Sunday, 8 May 2022



1. যার হৃদয় যত বড় তার বুদ্ধি তত গভীর |

2. Stop taking money for prasad at Belur Math. It is lowering the Mission's ideal.

3. ভক্ত তাঁকেই বলি যিনি নিঃস্বার্থ |

4. Aggressive (not violent) Hinduism is the call of the hour. Feel proud to be a Hindu and defend your dharma against the proselytising attacks of Christianity and Islam.

5. Hatred is bad but I hate this colonised mentality which English-educated Indians have. Sorry, I simply detest it. Slavery to the West does not go with me, proud Indian that I am.

6. স্বামীজীর বই পড়েও যদি ছেলেগুলো পুরুষমানুষ না হতে পারল, সেই মেয়েলী হাবভাব, কবিতা, গান, নাচ, এইসব নিয়েই দিন কাটাল, তাহলে বৃথা বিবেকানন্দের এই বাংলাদেশে আবির্ভাব | জীবনের একেবারে শেষে স্বামীজী বলেছিলেন, "The gospel of my life can be summed up in one word -- manhood." ("আমার জীবনের বাণী একটি শব্দে সংক্ষিপ্তকরণ করা যেতে পারে -- পৌরুষ |")

7. আমাদের এই বাংলাভাষাতেই গোলমাল আছে | এর অতিনমনিয়তাকে দূর করে বলিষ্ঠ শব্দপ্রয়োগ করতে হবে | স্বামীজী এবিষয়ে লিখেছেন | 'স্বামি-শিষ্য সংবাদ'এ দেখে নেবেন স্বামীজীর এবিষয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মন্তব্য | স্বামীজী বিরক্ত হতেন বাংলা আর ওড়িষার ছেলেদের এই দুর্বল, মেয়েলী হাবভাব | পরিবর্তন প্রয়োজন | ছেলেরা, পুরুষোচিত হও |


Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj. Swami Omkaratmanandaji distributing edibles including some of the children's favourite items among the poor children of Mekhliganj. Maharaj is so sensitive as to the emotional needs of little children, their innocent desires and longing for food items their parents can scarce ever afford for them. Here Maharaj becomes mother to these children, our children, our fairest flowers who will blossom on the morrow to give shape to the destiny of our great nation.

9. কি লিখি আর কি সব মন্তব্য আসে ! এই না হলে শিক্ষা, সংস্কৃতি, সভ্যতা !


Information, courtesy, Swami Nikhileswarananda 

Swami Akhandananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, was the Guru of Guru Golwalkar of the RSS. Akhandanandaji not only initiated him with the divine mantra but also restrained him from taking sannyasa. He blessed the youth wholeheartedly with Brahmajnana and set him to serving the motherland. Guru Golwalkar who had served his divine Guru for months with unflinching faith and devotion at the Ramakrishna Mission Sargachhi Ashrama, by his Guru's grace became the illustrious second Sarsanghachaalak of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha.

11. ব্যক্তিত্বের গভীরতা না এলে সংগীতের গভীরতা আসে না |

As the soul deepens, music deepens too.

12. সংস্কৃতির নামে ছেলেগুলোকে মেয়ে বানানোর প্রক্রিয়া বন্ধ করুন | অন্ততঃ স্বামীজীর অনুগামীরা এই মেয়েলী হাবভাব সংগীতে, নৃত্যে, সাহিত্যে, শিল্পকলায় ও লোকব্যবহারে পরিহার করুন | সেটিই হবে স্বামীজীর আদর্শের প্রতি যথাযথ শ্রদ্ধার্ঘ | আর ঐ গলা কাঁপিয়ে কপটকবিত্ব প্রদর্শন করে অনুষ্ঠানের সূত্রধরের কাজ করাও বন্ধ করুন | অবিদ্যামায়া, আবরণীশক্তি সর্বত্র সর্বৈব ত্যাজ্য |

13. স্বামীজী, নেতাজী আর রাসবিহারী বসু -- এই তিনের মধ্যে আজও স্বার্থের লেশমাত্র পেলাম না | বাকি অনেকেই মহাপুরুষ বলে আখ্যায়িত বটে কিন্তু তাঁরা অধিকাংশই কমবেশী স্বার্থদুষ্ট, অহংকৃত, মায়িক ব্যক্তিত্ব |

14. India needs the sacrifice of her brightest and the bravest. Be thou one in this long line of martyrs to the motherland.

