Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : Society is changing. The economic imperatives of the times are forcing these adjustments and amendments. But social change is slow as ideas percolate into the human psyche over a protracted period of time. The economic exploitation of the masses under the heels of capitalism itself is a great evil but the alternative system has not been found practicable owing to lack of humanity in the very practitioners of such socioeconomic change and the unscientific nature of the so-called scientific socialism which has unleashed brutality the world over in its apparent bid to usher in humanity. Undiluted materialism is a flawed philosophy in a world where Matter and the Spirit cohabit to create conditions. Undue rigidity in adherence to material centralisation of political and economic forces as Marxism espouses has caused untold human suffering and rendered humans into veritable beasts. No less is capitalism evil with its blood-sucking cruel machinery sapping the vitality of the masses. There is evil all around. No system has been found perfect as yet as man strives for the elusive earthly perfection of the social order.
Our forefathers classified society into the fundamental four varnas. This was done on the basis of the discovery of the fundamental four combinations of gunas (characteristics/attributes/qualities of the mind) that make up man. Later, owing to expanding society and its associated activity, sub-classificatoons came into being. These were called jatis, a la guild of medieval European society. Today the same classification abounds in the world as specialised vocations that contribute to work efficiency in an evolving complex human society. These jatis were initially and for long after fluid with interchangeability normal. But rigidities set in over the lapse of centuries, even millenia, as sociopolitical conditions changed, especially during India's protracted subjugation under Islamic rule. The Islamic invasions resulted in widespread forced conversion of the Hindus who out of existential necessity became more rigid in their living leading to self-imposition of undue social strictures which made the jati system inflexible. This saved the Hindus from total annihilation at the hands of proselytising Islam whose doctrinaire intent is the destruction of so-called polytheistic, idolatrous Hinduism. The social rigidity saved the Hindus against external aggression largely but degenerated them from within whose widespread effects we are witnessing even today.
But a race is on the rise and instead of all the time criticising it for its flaws the duty of every conscientious Hindu must be to rectify the evils abounding as far as possible. But, as stated above, it is a time-consuming affair and sudden changes, violent and misdirected, will do greater damage than good to the social fabric of the Hindus. Here Vivekananda is the guide and not Marx.
P.S. I do not find in any of my comments thus far any criticism of your remarks which you have alluded to but find corroboration to some extent of them and explanatory elaboration thereof about my personal perspective. Rather I find your comments straying off-course from the content of the post proper barring your first foray.
Sugata Bose @Bijoy Nag : Because Sri Aurobindo quit battle thereby compromising his co-revolutionaries to the gallows and to incarceration in that veritable hell of a prison in the Andamans. Surya Sen has been included in a photograph along with others. Gandhiji is missing and needs to be included. So must Sardar Patel be. There are others as well but you cannot keep adding photos within the limited space allowed. Sri Aurobindo even called Netaji traitor to the motherland for his Japanese association and allied assault on British India. The reason he cited was that should the British have been defeated by the INA-Nippon combine, India for ages would have been enslaved to Japan. Sri Aurobindo also sent a token sum of Rs 500 to the British Indian Government by way of express solidarity for the Anglo-American war effort against the fascist enemies of civilisation. Sri Aurobindo also claimed to have ushered in the unusually heavy monsoon of 1944 to help destroy the asuric forces, here the INA-Japan combine. Such outlandish theories as his entire philosophical output is replete with hardly assigns him an honoured place among the seers of our country, much less among the all-sacrificing patriots of our motherland.
Sugata Bose @Goutam Ghosh : Why can't people use the word 'Islamists' straight instead of roundabout verbal implication to the same effect?
Sugata Bose @YouTube NDTV Uniform Civil Code: Why is Mr. Kamaal Farooqi not allowing the other participants to have their free share of the presentation time? Why is the moderator allowing it? Whither civility? Whither fair play?
Sugata Bose @YouTube Global citizen : You answering thus is unwarranted and extraneous to a civil discourse where appreciation is always welcome and even worthier than undue disparagement as you are engaging in.
Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : Read this passage to the last line, Abhijit, and you will come to that observation on aesthetics that we had talked about in connection with Thakur's recently installed statue at Vedanta Society, Chicago, which I had respectfully criticised for being disproportionately incongruous.
Sugata Bose @Diganta Sengupta: Good decision. But this boycott must continue for a long stretch of time rather than just the initial hour when memory of KK haunts. Artiste-awakening must show up in terms of persistent refusal for years to come to stage shows in Kolkata rather than the hot hour post mortem of the musical martyr at mercenary hands.
