts? Just see how no one is helping me in this mission, such a cowardly character my friends and associates consistently exhibit which itself is the cause of the weakening of the fabric of Hindu society here in India. Selfishness masquerading as spirituality, posting Swamiji's quotes and hiding behind these heroes, not having the courage to protest against atrocities on Hindus in the subcontinent, preaching piety while not even bothering to address the pernicious proselytisation problem we face in regard to Christianity and Islam---this is the summum bonum of pseudo-piety that is pervasive among the Hindus that I know. Perhaps, many valorous Hindus are there beyond my sphere of online interaction but I know them not. Those that I know of are immersed either in self-advertisement, are apathetic to the Hindu cause or are too timid to come out in the open and defend the Hindus whenever they are assaulted. There is another kind that pretends piety but are hypocritical cowards of no consequence. Consider your own case. You keep on making the same comment on my posts without any substantiation. How does it help after all? No one but myself is responding to your comments from which itself you can find out the general attitude, the terrible indifference Hindus show for their own civilisational survival while every other day they nonetheless get to hear the oppression that Hindus suffer everywhere at the hands of their cultural adversaries. So, you see, I am doing my bit, pouring water in the desert, tending the desert soil to make it fit for cultivation while my friends watch from a distance or, worse still, they do not even care to do so. They are simply too busy with their worldly and 'other-worldly' preoccupations. So, they simply disregard. If such a religion will not go to ruin, if such a people will not be perverted from their ancestral roots, what will and who will? 🕉

Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna : Then affirm and assert your divinity which transcends all temporal considerations. Awake! Arise!

Sugata Bose @Maria Wirth : Wonderful rejoinder to that pernicious proselytisor. But why introduce the word 'miracles' at the end of your reply? I understand its intended connotation in your case but it is misleading and antithetical to the Law of Karma which is the underlying principle of all phenomena from the individual to the cosmic.

Sugata Bose @Amlan Kusum Ghosh : Please don't upset him (Riddhiman Mukhopadhyay), though, with my unsolicited service. It's a wonderful work of translation, hardly discernible as such that it is not an original writing. I have not read the original. Hence, ...'ravages of time' may be out of place. I don't know the Bengali version. Hence, you see. Please commend him on my behalf for his exhilarating exposition of literary excellence.

Sugata Bose @Suvadeep Sen : The Muslim gentleman (Muhammad Qasim) has aptly responded to Ankita Choudhury's pseudoliberal stance that is devoid of identity and character thereof. These pseudoliberals who are patently anti-Hindu need to learn their lessons from such rebuffs. Devoid of knowledge of the fundamental tenets of different faiths, armed in ignorance of historical realities beyond what have been dished out by hired historians and revelling in social levities, frothy delights of the hour in a make-believe world of fanciful ideas and fabricated truths, these heterodox humans have lost their cultural moorings in their bid to universalise their microcosmic world. Lost in the trappings of words and half-digested ideas, they are neither local nor universal but are refugees in the world of men, seeking habitat wherever their perverted fancies drive them. Self-exiled, they tread the alien territory which is unknown to them in truth but which they in their utopian conception deem as familiar terrain. Victims of superficiality, these puerile people, nonetheless, do what they do to undermine Hindu culture and whatever the renascent Hindus today are striving for. Should they know the core content of scriptural Islam and its intentions, or of Evangelical Christians who are hell-bent on the destruction of Hinduism by perfected proselytisation, they would awake to a different sense of reality, the one that truly is and not which they deem to be true in their wild fancy.

Sugata Bose @Pahari Pothik : That's the first step. Then others will follow as per Islamic intention based upon scriptural injunction. Conversion to Islam of the infidel (kafir) as the aspired end is the soul of the Dawah.

Sugata Bose @Pahari Pothik: This is a matter of grave concern and not such flippant talk.

Sugata Bose @Gobinda Chandra Mallik : Please read the interview. The photograph appended is incidental, not quite so consequential.

Sugata Bose @Vignesh Subramanian : Have you read the Qur'an and the Sahih Hadees of Bukhari and Muslim, and the Sirah? Also, Sita Ram Goel, Ram Swarup, Konrad Elst, K.S. Lal, J Sai Deepak, Sir Jadunath Sircar and, above all, 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' thoroughly?

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Wion @Palki Sharma] : Most unimpressive reading from the screen in front. The tone of the newsreader smacks of arrogance. Need to learn western music yo soften tone and alter tenor.

