Sunday 30 December 2018



Capitalism today is a necessary evil that will build the economic system on its quicksand basis founded on greed and will then sink at its height owing to its own contradictions. What is needed, though, is an alternative system that is just and fair and not based on totalitarian principles as applied Marxism-Leninism-Maoism have been.

Theory may be fine but it is in the application that human attributes make or mar a system built on such theory. Here India shows the way of character-formation based on the pristine principles of the Vedas. An amalgamation of socialism and spiritualism of the Indian dharma tradition would be the ideal future system for amelioration of much of the current evils of society.

The socioeconomic development must be along spiritual philosophical lines so that power and authority does not spell the doom of handsome theory of elimination of the evils of capitalism. It may not be long before such experiments start being made and it will then usher in a golden age of scientific-spiritual culture for humanity to flourish along its future path of evolution.

Written by Sugata Bose

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