15. Patriots? So many of them today are sold to name and fame. And the more illustrious they are in public perception, the worse offenders they are on this count as they discount honour to seek public attention. The few that truly are worthy sons and daughters of the motherland, do their work silently beyond the reach of the spotlight. The rest are busy advertising self in the name of love for the motherland. Now it is self before nation that goes for patriotism instead of the other way round.

16. Bengal gave birth and sustenance to the Ramakrishna Mission and it has been a vast section of the Bengalis comprising the atheists, the materialists, the communists and the desire-driven deluded ones that have harmed and continue to harm the cause of the Ramakrishna Mission the most.

17. ইন্দ্রিয়পরায়ণ না হলে পৌরুষ আপনিই আসে |

18. The least tinge of desire taints love.

19. বাচ্চাদের ভয় পাওয়াবেন না | ওরা মিথ্যে বলতে শিখবে | ওদের নির্ভয় হতে দিন | ওরা তাহলে সত্যবাদী, চরিত্রবান হবে |


রামকৃষ্ণ-বিবেকানন্দ ভক্তবৃন্দ, সংঘবদ্ধ হ'ন | সম্মিলিত, ঐক্যবদ্ধ, ঐকান্তিক, ঐকতানিক প্রচেষ্টার দ্বারা রামকৃষ্ণ মঠ ও রামকৃষ্ণ মিশনের সেবাপ্রকল্পগুলি দ্রুত সুসম্পন্ন করুন | 

আলোকচিত্র : রামকৃষ্ণ মিশন, খেতড়ি


জননী হওয়া কঠিন ;

মা হওয়া আরো কঠিন |

22. I saw on television today a news headline that morning loudspeaker Azaan has been stopped in Kolkata. Is it true?

23. Political Hinduism is as necessary for the preservation of the Hindus as is apolitical Hinduism necessary for it. This must be noted.

24. হিন্দুদের আরো বেশী শিক্ষিত হতে হবে নিজেদের ধর্ম, সভ্যতা, সংস্কৃতি ও ইতিহাস সম্বন্ধে | তা নাহলে তাদের বিধর্মীর হাতে নিরন্তর দুর্গতির কোনদিনই ইতি হবে না |

25. অহংকার নয়, নিজেকে সম্মান করুন | মাথা উঁচু করে, শিড়দাঁড়া সোজা করে, উন্নত আদর্শ রক্ষা করে প্রত্যয়পূর্ণ দৃপ্তভঙ্গীতে, হে হৃদয়বান, উঠে দাঁড়ান |

26. Business is the grand thieving mechanism whereby the masses are exploited legally and reduced to penury. Besides, there are the illegal means as well.

27. Which of the Mughals were religious bigots? Only Aurangzeb or others as well? History needs to be rewritten with correct chronicling of events and with due emphasis on what had chanced. Truth is surfacing with every digging up of buried history.

28. অবিদ্যারূপ ! বিদ্যারূপ নয় | বিদ্যারূপ হলে একবারে শ্রেয় কথা শোনে মানুষ |

29. We are recovering the Hindu heritage of mutilated India. What about the recovery of such in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan where the 1300 year-old persecution of Hindus and Hindu heritage by the Muslims continues till date?

30. If education does not make you feel proud of your motherland and her Hindu heritage, in vain is such education.

31. Do not be an apologetic Hindu. Be proud to be one. Study the scriptures. Learn Sanskrit.

32. Visit the Hindu pilgrimages. Do not hanker for seeing the West before you have seen your motherland well. Let tourism in India thrive with Indian money flowing in. Invest in India. Enrich India. Build up the Indian educational institutions. Stop exporting our best brains abroad with the lowly purpose of earning the delightful dollar. Be patriotic. Serve India with your talents. Build your motherland. Make her glorious once again.

