Wednesday, 5 December 2018



A half-truth distorts and is often worse than an untruth for the former deceives and leaves behind its toxic trail for evil to persist while the latter, bold in clear articulation, announces intent to be combated with force and eliminated.

Deception and deflection are the twin ploys of evil which uses cover to mislead and misappropriate, then uses force to eliminate resistance and set up its toxic empire. To be civil to such a dishonest brand of barbarism is to commit suicide in ignorance of the facts. Therefore, knowledge fundamental of essential doctrine of a system of theology or political ideology is of paramount importance and not assumptions based on one's location in life and cultural conditioning thereof.

Thought is the impelling force of action and it is here that explosives are mined for future subversion of societal values, desecration of culture and destruction of civilisation. The human mind is extremely pliable and a system of sustained indoctrination invariably wins its way through the psyche of countless fringe personalities numbering tens of millions which thereby becomes a potent threat to sustenance of security and a malefic further influence on moderate minds. The slide goes on and gains momentum as more and more are drawn into this sinister programme of perversion of innocence right from early hours and, as the day lengthens, there are millions ready to live and die for the cause of a reward in the hereafter based on righteous violence perpetrated here.

The script is there for the scripture sanctions it and the invisible hand that deals the deathblow to discrimination also lends doctrinaire hope of an eternity of bliss and instils fear of a damnation dreadful in case of disobedience of the imperial imperatives of this divine dictator that brooks no dissent or denial of its absolute injunctions. How civilisation will respond to this archaic arbitration hanging over it like the proverbial sword only the future will tell but preparations in knowledge must now begin if foolish misconceptions of the peaceful intent of this movement are to be countered with a rational understanding of its core concerns, aims, objectives and eventual ends.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : The palm impression of Swami Vivekananda. It reveals something, conceals something else, guides and misguides man unto the unfolding future within a lifetime. What does humanity's future hold out today? What are the portents that are to be right construed so that a calamitous event does not befall it in the near future? Where is humanity's overall palm impression? And who will read it right?

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