Sunday 16 December 2018



The peerless Tulsi Maharaj, the suffering, sacrificed apostle of Sri Ramakrishna upon whose resurrection rests the very future of the spiritual revolution initiated in the name of the Master, for it is truth that it stands upon and it will be sustained in truth alone and never in unfair play or the marginalising of one whose very life was emblematic of the ideal love of adisciple, one who gave his life-blood to the sowing of spiritual seeds for the movement but reaped in return calumny, indifference, misapprehension and oblivion from the very ones he bled his way through.

But the Guru is great and gracious and ever enfolds his beloved Tulsi in his divine arms, the Mother is caressing his wounds and healing his hurt with her loving touch and the elder brother has not forgotten him even in his exalted spiritual realm from where he ever blesses this ideal monk of his estimation with gay abandon.

Tulsi Maharaj, the servant of his Master, the master of his senses, the sacrifice for the movement, yet remains the hero of my spiritual dreams. Jai Ramakrishna ! Jai Ma ! Jai Swamiji ! Jai Tulsi Maharaj ! 

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : courtesy, Manoj Sivan

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