Wednesday 4 May 2022



The jungle is our original habitat. We have left the jungle and civilised ourselves but have not been able to get past our original instincts, that of the ferocious forest. Civilisation thus far has been skin-deep. For all our vain talks humanity in the main is hardly human. The animal rages in man with all his advanced demonic technology and weaponry snuffing the life out of man. Politics has thus far been diabolical, proselytising religions no less evil, often more so. The forest in fine form resides behind the facade of cities. Violence, once in the animal-man instinctive, has assumed preposterous premeditated proportions. The forest-man is at best the camouflaged city-dweller with all his ancient propensities sharpened by a refined intelligence and an unrefined heart. The 'selfish gene' (courtesy, Richard Dawkins) yet rules the roost as the moral man struggles to emerge amidst the barbarism of the bulk. And yet through all this violence and vice the selfless man slowly emerges to create a new world order where wisdom rules reason and reason reigns over divisive superstition. It is as yet a long way off but the onward march is on. Charaiveti! (Onward!)

Written by Sugata Bose

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