33. Do you love India? Then love Hinduism. It is the heart and soul of India, its very pulse-beat.

34. Renascent Hinduism is the future of India and the world. It is for us to bring this about by 

a) the recovery of the Sanatan Dharma in India,

b) the complete reconversion of the Indian subcontinent to the fold of the Sanatan Dharma,

c) the spiritual conquest of the world by the vigorous propagation of the Sanatan Dharma. 


Came as the tiger noiseless slow

Like fiery passions's headlong flow.

['King Porus - a Legend of Old' by Michael Madhusudan Dutt]

Beware of the enemy. He bides his time and strikes unawares. Thus have we fallen again and again. Now no more.

36. Reclamation of Hindu heritage sites is on and with accelerated progress. First Ayodhya and now Varanasi and Mathura.


Toxic comments to my posts will be ignored by me from now on. Hypocrites I hate and there are quite a few on my friend list. They will be either ignored or, if poisonous beyond endurance, quietly shown the door. 

Photo : Prostrations at Surjo Maharaj's blessed feet on this hallowed birth anniversary of his. Maharaj today has completed 132 years. 1890-1984 was his blessed earthly lifespan. More to follow in future posts.

38. স্বামীজীর সার্ধশতবর্ষের সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ স্মারক হল উপেক্ষিত দরিদ্রনারায়ণ, যাদের ভুলে গেছে মানুষ | বিধর্বার চাষী, যে বীজ কেনার অর্থ নেই বলে ঋণের ভারে নুব্জ হয়ে আত্মহননে নিত্যরত, সে-ই স্বামীজীর অবহেলিত সন্তান, সেই ভগ্নপ্রায় জীর্ণ দেহ স্বামীজীর স্মারকমন্দির, ঠাকুরের গর্ভগৃহ, মায়ের বুকের জমাট কান্না | ঠাকুর হয় মর্তে আগত নয় আগতপ্রায় | নতুন উদ্যমে কাজ শুরু হবে মানুষের দেহমন্দিরের সংস্কারসাধনের | জয় মানুষের, জয় !

39. Study Hinduism. Spread it at home; spread it far and wide if you do love your motherland. Those that stand against this missionary cause are traitors to the motherland.

40. The Semitic religions, namely, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are kindergarten stuff compared to the highly sophisticated dharma traditions of Bharatvarsha, namely, the Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism), Jainism and Buddhism.

41. Akbar copied Vikramaditya's Navaratna (Nine Gems).

42. When religion joins hands with capital and takes to exploiting the masses, the times are ripe for the reincarnation of Ramakrishna.


The first feature of brahmacharya is truthfulness along with purity. Truthfulness? What virtue is that? Well, well. Let me see the dictionary. I will tell you later about it in future posts on this issue, not by way of definition but by way of elucidation on the truth and the falsity that animates discussion about Tulsi Maharaj. As of now I cannot trace the truthful one who will admit that Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj) was Thakur's direct disciple. So, how about that?


What a wonderful concept and a living reality! Vishvamitra - the mitra (friend) of the entire vishva (world) and not just a clan, a tribe, a race or a religious brotherhood.

Written by Sugata Bose (idea, courtesy, Prof. Dayanand Bhargava, Sanskrit and Vedic scholar, Vishuddhi Films)

Photo : Brahmarshi Vishvamitra and Menaka -- artist, Raja Ravi Varma.

45. ভগবানকে পেতে চান? নিজেকে ডাকুন | আত্মশ্রদ্ধাই আত্মসাক্ষাৎকারের পথ |

46. কোথায় সাধু খুঁজছেন ? সাধু আপনি নিজে | নিজের মধ্যে সাধুকে খুঁজুন |

47. Atrocity in Bangladesh on the Hindus, systematic and sustained, till survival itself has become a harrowing experience. When will Hindus in India feel for their persecuted brethren in Bangladesh and raise their voice in unison?

48. Dharma is the progression from where you are to where you next can be along the ascending spiralling staircase of evolution.

49. Architectural citadel comes up when the citadel of character has fallen.

50. Obedience is one thing and slavish cringing to authority another. Have self-respect and free yourself from your despicable residence under the heels of arbitrary authority.

51. Mukti comes in that life when you have beaten time. So long as time defeats you, you are bound to be reborn to carry on the struggle with time.

