Saturday 7 May 2022



We need a monk of sterling character like the late Swami Satyarupanandaji to inspire us unto dedicating our lives for the mission that Ramakrishna-Vivekananda stood for. A living ideal alone will inspire an otherwise somewhat insipid movement that we are witnessing today.

When ideals are compromised, the life of organisation suffers. Cherry-picking passages to suitable use such as Swamiji having said that the spiritual current that had hit the banks of Belur Math in the being of Ramakrishna would last 1500 years and that the Ramakrishna Mission was the extended gross body of the Master, cannot conduce to its lasting well-being. Here each one of us who belong to the Master's Mission have a role to play. We must build our character in the mould of the Master direct as is evident in his sayings in 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' and not in the mould of the selective statements made by individual monks from within the organisation where they run contrary to the original intent of the Master. Then rectification through pressure from the lived lives of dedicated devotees will come in the organisation proper and Thakur will no more suffer such neglect as, unfortunately, he has been subject to in the preceding several years, the last straw having been added to it on 1 May, 2022 when his vesper service was conducted for a large while without the vesper song 'Khandana bhava vandana' being sung as the loudspeaker lectures drowned vesper proceedings with the final lap of the Devotees' Meet being run paying scant respect to the Master's temple service, an unprecedented feat now freshly achieved as a progressive mark of the Mission. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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