Tuesday 24 May 2022



The worst feature of modern western education implanted into India is that, despite its undeniable blessings of science and technology, it has infiltrated the Indian mind with what in Sanskrit is termed 'ashraddhaa' or a lack of reverence for the nobler pursuits of spirituality that is intrinsic to our culture. Sensuality has replaced spirituality, greed and lust have supplanted dharma or righteousness, and self-seeking has displaced serving for the common good of all. We need to return to our spiritual roots and for that we cannot afford to be jumping up and down like immature school children but need to brood on our spiritual imperatives with maturity. Swamiji's solution is the dual programme of western science and Hindu spirituality that must form our curriculum now and in times ahead as we venture forth into the unknown in our bid to rebuild our much-wounded motherland.

Written by Sugata Bose

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