Sunday 23 December 2018



Subhamita, a girl with enormous potential for self-evolution along the path laid down by Swamiji. The closed eyes of the child are incidental but are indicative of the essential spiritual quality of the Indian race. Swamiji had entertained high hopes for the future children of India, especially the girls who he wished would grow up to Gargis, Maitreyees, Leelavatis and Udaybharatis, and like the Brahmavadinis of yore. However, economic deprivation often comes in the way of the proper flowering of these children as also the lack of sufficient awareness and opportunity which hold therm back. It is hoped that this girl who is bright and of a cheerful disposition will make her way through life and create opportunities for many more like her as well when she matures into the fullness of her being.

Written by Sugata Bose

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