52. We need a Ramakrishna Mission centre in every major capital city of the world. This is a vital need for the harmonic well-being of the world, much torn by divisiveness and dissension.

53. The Law of Karma shall obliterate the two destructive proselytising world religions and humanise the world with the benign message of the Sanatan Dharma. Science of the Spirit shall prevail over superstition of faith.

54. Jainism and Buddhism are derived from the Sanatan Dharma, true, but in rejecting the infallibility of the Vedas they have been called 'Avaidic Dharma' (non-Vedic religions). Hence, though in the wider sense of origin and derivation, and essential content of karma, transmigration of the embodied soul, and eventual mukti/moksha/nirvana on illumination these Indic dharma traditions are inseparable from the Sanatan Dharma, in the strictest philosophical sense from the rigid grammatical standpoint Jainism and Buddhism are non-Vedic religions and, hence, outside the ambit of the Sanatan Dharma. But today we need to form a united front of all Indic dharma traditions in combating the aggression of the Semitic religions, Islam and Christianity. This is our existential necessity and must be achieved. Each one of you lend your hand in achieving it.

55. The man who stands alone bereft of all support but his Self is the happiest. The activities that flow thereof conduce to the happiness of others who he sees as his reflected self, as his Self reflected in so many forms.

56. Did Sri Ramakrishna ever celebrate Christmas?

57. We must learn to appreciate writing instead of merely the appended photographs to posts.

58. 🕉 'Hindustan' means 'land of the Hindus'. Isn't it so? 🕉


If duty is well done,

Bondage will be none.

60. If a religion converts, it cannot be called good.

61. Hindus must develop pointed debating skills in order to overcome adversarial forces that have historically harmed them.

62. Who will I write for? Who shall I address? Can you teach vegetables valour?

63. কাপুরুষকে কি পুরুষ বানানো যায় ? স্বামীজীও পারলেন না, আমরা কোন ছাড় !

64. There was a day when India was purely Hindu. Alas, when will it be so again, the motherland cleansed of all religious contamination, all her children following the Sanatan Dharma?

65. অজ্ঞানতার মধ্যে থাকার কোন যুক্তি নেই বটে কিন্তু জ্ঞান বলে আখ্যা দিই যাকে তাকেও অজ্ঞানতারই নামান্তর বলে মানতে হবে |

66. Please punctuate your posts and comments properly.

67. বিলিয়নেয়র (billionaire) মানে বিশ্বচোর |

68. Does our country believe anymore in 'Satyameva jayatey' or has it mortgaged truth-stating to appeasement for electoral and commercial gains?

69. Brainwashed fanatics pelting stones in Kanpur.

70. Why can't people digest truths about their religion, come to terms with them, reform the religion and amend their ways?

71. Every Muslim must read over and over again 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna'. Then peace will prevail as they comprehend what spirituality is all about. Ignorance about spirituality has blinded them. Ramakrishna will dispel this delusion.

72. Read the Qur'an and find out its tenets for yourself. This is the best defence for Hindus.

73. যে হিন্দু নিজের ধর্মের রক্ষার্থে কোনো কথা বলতে নারাজ, তার ঈশ্বরপ্রেম, স্বাদেশিকতা, শৌর্যবীর্য ও চরিত্র সম্বন্ধে যথেষ্ট সন্দেহ জাগে |

74. Hinduism accepts all religions as true, as valid paths to the same God. Does Islam also accept all religions as true?

75. শুধু নিজের চ্যানেলের TRP দেখলে হবে না | দেশকে ভালবাসতে হবে | হিন্দুর সংস্কৃতি, সভ্যতা, ঐক্য রক্ষা করতে হবে | প্রতিটি হিন্দুর সুখ আমার সুখ, তার দুঃখ আমার দুঃখ -- এই বোধ সদা জাগ্রত রাখতে হবে | স্বামীজীর স্বদেশমন্ত্র সহায় হ'ক হিন্দুর | ঐ মহামন্ত্র, সর্বব্যাধির মহৌষধি |

76. রাজনীতির চেতনাই নেই হিন্দুদের | তাই তো ১৩১৫ বছরের পরাধিনতা নিজের দেশেই বহির্শক্তির কাছে |

77. The Government of India should have stood up for truth. But it cowered and capitulated under pressure. Shame! #IsupportNupurSharma

78. The goal of Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) is Mukti, meaning liberation from the transmigratory cycle of birth, embodied earthly life and death, upon realisation of the Absolute Truth (Atman/Brahman) and becoming one with It. But what is the goal of Islam? Let a Muslim friend honestly elaborate. Then we shall see if all religions lead to the same goal as Hindus and, mind you, not Muslims so ardently affirm.