Sugata Bose @D Srinivasa Reddy : The word 'Christ' here has been used just as a metaphor as the word 'resurrected' is inextricably linked to his personality. But the historical or mythical Christ figure is not the subject here. India must rise along her Rishi-laid line. These are figurative usages which are part and parcel of the literary exercise that lend substance and beauty to the intended meaning but are these days unfortunately misapprehended owing to declining literary standards among the masses. However, that is inevitable, considering the demographic rise in the world and the precipitation of global culture in consequence, especially with easy access to widespread technological tools of mass communication.

Sugata Bose @Vignesh Subramanian : But without reading the Islamic scriptural texts and Sita Ram Goel, Ram Swarup and the like, you will not be able to know the essence of the Islamic doctrine and Islam's manifold programmes of persecution of the infidel, its expansionist agenda in its diverse details, and its inherent intentions at its kernel. Hence, the aforesaid authors are a good guide in this regard and their literary works staple to the said discourse.

Sugata Bose @Sandeep Roy : Nalanda was burnt by Bakhtiyar Khalji, as you rightly pointed out, and not by the Mughals as you wrongly ascribed later.

Sugata Bose @Vignesh Subramanian : Yes, Swami Dayananda Saraswati did make a study of Islam and, aided by his research and subtle intellect arising out of spiritual realisation, was able to fathom the intentions of the political ideology in a large measure which in turn prompted him to set up the foundational basis of the Shuddhi Movement which has reclaimed many thousands of perverts from the Sanatan Dharma back to the fold. I appreciate your endeavour.

Sugata Bose @A devotee : A lesson that I have learnt in life that one takes care of oneself. None else does ever for good. Associations and affections are temporary as necessities rule life with pervasive self-interest dominating proceedings. This is the mean rule even as humans cooperate to build society that caters to collective well-being in the body.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Amogh Lila Prabhu] :


Shree Krishna was a meat-eater. Does it, my dear Amogh Lila Prabhuji, make him any less than God? So, how does fish-eating and meat-eating disqualify Swami Vivekananda from being a God-realised soul and a divine person and even the incarnation of Bhagavan Shiva?

When a person reaches the Paramahamsa state, dietary restrictions fall off. Swami Vivekananda had reached that supernal state and was free of all social or dietary bindings that are generally applicable to aspirants in the spiritual order.

When you criticise a person of no less a seminal spiritual status as that of Swami Vivekananda, it is meet that you are well-versed in his literature. Otherwise, you lose credibility as a critic as is patently your case.

Your arguments are puerile, as is evident from your non-contextual reference to Swamiji's exhorting the youth of the day to build up their physique through playing football as opposed to idle textual reading of the Geeta which is purportedly against the very message of the Lord to his friend and protégé Arjun, suddenly overcome by passivity and fear in the field of battle. Swamiji had exhorted the youth to rise up in revolution against the oppressive colonisers which in effect resulted in the Agni Yug (Age of Revolution) in Bengal and which then spread to the rest of India, eventually helping liberate India through the climactic War of Liberation of the INA II under Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, a great disciple at a distance of the cyclonic monk (Vivekananda). Such superficial knowledge or even less as you (Amogh Lila Prabhu) are exhibiting must read like childish prattle on university stuff and must be discarded as such. Your capacity to comprehend literary nuances and historical contexts, your pecuniary motivations behind stirring up needless controversy using half-baked references and surface logic, that too of your preferred sectarian kind, make you laughing-stock in the world of the Spirit (hope you understand what it all means) and do not merit response of any kind. That this reposte is still being given is to make Hindus 🕉 understand that such mercenary missionaries of the Dharma are making a mockery of its lofty philosophy and lowering the prestige of our hoary heritage before the eyes of the world.

Shree Ramachandra, Shree Krishna, Bhagavan Buddha---all were meat-eaters, Buddha dying after partaking of putrid meat of a pariah and attaining Mahanirvana. Does this make the divine trio any less divine? So, why should Vivekananda suffer such a fallen fate?

The analogy to Sri Ramakrishna's famous phrase 'Jawto mawt tawto pawth' by way of attempted travel to Australia along any random route bespeaks of your ignorance nonpareil. Australia is located at a fixed place on a geoid earth which may be approached along diverse means of conveyance but not along any random route as such. On the contrary, Truth transcendental is located at the very core/centre of phenomenal existence which may be approached along any radial route along diverse modes of purified endeavour suiting diverse temperaments and aptitudes of aspirants. Hence, the analogy falls flat.

