Wednesday, 28 June 2023



The whole of India must be Hinduised if this nation has to march ahead. Otherwise, with the spread of Islam, Christianity, Marxism, secularism and rank atheism, this blessed motherland of ours will lose her civilisational identity and go to ruin.

But that can never be. Hinduism is on the rise. It will rise to subdue with the voice of peace and harmony all discordant jarring notes that have disrupted the civilisation of holy Aryavarta for the last 1300 years and more.

Truth triumphs. So, will Hinduism, for it is the embodiment of all that is true and beautiful in the spiritual realm, all that is subtle and sublime in the region of thought, all that is nourishing and uplifting in the world of ideas. 

Let us practise the glorious principles of this, our inheritance, till this land is purged of perverting ideas descended upon it from alien terrain and Bharatvarsha is rendered whole again, vibrating to the pulse of the Vedas. Let the Upanishads in thundering tone rouse the nation to fearlessness and valour, ever reminding the children of the Rishis that death is but a plaything to them, they who are the legatees of the divine law animating existence, the inheritors of truth, goodness and beauty emanating from the depths of the soul.

Written by Sugata Bose

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