Wednesday, 5 December 2018



1. Why must animals be sacrificed to appease God who is supposedly merciful to all creatures? Is it the hangover of our tribal past?

2. Why not offer ourselves instead, our passions, desires, ignorance, sin et al as Thakur taught us by giving them up? That would do a world of good. Why the innocent goat to substantiate this logic of sacrificial meat-eating, holy meat-eating? 

3. The Spirit does not need anything. These are all tribal cultural compositions and their inertial flow down the ages. The human mind, organic in nature as it is, is extremely conservative in its tendencies and refuses to evolve easily beyond what the beaten track minimally allows it to. 

4. Nice to sacrifice the animal to please God. But how does the animal feel about it?

5. The treaty between humans and animals needs to be drawn up fast and animal sacrifice in religious festivals stopped altogether.

6. No amount of rationalisation can justify the killing of innocent animals at the time of festive joy. Even God today shudders to be incarnated as animal.

7. What valour can be there in modern man revelling in animal sacrifice? Tagore had made Hashi say in 'Rajarshi', ''Why so much blood?'' [Eto rakta keno?]

8. Is the animal consulted before it suffers sacrifice? Is it given a chance to defend its case of self-survival? Is it not a prime party to the case? Then why this legal offence committed in all fairness? Is it fair to sacrifice it after all? If not, then this is not spirituality. It is barbarism of the ages past and hanging over our consciousness like a dark cloud of primeval ignorance.

9. Taste buds nip all our righteous attempts right there in the bud as we coax up arguments for the sacrificial meat to be consumed despite tall protestations against such consumption of innocence.

Written by Sugata Bose

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