Sugata Bose @Shiban Safaya : A displaced Kashmiri Hindu girl drawing attention to the current Kashmir killings by Islamists.
Sugata Bose @Shiban Safaya : She is not blaming the Modi Government. She is entreating, exhorting the GOI to act in defence of the Kashmiri Hindus, to provide them protection from persecution at the hands of Islamic jihadis.
Sugata Bose @Shiban Safaya : I well appreciate your concern for the image of the Modi Government but choose to give the benefit of the doubt to this young lady who seems to be sincere in her articulated anguish about the safety and security of the Kashmiri Hindus.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Well written. This is seemingly the situation. Dark days ahead. Hindus being reduced to subservience in their homeland by alien imposition once again. The thirteen hundred year old slavery is returning. What are we to do about it? I ask.
Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : No, no, Abhijit. You are a wonderful person. I just wanted to draw your attention now to the exact quotation from Thakur because at the earlier instance I had quoted merely from memory. You are too much of a gentleman to hurt anybody, much less an elder like me. May Thakur bless you!
P.S. : And what a beautifully crafted comment this is! Simply inspired writing flowing through your fingers like water flowing through the illumined one's palm as Thakur himself had at Dakshineshwar experienced, a la galitahasta!
Sugata Bose @Tufail Chaturvedi : Defence of the Sanatan Dharma is necessary by way of standing up for it against all adversarial elements as a powerful united front.
Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : Rohini, everyone goes through 'hard times' (quote, courtesy, Charles Dickens). But such trials do not last forever. They pass with time and the sun shines again. So, take heart and gather your forces. Better says are coming. Do not lose hope. I for myself am sometimes heartbroken as well with the way my work in every phase of my life goes on. Then I decide to detach myself completely from the goings-on of the world, remaining for the rest of my life a silent spectator. But the old mood of jollity invariably returns and I am the same old fool again. The cycle intermittently endless repeats. Such is the course of our labour of love in a life that forever remains a maze to us and draws us on to its cipher-centre where released we are from all affliction.
Sugata Bose @Wasim Ahmed : Zakir Naik was ill-learned in the Sanatan Dharma and made most provocative remarks with a counterfeit smile on his face which attempted to hide his Islamist intentions but failed to do so, he being a poor actor at that. His apparent civility hardly justifies his evil intent of undermining Hinduism and his attempt to convert Hindus to Islam.
Sugata Bose @Mohammed Irfan Ali : They do not have to caricature. They doctrinally denounce all other religions.
Sugata Bose @Wasim Ahmed : The said religion is all about, though, now as also historically since inception.
Sugata Bose @Susilkumar Das : Correct. Amir Khan and company would not dare attack Islam the way they did Hinduism. But we, Hindus, are an enlightened people and take it in our stride, even enjoy the episode in cinematic terms. Imagine how the world would have been set alight by his co-religionists should he have depicted his own faith in a like fashion. He didn't dare and it was wise of him that he did so. The very tolerance of Hinduism, its universality and catholicity of approach to the existential questions clearly proves its philosophical superiority over all other world religions including Islam whose philosophical foundation is cipher and it is only based on arbitrary assertions which it is binding on its adherents to blindly submit to and unquestioningly follow.
Sugata Bose @Mohammed Irfan Ali : Also see the video of Sri Sri Ravishankar that he made thereafter in which he admonished this proselytising preacher by name Zakir Naik for his 'kutarka' (ill-founded arguments). See what Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev also has to say about Naik and his noxious posturing in preaching perfidiously against Hindu interests.
Sugata Bose@Mohammed Irfan Ali : Should Sadhguru encourage an antinational like Zakir Naik that he should enter into debate with him? Sri Sri Ravishankar went out of his way to meet Naik out of his own folly which he must have later regretted when he was unceremoniously treated by this sweet-mouthed, ill-intended, fanatical quack which was quite unlike our age-old tradition of Hindu hospitality to which we are all accustomed. Anyhow, it was indiscreet of Sri Sri to have accepted the invitation from such a politically perverted person as Naik with his agenda of toxic treatment of others at his door. Such people as Naik are a shame unto India and are better off in fearful self-exile than rotting in a home prison for traitorous activity.
Sugata Bose @Shaikh Shaukat : Mind your language. It is utterly distasteful and full of hate. First practise love for all including BJP and then preach. Remember, we, Hindus, are a patient lot, most civilised and totally universal in our approach as opposed to the adherents of Abrahamic religions who give tall talk of ethics and humanity while submitting to the scriptural mandate of hating unto destruction of the infidel (kafir).
