1. Why must animals be sacrificed to appease God who is supposedly merciful to all creatures? Is it the hangover of our tribal past?
2. Nice to sacrifice the animal to please God. But how does the animal feel about it?
3. Is there no end to medieval malpractice? Must modern man for all his progress so submit to it?
3. Is there no end to medieval malpractice? Must modern man for all his progress so submit to it?
4. Smile more, frown less, do your duty with love and care, and all will be fine.
5. Spiritualisation of the whole of humanity seems to be the only hope for the survival of civilisation. Ugly nationalism must go.
5. Spiritualisation of the whole of humanity seems to be the only hope for the survival of civilisation. Ugly nationalism must go.
6. The treaty between humans and animals needs to be drawn up fast and animal sacrifice in religious festivals stopped altogether.
7. There is a great deal of anger in the mind of man owing to past injustices meted out to him. But forgiveness remains the way ahead. Forgetfulness need not be, for the mistakes of the past must not be allowed to repeat.
7. There is a great deal of anger in the mind of man owing to past injustices meted out to him. But forgiveness remains the way ahead. Forgetfulness need not be, for the mistakes of the past must not be allowed to repeat.
8. The environmental threat and that of nuclear holocaust both impel nations to work together instead of for petty national interest.
9. Europe colonised Asia and Africa to civilise them. Now Europe is being recolonised by Muslim immigrants for her re-civilisation.
10. The clash of cultures is on. Christianity and Islam collide in their bid for world-domination as Hindus watch the play in amusement.
11. These adolescent religions are creating cultural confusions the world over. Let our adult dharma be their guide.
12. Human pretence above, animality beneath -- this is civilisation.
13. A superficial liberalism need not be castigated as pseudo-liberalism but must be critiqued to point out its shortcomings.
14. A half-truth distorts and is often worse than an untruth for the former deceives and leaves behind its toxic trail for evil to persist.
15. We have struggled for one thousand years to get our freedom. Now let us be strong enough to preserve it. No foolishness anymore.
16. The kshatriya spirit of the Hindus must be awakened once more for them to rise in defence of the dharma. Real valour, not rioting.
17. Peace will come when everybody submits to the Final Word beyond which there may not be any. It will be peace indeed, peace in pieces!
18. How wonderful it is that men utterly ignorant of the content of malefic texts pronounce them to be benign and as pathfinders to Truth!
19. Hell? Heaven? How long must men entertain these foolish notions and cower before a tyrannical dictator whose divinity is so suspect?
20. Pointless attempting to reform medieval malefic texts that hold humanity to ransom. Just reject them and breathe the air of freedom.
21. It is better to depend on oneself and on others sympathetic to us than to depend on an imaginary God who will never help.
22. The political problems of the world are far too complex for easy solutions. Evolution takes tortuous routes through conflict.
22. The political problems of the world are far too complex for easy solutions. Evolution takes tortuous routes through conflict.
23. Employ every human means and science to subvert culture and pronounce that it is, after all, divine help that did it. Hypocrites!
24. Sectarian sympathies. Oh, how limited they are even in that universal attribute called love !
25. Beliefs are fanciful ideas that give comfort. They cannot be termed truth.
26. Umbilical cords are never cut. We are still within Mother's womb.
30. A man of God is to be judged by his level of chastity before being pronounced great. Conquest of passions is the key.
26. Umbilical cords are never cut. We are still within Mother's womb.
27. The ideal of our women is Sarada Devi, the synthesis of Seeta, Savitri, Damayanti and so much more.
28. Ramakrishna remains yet the only hope of harmony in a world that has strayed from the original truth of the Atman. Study him.
29. The original truth is the final truth. It is the Atman, the Self of man and all that is.
30. A man of God is to be judged by his level of chastity before being pronounced great. Conquest of passions is the key.
31. Let people show their faces on their facebook profiles. Why remain incognito? Fear whom? Be bold and come out into the open.
32. On television on news night shows we must not behave like a bunch of hooligans. We are a civilised people after all.
33. We in this country emulate sages, not politicians who stall Parliamentary proceedings. Let us be civil in our social discourse.
34. Democracy has sounded the death-knell of culture.
35. How will education help when the very basis of it is flawed and rooted in self-assertion? Self-sacrifice is the call to culture.
35. How will education help when the very basis of it is flawed and rooted in self-assertion? Self-sacrifice is the call to culture.
36. Atheism may be practised in humility and not in egotistical display and disregard of all religious and cultural sensibilities.
37. There is too much poison as yet in human blood that hundreds of Buddhas need to reborn to purify humanity. Dare ye be one such?
38. Politician = Pollution
39. The debt to my father I can never repay. His love and sacrifice looms large in my vision as he eludes me in death even now.
