Saturday 22 December 2018



Swami Gambhirananda was a monk extraordinaire cast in the stern martial mould. His 'History of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission' is a classic study of the evolution of the Ramakrishna Order and remains to this day the guiding historical manual for all researchers on the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Movement.

Unfortunately, the issue of Swami Nirmalananda's differences with the Belur Math authorities as depicted in this book has caused considerable disaffection among countless devotees who adore the dynamic brother disciple of Swami Vivekananda and there remain terrible misgivings among them about the allegedly inaccurate description of events therein. The subsequent marginalisation of Tulsi Maharaj from the narratives of the Order in their books and photo publications, barring a few old authentic books which continue to validate Nirmalananda Swami as the rightful direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, has further alienated many a devotee from the mainstream of the Mission.

It is time that a corrective edition be brought about where suitable editing be done incorporating all the facts of the dispute between Tulsi Maharaj and the Belur Math so that the foggy air be cleared of all the dross regarding this issue and in the resulting clarified atmosphere truth may shine in all glory. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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