The gesticulations and mannerisms of this supposed monk are a pointer to the decadent state of Hindu spiritual organisations such as ISKCON, and it necessitates serious reflection on our part as active members of the polity how we may redress this pernicious problem. I have a proposal to make. I hereby float the VIVEKANANDA ACADEMY, an organisation aimed at propagating the life and message of Swami Vivekananda. To the success of this enterprise I shall spend the rest of my earthly days and to this endeavour I exhort all interested individuals to contact and join me here on Facebook. 

Sugata Bose @Kunal Bose with reference to his video refuting Amogh Lila Prabhu's objectionable video on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda : 


1. Swami Vivekananda did not ask the youth not to read the Geeta but he exhorted them to play football so that their physique would be built which would facilitate their comprehension of the import of the Geeta better. He advocated active resistance to foreign rule on the battlefield of life and castigated passive piety of homebound indolent study of the Geeta thus.

2. Sri Ramakrishna's aphorism 'Jato mawt tawto pawth' ['As many faiths (belief-systems/theological or philosophical attitudes), so many paths to Truth] has been misinterpreted in terms of a proposed visit to Australia along diverse routes which will lead to different destinations other than Australia. But this is a fallacious argument. If one conceives of the spiritual universe as a sphere where aspirants of different faiths are following different radial routes gravitating to the centre, then each such route will lead to the aspired central destination of Truth. Whether all faiths are conducive to such straight travel to the core consciousness of life and Reality is a debatable point and a different discourse altogether.

3. Dietary restrictions in the spiritual path are for beginners, untrained minds, not for advanced spiritual souls, much less realized souls who have learnt how to control the forces of the body and the mind through yoga. The Paramahamsa is absolved of all such dietary restrictions, even caste restrictions, as he stands in supernal Self-realisation. Swami Vivekananda was one such sage who was grounded in the Self/Atman/Brahman. As such he could not have been subject to any dietary restriction. His spiritual status did not, therefore, in the least get diminished by his being a fish and meat-eater. Incidentally, many of our ancient Rishis were non-vegetarians as well. So were Shree Ramachandra, Shree Krishna and Bhagavan Buddha.

4. Incidentally, Swamiji himself had once said that he knew meat-eating was injurious to the life of the animal and, hence, a sinful act, but by cultural upbringing in Bengal he was a meat-eater. He further said that until progress in chemistry had made the discovery of suitable substitutes for animal flesh, it was better that abstinence from flesh-eating was not resorted to. He prophesied the gradual progression of humanity from non-vegetarianism to vegetarianism, though.

5. As far as smoking is concerned, this was but a pastime and not an intoxicant for Swamiji who had to undergo the rigours of the sannyasi's life, in monastery and beyond it as an itinerant monk. He hardly found food enough to eat, more often than not, and that also of nearly an inedible kind. Smoking remained his only luxury in a perfectly renounced life otherwise that saw him daily transcend sensory limitations in depth-meditation. He was in no way addicted to smoking. It merely stimulated him in innocent terms.

6. We must be thoroughly versed in Vivekananda literature. Otherwise, we will not be able to give pertinent replies to specific objections raised by people, such as Amogh Lila Prabhu has raised. Mere emotional response and moral tall talk will not do. Mere raising fury over teacups will not do. Rational responses are needed, not the ones that have been inadequately articulated in this video. Swamiji needs a thousand scholars to do research on him. I have floated the VIVEKANANDA ACADEMY for such a researched study of his life and works. Our work has begun. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : No question of Self-realisation or Krishna bhakti for Srila Prabhupada despite his propagation of the same. Holy man? Difficult to believe he was one from the nasty remarks he has made about the greats of our modern times such as Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo, and other propagators of the Sanatan Dharma such as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Swamiji Chinmayananda and the monks of the Ramakrishna Order.

Sugata Bose @Utpal Aich :


This observation about President V.V. Giri, a reputed first citizen of India who was extraneous to the entire discourse, has been a serious faux pas on the part of the author that merits an unconditional public apology and immediate rectification of name in the narrative, for it has spread misinformation about the venerable President Giri which he did not deserve to be loaded with. Were he alive today, he surely would have brought the author and the publisher to task for it. One hopes that his kith snd kin will take up the matter with the author and the publisher, and redress this issue immediately. A delay in this regard will have serious repercussions as it will tend to perpetuate in public memory the narrative that President V.V. Giri seemed to have suddenly become over-eager to attend the Charles-Diana wedding of 1981 when in point of fact he was already by then a departed soul (President Giri had died in 1980).

Sugata Bose @Sriprakash Bhattacharya : The publisher's duty it is as well to get reviews of books done well so as to eliminate errors. Else, their credibility will be at stake.

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