39. The debt to my father I can never repay. His love and sacrifice looms large in my vision as he eludes me in death even now.
40. I know of only one devotee who has the spine to stand up for truth. He is Manoj Sivan and Sri Ramakrishna is blessing him for it.
41. When I suffer, Mother save me. When others suffer, it is Mother's will, what can I do? Bravo, Mother's children, what devotion !
42. The first sign of spirituality is courage, fearlessness, faith in the power of truth and the fighting spirit to live up to it.
43. Cowardice has no place in life. No person who has a modicum of devotion can coward ever be. And yet, this is what is so common.
44. Social media I use to help quicken human consciousness about many contentious issues. Yet, what a poor response do I receive !
45. The religion that imposes its doctrines most on its adherents is the one that will die the fastest despite temporary gains.
46. I once more exhort the monks of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission to teach on fb the essential principles of Hinduism.
47. Do not allow the Hindu culture of India to be subverted by the influx of foreign religious culture. Hinduism is the life of India.
48. How can we allow our rich Hindu culture to be lost to our children through sheer self-ignorance and lapse in teaching it to them?
49. Resist conversion, save Hinduism.
48. How can we allow our rich Hindu culture to be lost to our children through sheer self-ignorance and lapse in teaching it to them?
49. Resist conversion, save Hinduism.
50. How can Christianity and Islam ever be peaceful if they pursue conversion as organised religious policy?
51. Monotheism breeds violence on account of its exclusiveness. Better the Hindu democratic system of worship of the Ishta.
51. Monotheism breeds violence on account of its exclusiveness. Better the Hindu democratic system of worship of the Ishta.
52. It is disheartening to see Hindus not being active enough in the practice of their dharma. We must strengthen our religious base.
53. Must we awake when there will remain no room left for our survival as Hindus in the subcontinent? My sisters, my brothers, arise !
53. Must we awake when there will remain no room left for our survival as Hindus in the subcontinent? My sisters, my brothers, arise !
54. Shed superstition, be scientific.
55. Religious fanaticism works in a weird way of subservience of the slave to his master and doing his will at any cost.
56. What a bait this dangling heaven that hangs over human head is and what a disappointment it will be when such hopes will be belied !
57. Monks of the Ramakrishna Order, use facebook vigorously to spread the message of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda-Vedanta. Combine !
58. It is frustrating to see only individual effort for Ramakrishna-Vivekananda's cause. Why can't devotees and monks combine on fb?
59. Is there any doubt in anybody's mind still that Swami Nirmalananda is a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna? If so, speak.
60. Is it necessary for some monks to speak rudely to devotees simply because they think of themselves as superior to the run of humanity?
61. The more Sw. Nirmalananda's status as direct disciple of Ramakrishna is covered up, the more will it get exposed before the world.
61. The more Sw. Nirmalananda's status as direct disciple of Ramakrishna is covered up, the more will it get exposed before the world.
62. Only a truthful person can preach the message of Ramakrishna for the Master was truth incarnate and his message is all about truth.
63. It is violence everywhere. Violence at the domestic front, violence between nations, violence against the very soul of man. Peace!
63. It is violence everywhere. Violence at the domestic front, violence between nations, violence against the very soul of man. Peace!
64. Lies, deceit, fraud, violence -- these have been the constituents of civilisation as much as truth, honesty, virtue and peacefulness.
Sugata Bose : Yes, indeed, but this is a dynamic zero balance over time and never exactly so at any specific moment, for that would lead to annihilation of all that phenomenally exists. The periodic progression and retrogression of civilisation occurs on account on an ever-shifting dynamic play of forces, good and evil. When the scales are tilted towards the Spirit, there is spiritual progression and rise in ethical values, and when the scales are tilted towards Matter, there is material progression with a corresponding decline in spirituality, morality, ethics et al. Good and evil here are being described with reference to collective well-being and not in absolute terms, for these are relative understandings from individual standpoints and perspectives thereof. The entire subject is most complex and mathematically woven and a casual verbal reference to it generally misrepresents it. @ Debaprasad Bhattacharya
Debaprasad Bhattacharya To make a zero balance there must be as much evil in the society as good.
65. If there is a sin on earth, it is injuring others by placing self-interest above everything else.
66. Powers of goodness, combine ! Resist the forces of darkness. Else, evil will reign with impunity.
67. The poor suffer a worse deal in life than God can recompense them in His high heaven. Serve the poor as incarnate divinities.
68. Rationalise the people of the world without robbing them of their innate reverence for the inner life. Let God dwell in the heart.
69. Passive piety often is a form of siding with prevailing untruths and is even in a sense violence of sorts against truth and justice.
