Tuesday, 24 May 2022



Indian mythology is not a concoction or a figment of soaring imagination. It is reality clothed in beauteous narrative form, history articulated in delectable story-form for easy access into the nervous system of the nation, unhindered absorption and assimilation by the consciousness of the masses for their cultured upbringing from spiritual infancy unto the maturity of realisation. Our mythology embodies our motherland's history and is the beautiful blend of philosophy and real events, a bridge between man and God, a seamless movement between the temporal and the spiritual. Neglect not Indian mythology as so much fabrication by minds untutored in the sciences and physical reality. These authors were sages of the highest intellectual and spiritual attainments. Their literary works embody the best of Indian culture and civilisation, arts and literature, ethics and philosophy, grammar and linguistics, law and life. Study the Puranas with shraddhaa (reverence) and you will understand their import. India lies encapsulated in these Puranas. One only needs to study and unlock thee vaults carrying ancient treasures that are ours by rightful inheritance. Heritage and history lie embedded in these grand mythologies of the Sanatan Dharma. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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