Tuesday 31 May 2022



Be creative or be nothing. Stop imitating others, repeating those typical slogans set up in the public sphere by some creative person which have through lack of originality now become the common property of all. Form your own slogans, your own chant, your own sect within the body politic of the nation, even of vaster humanity.

In uttering verbal instances of others there is no expression of individuality. One must be creative. One must discover principles for oneself instead of aligning sheep-like with others, all led by the Piper of Hamelin town unto the sea of drowning death. 

There is no glory in copying others, one of the reasons why organisations of regimented learning but little originality suffer inevitable decay and death.

Culture it is that survives shocks and sustains civilisation. Creativity engenders culture. Hence, creativity, originality, individual genius foster, enliven and strengthen civilisation. This original impetus deriving from the being must always be nurtured and the individual allowed to flourish within the social structure, never limiting and ever fostering the fertilisation of ideas unto mature fruition whence human evolution leaps ahead through the uncharted terrain of time and space.

So it is that I reiterate -- "Be creative or be nothing."

Written by Sugata Bose

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