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Jaggi Vasudev speaks a whole lot of gibberish in the name of spirituality. Such deft playing with words is not indicative, though, of genuine spirituality for which holiness is necessary which he evidently lacks. He is totally out of sorts with Javed Akhtar whose pointed observations pin him down. Yoga in the hands of such charlatans, as Vasudev is, is compromising the lives of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, and it is most meet that stiff resistance to such rogues be put up for the safety and security of the potential victims of these fake Gurus who essentially are intent on fleecing the public for their pecuniary ends.
Sugata Bose @YouTube : Verbosity is not spirituality. Jaggi Vasudev is a fraud.
Sugata Bose @Prabir Banerjee : In a quandary, I guess, as to which course to take. After all commerce is all that matters to these channels, not ideals, ideology, truth or justice.
Sugata Bose @Chandra Kumar Bose : Where do you find bigotry in articulation of fact recorded in the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sira, the foundational Islamic scriptural texts? No Islamic scholar anywhere in the world has been able to counter the stated facts as they are all there in their scriptures. Only hue and cry are being raised to confound understanding and to pursue the perfidious age-old intent that is intrinsic to the ideology. Read the Qur'an at least once before rubbishing others' observations on the basis of presumptions and consequent ill-formed ideas. But I well know that ignorance articulates easier than fact-based reflection, although to little consequence. Read Swami Vivekananda on these issues. If you wish I can provide you the relevant portions from his Complete Works as I have duly done on your posts in the past which I fear you chose not to read and reflect on but found it more profitable to continue with your casual carping.
Sugata Bose @Runa Sikdar : This is a man-made God. So, He requires protection from His creator who is masking in sportive pastime as his follower.
Sugata Bose @Saswat Panigrahi : Capitulation before Islamic pressure will now reduce our space for free criticism of personalities if even based on facts as Nupur Sharma did. The millennium-old Islamic agenda of creating ceaseless pressure on the kafir to reduce his freedom till he for sheer breathing space converts to the creed is on. Each and every instance of supposed blasphemy is used by Islamists to further the cause of Islam, the conquest of the whole world to its fold till a monotheistic death in doomsday is delivered unto them for delirious delight in heaven thereafter. It is a shame that we are cowering under pressure and are allowing increasing space to application of the Indian variant of the blasphemy law which is inevitably going to crush free expression, so very necessary for a functioning democracy. This blasphemy bit of the law that imposes reasonable restrictions on free expression may be necessary for maintaining peace and harmony in a multireligious diverse polity like ours but its exercise in throttling fair, fact-based criticism of a seminal personality simply because vast numbers of his following take easy offence to it and resort to vandalism, arson, mayhem, murder, call it what you will, is unacceptable. Yet, such is the scenario today when a fanatical cult chooses to utilise constitutional characteristics to further their cause corrosively. The nation suffers as the Hindus suffer its consequences. Where are we living? In Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, where?
Sugata Bose @Anand Ranganathan : Brilliant piece. The wake-up call. All strength to our combined, collective effort to save our culture, our civilisaltion. Do not lose hope. Your seminal work is raising heroes, as yet unseen, but they are growing in strength till they will be manifest in visible terms. đ
Sugata Bose @Soumyajit Roy : Hindutva is the armoury of Hinduism, its political aspect. As such it is the defence of much-persecuted Hindus for close to fourteen hundred years ever since the first sporadic raids on Hindustan by Arab invaders. To me Hindutva and Hinduism are essentially identical, although in aspect at apparent variance. Hinduism is the religio-philosophical system and Hindutva is its applied form in practical life and in resistance against alien attack.
Sugata Bose @Subhasis Jha : Language, please. The gentleman has left his comment unfinished and, so, a trifle ambiguous. Hence, the difficulty in understanding its implication.
Sugata Bose @Dipanwita Dutta : I am not related to Netaji. Why are you abusing me from behind locked profile? Give up this arrogance.
Sugata Bose @Hamza Hussainy Syed : What about 'Halala'? What about the eventual goal of life? Infinite material pleasure in heaven or perfect spiritual union in absolute consciousness? Actual instances scripturaly ordained and practised worldwide or misinterpretation of purest, sublime spiritual state beyond common carnal comprehension as in the case of Madhur Bhava of Vrindavan Gopis and Gopinath Shree Krishna? Considering woman to be intrinsically of inferior intelligence, half in worth of a man's, or revering woman as embodiment of Divinity (Divine Mother), as the source of all strength and knowledge despite practical aberration in application in instances?