70. Insult man like anything,then burn incense sticks before God.Your God will help vitalise your being to heap further insult on man.
70. Insult man like anything,then burn incense sticks before God.Your God will help vitalise your being to heap further insult on man.
71. There is a being higher than in all heaven and He resides in the midst of your heart. O man, awaken to your inner Self.
72. Is there truth absolute in this world? No, this world is a mixture of truth and untruth. And yet, Ramakrishna embodies Truth.
73. The world is on fire and men are working at it to douse the flames. But it is of no avail. Despite all effort, it will burn all the same.
72. Is there truth absolute in this world? No, this world is a mixture of truth and untruth. And yet, Ramakrishna embodies Truth.
73. The world is on fire and men are working at it to douse the flames. But it is of no avail. Despite all effort, it will burn all the same.
74. Daily you affirm your puny self and daily get crushed by Nature for it. Yet the attempt to uphold the ephemeral persists. Maya !
75. There is a meaning to life only when viewed in the light of the Self within. Else, it is chaos all the way.
76. Spiritual ignorance is the breeding ground for violence in the name of religion and theology often supports such violence. Sad !
77. Conversion is violence and proselytising religions are political movements in the name of God. There spirituality is utterly absent.
75. There is a meaning to life only when viewed in the light of the Self within. Else, it is chaos all the way.
76. Spiritual ignorance is the breeding ground for violence in the name of religion and theology often supports such violence. Sad !
77. Conversion is violence and proselytising religions are political movements in the name of God. There spirituality is utterly absent.
78. Education liberates the mind. Educate children in the sciences. Stop indoctrinating them with poisonous scriptural passages.
79. It will be increasingly difficult for modern man to accept man-made medieval laws as revealed injunctions of God. Fraudulence !
80. Sanjay Manjrekar is ever critical of Indian players. Undue criticism of one's own people ever before the world at large is unpatriotic, improper.
80. Sanjay Manjrekar is ever critical of Indian players. Undue criticism of one's own people ever before the world at large is unpatriotic, improper.
81. Greed is eating into the vitals of Indian society as India emerges a global economic power.
82. Catering to self-interest does not let us combine for a good cause. We must learn to coordinate effort through self-abnegation.
83. Are we a race of jokers who TV ads attempt to foolishly amuse? Are we a mass of rowdies that a news channel projects us to be?
82. Catering to self-interest does not let us combine for a good cause. We must learn to coordinate effort through self-abnegation.
83. Are we a race of jokers who TV ads attempt to foolishly amuse? Are we a mass of rowdies that a news channel projects us to be?
84. The way we project ourselves as a people before the world constitutes our national image and this every Indian must bear in mind.
85. Goswamis were the most tranquil people in the world. Now things have sadly changed with one such raising a ruckus each night on TV.
86. Parliament is the place for enlightened discussion on national affairs. I wonder if many an MP quite can fathom what I said.
87. It distresses me to see such a display of egotism at every front in our national life and so little of the urge to build our nation.
88. Conversion is a wicked practice conducted by proselytising religions. It exposes the spiritual hollowness of these religions.
88. Conversion is a wicked practice conducted by proselytising religions. It exposes the spiritual hollowness of these religions.
89. Hindus, awake to your religion and defend your faith. Else, you will be wiped out in the course of the next several centuries.
90. Conversion to Islam and Christianity through force, fraud and inducement poses the biggest threat to Hinduism and the world.
91. They came into our land, conquered us, converted us, and the process goes on till date unabated. What is the future of Hinduism?
92. Hindus, stand fast. Learn about your religion, practise it and defend it against proselytising aggression by Islam and Christianity.
92. Hindus, stand fast. Learn about your religion, practise it and defend it against proselytising aggression by Islam and Christianity.
93. Demographic changes through conversion, immigration n high fertility rate pose a challenge to Hindus that must be met adequately.
94. The cultural threat consequent on conversion en masse is a challenge before the communities attempting national cohesion.
95. Humanity must prevail despite differences among peoples. Acceptance of each other's viewpoints as valid holds the key to it.
96. However you may torture women, know for certain that feminine power is on the rise, unstoppable, irresistible, everywhere.
97. Liberals across the world must unite to fight fanaticism but it must be by recognition of the evil square on and not partially.
98. The mantra is the password to God.
99. Swami Madhavananda was an outstanding monk about whom Holy Mother had said, ''I see he is the elephant's tusk rimmed in gold.''
99. Swami Madhavananda was an outstanding monk about whom Holy Mother had said, ''I see he is the elephant's tusk rimmed in gold.''
100. Swami Sankaranananda was monk of Shiva-like stature, blazing with the fire of renunciation. He had seen Swami Vivekananda.
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