Thursday 6 December 2018


(Translated by Sugata Bose) ... 8

Advent : 23 December, 1863 ; Mahasamadhi : 26 April, 1938

(The life, lectures, conversations and letters of Swami Nirmalananda, direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna)
Copyright : Sri Ramakrishna-Sarada Math, Baghbazar, Kolkata 700 003

Chapter 1 : Introduction ... 3
Sri Baikunthanath Sanyal was Sri Ramakrishna's direct disciple. He has provided the following account on Swami Nirmalananda in his book 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leelamrita' on page 354 :

''When too many people would not frequent the Master, he (Tulsi) would visit him and listen to his nectarine words of wisdom. This is why many of us never saw him with Thakur. He was born of the Dattas of Baghbazar, Bosepara, at whose residence through the year festivities reigned. Gangadhar and Hari lived in the same locality and were of the same age as Tulsi. Drawn by the attraction of Swamiji, Tulsi joined the Baranagar Math and received sannyasa (monastic vows) from him. Swami Nirmalananda is a man of intense renunciation, erudition, eloquence and humour. There was a time when Kali (Swami Abhedananda) and Tulsi (Swami Nirmalananda) were inseparable buddies, a gem of a pair. This is why brother Kali took him over to America to preach the message of the Master. Tulsi Maharaj has established many a monastery in the Deccan in his bid to propagate the message and ideals of Sri Ramakrishna.''

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