Sugata Bose @Hamza Hussainy Syed : What about 'Halala'? What about the eventual goal of life? Infinite material pleasure in heaven or perfect spiritual union in absolute consciousness? Actual instances scripturaly ordained and practised worldwide or misinterpretation of purest, sublime spiritual state beyond common carnal comprehension as in the case of Madhur Bhava of Vrindavan Gopis and Gopinath Shree Krishna? Considering woman to be intrinsically of inferior intelligence, half in worth of a man's, or revering woman as embodiment of Divinity (Divine Mother), as the source of all strength and knowledge despite practical aberration in application in instances? Holding the female capture of the right arm as property enslaved for sexual pleasure or honouring women of all religions, nay, of all humanity as divinities? Keeping women under patriarchal thraldom scripturally mandated, beating wife for disobedience, or holding woman as equal partner in life's great mission of conjoint advance to the spiritual goal of blissful union in the Divine? There are some basic differences on the basis of scriptural sanction, although aberration in practice abounds everywhere, in all religions. But the fundamental flawed philosophy or attitude matters, the inviolability of the 'Divine Word' which keeps half of humanity suppressed and their honour violated thereof both in principle and in proliferating practice.
Sugata Bose @Hamza Hussainy Syed : Seeta Mata is the highest idealisation of womanhood ever manifested anywhere in the world whose sublimity to understand and feel needs far more than carnal comprehension of the commoner. She is the veritable manifestation of the Divine Mother which shall remain the ideal to be approached and approximated ever by the best of womanhood the world over. Offering argument in puerile defence of the Deen is an exercise in futility. Better reform or reject medieval so-called inviolable principles that have harmed and continue to harm womanhood the world over.
Sugata Bose @OpIndia English -- YouTube : Lovely interview. Full support to Nupur Sharma for her intrepid stance in the teeth of terrible persecution worldwide. But there are her countless supporters as well whose conjoined might will see her through these terrible times. Excellent interview.
Sugata Bose @Utpal Chakrabarty : Stop joking. Be serious. Our existential threat this is. Partition could not teach the lesson? Thousand year slavery could not either?
Sugata Bose @Chandan Bhattacharjee : The Indian dharma traditions are the true paths to liberation of the embodied being from the shackles of Maya. The Abrahamic religions are exclusive cults with no concept of Nirguna Brahman, the Law of Karma, transmigration of the soul and eventual Mukti/Moksha/Nirvana. Christianity is on the wane in Europe and Islam is desperately holding on to survival in a scientific world that it is perceiving as increasingly hostile to its archaic, irrational tenets. Hence, its days on earth as a major force are numbered as well. Hinduism will naturally be called upon to fill up the vacuum which is what you have rightly reckoned.
Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : Wishful thinking does not unite, strong resistance against subversive forces does.
Sugata Bose @A.b. Siddique : Why are Muslims feeling hurt? Do they not agree with what has been recorded in Sahih Bukhari? Can they say categorically that Sahih Bukhari is not sahih (valid) and the relevant hadith is an interpolation? Let Islamic scholars round the world declare the said hadith as false then. Ought statement of fact to be deemed insulting?
Sugata Bose @Deep Kumar Dey : To know the adversary's designs, his evil intent of destroying the polytheist idolatrous kafir so that adequate defence against such onslaught be possible. It is a civilisational war that is being waged against the Hindus, Ghazwa-e-Hind as mandated by the founder of Islam.
Sugata Bose @Saurav Ghosh : I am doing my bit and so are you doing. Strength be yours in this service to the dharma and to the motherland.
Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : In diversity we unite but not along divine dictate. Diversity is natural to the Hindu conception of things, not to monotheistic understanding of Abrahamic cults.
Sugata Bose @Hamza Hussainy Syed : Don't waste time arguing. There are deeper spiritual things to be realised in life. Dive deep inside your soul and try to discover your transcendental Self, the Atman which is your existential basis, your consciousness absolute and your supraphysical bliss perennial. May Sri Ramakrishna bless you in your endeavour! Read Ramakrishna-Vivekananda.
Sugata Bose @Dipanwita Dutta : Ramakrishna-Vivekananda are beyond your intellect too. Come, let us sharpen our intellects through discrimination between the real and the unreal so that we may better apprehend the divine duo.
Sugata Bose @Dipanwita Dutta : Ramakrishna-Vivekananda are beyond your intellect too. Come, let us sharpen our intellects through discrimination between the real and the unreal so that we may better apprehend the divine duo.
Sugata Bose @Indranil Khaire : Do your bit instead of critical micro analysis now. Show your solidarity with the Hindus instead of empowering the enemy further.
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