79. Stop humouring the West. Be nationalistic.

80. Islamists are turning vile and violent as is their wont when confronted with unpalatable truths recorded in the Hadith which they cannot deny. Instead of introspection and reform they spew venom against the truth-teller, and cowardly humanity in chorus sing the swansong of the Hindus.

81. Why are Hindus kafirs in the eyes of Islam and Hindustan Dar-ul-Harb? What is Ghazwa-e-Hind?

82. 🕉 The more you abuse me for defending Hinduism, the greater will be my resolve to do so. Trolling me will be a tribute to my success through trials and tribulations. 🕉

83. 🕉 Islamic countries that allow no religious freedom to Hindus are taking the high moral ground to preach religious tolerance to India. Comedy at its tragic best! 🕉


The man who saw through the tricks of political Islam. Bhimrao Ambedkar's assessment of Islam's expansionist motivation and agenda was incisive and accurate.

85. Is India a Sharia state that Nupur Sharma must face such global persecution from Islamic nations and from Islamists within the country for her indiscriminate truth-stating?

86. Why is it that Indian Muslims and Muslim organisations are not up in arms against the open threat made to India by the Al-Qaeda in the wake of alleged blasphemy?

87. In Islam marriage is just a contract that can be annulled anytime and owes nothing to progressive union of souls through the practice of chastity whereas in Hinduism it is a sacred institution that binds two souls together for life after life, preparing them through continent living for final perfect union in the realised Self (Atman).

88. The agents of Partition still sit in Pakistan and orchestrate seditious acts in India. But who are the ones within that carry out the orders from across the borders, that gather subversive forces to undermine the Republic of India? They clamour for the Constitution while preparing to undo it in due course with added strength in numbers and influence. Beware these toxic elements who threaten the life of India! Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan will show you where we are headed unless resistance be put up to destroy the Islamist elements that are working for India's destruction. 

89. The Constitution mandates 'reasonable restrictions' on 'Freedom of Speech' which are being well utilised by unreasonable men to pursue their Islamist objectives. Moving the world to ban Islamophobia is just the democratic tool to destroy democracy. Better by far would be to amend the ways of these Islamists. Islamophobia, that is, fear of Islam, would automatically go from men's minds then and conduce to communal harmony.

90. Free speech and democracy go together. If you curb free speech, you destroy democracy.

91. Cowards strike at a woman for speaking the truth. Show you solidarity with Nupur Sharma against this Islamist agenda.

92. The administration of India must take cognisance of the hate speeches emanating against Hindus by certain Muslim clerics who openly are calling for beheadings of anyone perceived to oppose the loudspeaker azaan or the wearing of the hijab and the like. This is a serious situation that could get worse if these outrageous public speeches are not curbed forthwith. 

93. Why has the BJP buckled under pressure from Sharia-ruled states when the declared agenda of BJP is implementation of the Uniform Civil Code at whatever near or distant date?


94. Is this the enlightened 21st century or is it the barbaric medieval age when the sword determined questions of life and truth?


This boy had more brains 150 years back than today's wiseacres to understand the complex problem that is modern India.

Photo : Narendranath Dutta, later Swami Vivekananda.

96. Does vandalism and violence prove the greatness of one's faith?


When the sun sinks on civilisation, night draws in. And when the sun rises?


Sri Sarada Devi, the Mother of all -- Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, communists, atheists, agnostics, of all.

99. Vandalism everywhere. For what?


100. We are all Hindus. Unite! Do not split resistance through infighting. Now's the time for united defence of the dharma. 


101. 🕉 is the common spiritual base of all Hindu sects. 🕉 is Shabda Brahman, the unvibrated primal sound. 🕉 is God in His first and last manifest formless state. Let 🕉 be your constant chant. Be blessed my Hindu sisters and brothers!


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