Sunday 15 May 2022



"I am significant in my insignificance." This is the conviction that holds us in our unit existence in the universal immensity of things. Our short-vision is our life-belt that buoys us amidst the billows of life, our long-vision our evolutionary drive that carries us on towards the distant shore of this dark sea of delusion where limitless radiance dispels all dark. Part we seem to be as we swim, being one with the wave that is thrust on us, till we gather insight into the heart of things and realise the wave to be the ocean. Then disappears this seeming self and the Real Self reveals. The ocean wavefree lies -- tranquil, serene, silent, still, not a ripple that rises to disturb its wholeness, its unbroken absolute calm. The shore has become the sea.

Written by Sugata Bose

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