Wednesday 5 December 2018


(Translated by Sugata Bose) ... 6

Advent : 23 December, 1863 ; Mahasamadhi : 26 April, 1938

(The life, lectures, conversations and letters of Swami Nirmalananda, direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna)
Copyright : Sri Ramakrishna-Sarada Math, Baghbazar, Kolkata 700 003

Chapter 1 : Introduction ... 1
The following news was published in the Jaishtha edition, 1345 (May-June edition, 1938) of the Bengali journal 'Udbodhan' of the Ramakrishna Order : ''On Tuesday, 26 April, 1938, Swami Nirmalananda Maharaj gave up his body at the age of 75 at a place called Ottapalam in the Malabar province. Swami Nirmalananda was born in the renowned Datta family located in the Basu neighbourhood of Baghbazar. His premonastic name was Tulsidas Datta and his father's name Debnath Datta. Tulsi had the good fortune to see Sri Ramakrishna in Balaram Basu's house in Baghbazar in early youth. After the passing away of Sri Ramakrishna he joined the Baranagar Math and came to be known as Swami Nirmalananda. He was held in great affection by Swami Vivekananda. In 1903 he was sent over to America to help Swami Abhedananda in his work and upon returning to India in 1906 he spent several years in pilgrimage and spiritual austerity in North India. In 1909 he was sent to assist in the work of the Banglaore Ashrama in South India that had been established by Swami Ramakrishananda. Swami Nirmalananda remained the President of the Bangalore Ashrama for over twenty years and exerted himself in preaching the message of Sri Ramakrishna in different places of South India. He also established several ashramas in the Malabar region. His high energy and eloquence was unique. He has left behind a host of devotees and disciples. Everybody is grief-stricken by his demise.''

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